
As Sunny walked up to her house's front door, she was met by her report card taped to the door.

Hesitantly opening the door, she noticed the lights were out.

"Mom, dad...?" She called out.

No response.

She then noticed a note on the fridge.

Taking Luna out for dinner to celebrate her A's.


Sunny felt a lump in her throat.

Why... Why do they have to mock me, even when I'm trying my best...?

Tears trickled down her face. Without much thought, she ran to a drawer containing scissors.

"I'll show them..." She growled, clutching the scissors.


As Wulf was greeting his students before class, a girl bumped into him.

"Ah, sorry about that," he turned to notice the last person walking in was Sunny.

"Sunny...?" Wulf called out.

Ignoring him, Sunny plugged her headphones in.

"Maci," she began.

"What's that band that you like?"

Maci quickly turned around, ta

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