Chapter 6.

Seven days later, Berilan, Marc, Merethyl and Unae arrived in the country of Glalissa, the kingdom of the dwarves. They had left Ruven and Ristel at the cave to protect Calaudra and Githa.

Riding into the kingdom on horsebacks, they were amazed at what they saw, the place was already in ruins, implying that the enemy was there before them.

"We are late." Unae said after having some flashes of what had happened there through the help of her magic.

"It's not time to lose faith. There should be a survivor, someone that will lead us to the mountains." Merethyl gave them a reason to keep their faith up.

It was good idea, so they alight their horses and began to look around, checking the destroyed buildings.

As Berilan came close to an entrance of one of the houses, all of a sudden the door pushed him away to the ground, and that made the others come his way at once.

"Be careful," Berilan said to Unae who sensed magic there and drew close to the entrance which was now open because the door had gone off.

Unae drew an arrow, releasing it into the house and the arrow brought about a magical light to flash inside the house, one that would cause temporary blindness. Afterwards she went inside only to see a huge fellow grab her by the neck and brought her out.

"Put her down." Merethyl commanded as she drew an arrow, while Marc and Berilan drew out their swords to attack man.

"What is a human doing with the elves here in the kingdom of the dwarves?" The fellow asked, still holding Unae firm by the neck not minding the fact that she was choking, afterall, they were trespassing.

"And what is a giant doing in the dwarf lands?" Berilan asked back.

"Put her down, and we'll spare your life." Marc said with all audacity.

"I'd like to see you try," the giant threw Unae on him and they both fell on the ground.

Then Merethyl, released the arrow but it was unable to penetrate its skin, so it attacked Merethyl.

"Stop!" Berilan shouted before it hit Merethyl. After seeing how an arrow couldn't penetrate his skin, he felt their sword would also do it know harm, as such he dropped it.

"You," the giant turned to Berilan.

"What are you doing Berilan?" Marc asked after getting back on his feet.

"Lay down your weapons, all of you." Berilan commanded them and they obeyed.

"Wise choice." The giant acknowledged, as he became calm. "Now what are you doing here?"

"We come seeking the help of the dwarves. What about you?" Berilan replied.

To their greatest surprise, the giant began to shrink in size until it was finally the size of a man, though a bit shorter and more muscular.

"What are you supposed to be?" Unae asked since that spell was strange to her.

"Everything isn't magic." The fellow answered after reading her mind. "I am a dwarf, from the bloodline of a giant. You can call me Kilin Jendor."

"You're also a hybrid?" Marc said. It was quite exciting to him that he wasn't the only one sharing ancestry with two different race.

Due to his excitement, Kilin figured it out. "You are a half-elf?"

"Can we get back to business here?" Berilan interrupted, "We need to get to the mountains, I guess that is where the dwarves had fled to."

"Yes, but they won't allow anyone who is not their kin inside." Kilin answered.

"That is why we have you, you share dwarfish blood and I'm sure you can be smaller than this." Unae said, still with the impression that it was magic that made him grow.

"No, this is my usual size."

"You can still take us there." Merethyl said.

"Not until you've told me why it is so important to you."

"You've seen what happened here, it's going for the human cities next, the elf lands have been overthrown, good is gradually coming to an end, so we need the help of the dwarvish magicians to prevent it, and fight against evil." Berilan explained to him.

"I'm sorry, but the dwarves will not help, so there is no need to waste your time. I know my kin."

"Take us there first, we don't lose hope until we've tried." Berilan said.

"I think he is right, it will only while away our time." Marc said after having some flashes in his head, it seemed like a vision.

"We can't give up now after coming this far." Merethyl objected to Marc's suggestion, supporting Berilan.

"Don't say I didn't warn you," Kilin finally agreed to take them to Oakhampton mountain to meet the dwarves.


They waited for over nine hours at the entrance of the mountain negotiating with the guards, just to speak with the dwarf king. Kilin was sitting some meters away from them because he knew they would never be granted access into the mountains, so he was simply waiting for them to get tired of negotiating and turn around.

Finally at the tenth hour of their waiting, they finally gave up, came to sit close to Kilin.

"Are you ready to head back?" Kilin asked mockingly.

"No, we'll wait a little more." Berilan refused to let go of his pride, even when the looks on Merethyl and Unae faces were in support of leaving. At least they've tried their best.

Marc, on his path after seeing that vision, didn't stress himself in the negotiation process. He knew how it would end already, before their coming.

When they've all lost hope on entering the mountains and Berilan finally agreed to leave, that was the moment they heard the sound of the gates being rolled open, causing them to jump to their feet and turn around.

Behold, five dwarves approached them, and the one in the middle appeared to be their king. He was coming forth with his commanders and two advisers, more like magicians.

"Princess Merethyl," Taldak Hackshield, the dwarf king, called her name after recognizing her.

"Lord Taldak," Merethyl saluted in return.

"What brings you to Oakhampton?" Taldak asked.

"We come seeking your help, the help of your magicians. Evil has been reborn, and together we must stop it from defeating good." Merethyl answered.

"Since evil cannot be defeated, we've tried several times, so we've chosen to stay under the mountain, away from it." Taldak answered her.

"There is a vision on how to defeat evil, and that is if we fight together." Merethyl said.

"Fight together, you say? The elves are gone, and we've lost the majority of our kin. So tell me, what army is going to stop evil?"

Merethyl and Berilan were shocked at how the dwarves came to know about their defeat.

Seeing their shock, Taldak added, "We also have seers, Merethyl, so do not be surprised."

"Not all the elves are dead, my lord." Unae had to speak up.

"And who are you?" Taldak asked.

But one of his magicians, Thirdar Balderk said. "Unae, last of the elfish magicians. Weakest of them all."

"I see," Taldak continued, "So you are the magician that want to stop evil?"

"No my lord, together we'll all defeat evil." Merethyl took over the conversation again.

"I'm sorry, Merethyl, but we are not going to sacrifice more men for a lost course."

"Lord King," Kilin called out as the dwarves turned to return into the mountain.

Taldak looked at who just called him. "Kilin Jendor, we should have ordered you killed while you were still little and weak. How many times do I have to banish you?"

Kilin withdrew his words, knowing how much the dwarf king hated him because he was different.

"How long will you hide under that mountain? How long do you think it will keep you away from this war?" Marc finally said something as he remembered what Calaudra said about trying to keep away from the fight, yet it all turned out useless.

"The half-elf, you think that ring will keep safe? You are not special in any way. Go back to your mother and wait for your death." Travok Grayheart, the second magician said to him.

Since they've all been told how worthless they are, Berilan refused to speak to avoid getting his own cup.

"Go home kids and stop trying to be heros. This fight has already been won long before it begun." Taldak Hackshield said before they continued back into Oakhampton mountain.

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