By the time Nono finally arrived home, it was already dark out.
Unlocking the door to her house, she was greeted by no one, an only child with her father still at work who wouldn't be home for at least another couple of hours.
Climbing the stairs, she went to her bedroom.
Sitting on her bed, she looked around the room.
"Mama..." She whispered.
"What do I do...?" She bit her lip.
"My best friend suddenly hates me; I have no friends at school..."
"Plus, I'm in the class of oddities, automatically deeming me a freak..." Her voice began to shake.
"Mama..." Tears began to well up in her eyes.
"Tell me, what am I still doing here...?" She gulped as the lump in her throat swelled.
"Please, mama, I miss you every single day..." She sniffled.
"I promised you I'd stay strong, but..."
"Was I ever really even strong in the first place...?" She smiled as tears began to run down her face.

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Just as class was about to begin, Wulf began taking attendance."No, Nono today...?" He questioned.Bebe clenched her fists."Alright then, let's get started-""Sorry that I'm late, teach!" Nono cried, hustling through the door."Ah, there you are." Wulf smiled.Bebe looked steadily down as Nono took a seat at her desk next to her.*As Wulf was teaching, the bell rang, signaling the start of lunch."Man, I really have to get used to this bell system..." Wulf muttered as the girls packed up their belongings."Hey, Nono?" Wulf called out just as she was about to walk out the door."Hm?" She turned her head."Do you mind staying back for a second?" He asked."Not at all..." Nono chuckled nervously.Taking a seat on top of his desk, Wulf clapped his hands together."Now," he began."I'm sure there's no deeper meaning behind you being late," he paused.Nono froze.<
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The day had finally arrived—one that many were eagerly awaiting, some dreading, graduation. As Wulf pulled up to the school, he looked around at all the balloons. "Wow..." he whispered. "Mr. Wulf!" A voice cried. "Hey, Olivia!" He exclaimed as the girl ran over to him. "You look ready!" He beamed. "M-mm...!" She nodded enthusiastically. "Say, have you gone to your classroom yet...?" She asked. "No, why?" He frowned. "Well..." Olivia blushed. "Let's just say there are a few thank you presents some of us left for you..." She then giggled. "You guys..." Wulf smiled. "Olivia," he began. "Can I just say how proud I am of you?" He said. "E-eh...?" Olivia quickly looked up at him. "It's been an honor to be your teacher and watch you blossom, you know..." Wulf said, smiling sadly. "Thank you for all of the great efforts you've put in to get here..." He beamed.
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As graduation would soon be approaching, Wulf and Caitlin still had not made up yet."You guys have your graduation practice today, right?" Wulf asked."Mmm!" Sunny nodded."What is even the point of a practice?!" Bebe huffed."Well..." Wulf chuckled."Mr. Wulf's class, Ms. Caitlin, is here to take you to your practice," the principal announced from the doorway.As the class got up, Wulf looked up at them, walking out."Man..." Wulf said."So this is really it, huh...?" He whispered, smiling sadly."Don't go getting sentimental on us now!" Nono exclaimed, with tears in her eyes."Look at you; you're crying, and yet I'm the sentimental one...?" Wulf chuckled."S-stop...!" Nono sniffled."C'mon, Nono," Bebe said, tugging her sleeve."Break a leg!" Wulf shouted as the door closed behind them."Don't actually..." He said, chuckling nervously."Now then," he began, laying his head dow
Several weeks flew by since the incident; Caitlin had returned to work but had since steered clear of Wulf.Wulf played everything off with his students, trying to make everything seem like it was normal. However, it was obvious that there was tension."We need to do something..." Nono whispered to Kiara."What do you suggest we do...?" Kiara responded."We could tell them we're setting them up on a blind date then have them meet each other...!" Goo said, hopeful."Shhh!" Bebe scolded as Wulf turned around."Girls, is there a problem?" He asked."No, sir..." Nono mumbled."We have to do something, and fast, graduation is coming up soon and..." Goo paused."W-we won't be his students anymore; we can't possibly fail him...!" She cried."Guys, seriously?" Wulf frowned."What is so much more important than this lesson?" he narrowed his eyes."It can wait." He scolded."S-sorry Mr. Wulf..." Goo whi
As Wulf pulled up to the school, he let out a sigh."I really don't want to be here..." He grumbled."Mr. Wulf?" A voice called out.Wulf turned around, met by a stunning looking Rouge."R-Rouge...!" Wulf exclaimed."You look really nice..." He smiled.Rouge blushed."You think so...?" She chuckled."So, are you ready?" Rouge asked excitedly."I guess..." Wulf said, laughing nervously."Say, you have something on your face," Rouge frowned, leaning in close.Wulf blushed.Just then, a red car pulled up behind them."Wulf!" A voice cried out."Caitlin?" Wulf called out.Rouge narrowed her eyes."Turn around, silly!" She exclaimed.As he turned, Wulf was met by Caitlin, who for once had her hair down, sporting a red sleeveless dress."How do I look?" She giggled, doing a spin.Wulf's face turned bright red."G-great...!" He managed to squeak out.
Prom Eve
The day before prom was a busy and eventful one. Girls talking about what dresses they're wearing, who they're bringing, and of course, who the prom queens will be.It was the same in Mr. Wulf's class; much to Wulf's annoyance, the girls were out of their chairs eagerly discussing the event."Say, Nono are you taking Bebe?" Goo asked excitedly."M-mm...!" Nono nodded her head."Speaking of Bebe, where is she?" Poppy asked."Yeah, she's usually not absent..." Madison whispered."Oh, no worries, she took an absence so she could go shopping for a nice dress!" Nono beamed."Maci," Kiara began as she turned to her."Have a date?" She asked."No..." Maci frowned."Then hang out with Goo and me!" Kiara beamed.Maci looked at her, then smiled."'Kay..." She nodded."Sunny, come here!" Olivia called out."What's up?" Sunny asked as she walked over."Come, look at my dress...!" Olivia beam
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As class ended and all his students left, Wulf began stacking papers on his desk."Oh my," a voice called out from the doorway."Hm?" Wulf looked up, met face to face with Ms. Rouge."O-oh hey, Rouge...!" Wulf chuckled."Y-your face is awfully close to my face right now...!" He whispered, clearing his throat."It's just..." Rouge began, leaning on the desk."A little birdie told me you weren't going to prom." She narrowed her eyes."Is that true...?" She questioned."M-mm..." He nodded."Had a bad prom experience prior?" Rouge asked, lifting a brow."Date broke your heart into a million pieces?" She smirked."N-no, it's just...""Well, Wulfy," Rouge began, bopping his nose."Unfortunately, no matter your reasoning, I'm afraid all staff must be in attendance as prom supervisors..." She said, standing up."That means you, me, and the rest of us teachers, Wulf." She winked."Oh, but
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As Wulf pulled up to the school, he couldn't help but smile."Right, today's the day..." He whispered.Danny, please watch over each of my kids and ensure that they all make it to graduation... He thought to himself.*As he entered the classroom, he noticed an envelope of exam results."Oh, boy..." He whispered."Seems somebody lacks some faith after all..."Wulf spun around, met by Rouge."Hey," she waved."Just wanted to congratulate you; seems you make a pretty great teacher after all," she smiled."A-ah, thanks..." Wulf chuckled nervously."Anyway, I'd better get going; congrats again," Rouge smiled, giving a wave as she left."A sincere smile...?" Wulf whispered to himself.*Reading through the results, Wulf's eyes widened."They did it..." he whispered in astonishment."They really did it...!" He cried."Did what?" A voice called out."Sunny!
The Results
After three more tests, the big exam week was finally over."Good morning, girls," Wulf greeted, walking to the front of the room."As you may be well aware, the grades have come in," he said."Now," I'm not allowed to give your grades, but," he paused."I have to say, I'm pretty impressed overall..." He grinned."Is that a hint...?" Nono whispered to Kiara."Beats me," Kiara replied."You'll just have to wait and see...!" Wulf smirked.*As Wulf's class arrived at the gymnasium, whispers were going around."Ignore them..." Wulf reassured."What are you staring at?!" Bebe snarled."Beebs, chill..." Nono warned, grabbing her arm."Girls, behave!" Wulf scolded.*As Wulf's class took their seats all the way in the back row, the principal walked up on stage."Ladies," she began."And Mr. Wulf..." She mumbled."Gee, thanks," Wulf grumbled."First of all, I