
As I lie on the ground, exhausted, someone claps their hands. I lift my head to find someone dressed from head to toe in diamond knight's armour. He continues to clap his hands as I lift myself from the ground.

"What a wonderful spectacle," he says. "You outperformed Satan in quite a unique way." Deep inside the abyss of his mask, red eyes glare at Satan. "Do you yield, Satan?"

The ice around Satan starts melting. After a few seconds, cracks appear in various spots around him and he breaks free from the spell. He looks at me and smiles, "Yes, I yield."

"Good. Then, we can start making our way to the castle."

"I'm sorry," I say, confused. "Who are you?"

His eyes move to me. "I am The Greedy Mammon—one of the seven mortal sins."

"I see..." I scan his body. From head to toe, he's covered in diamond. "Why—"

"Why am I covered head to toe in diamond armour, you ask?"

"Well, yes but—"

"No need to concern yourself with such measly worries. I wear this armour because it is the most expensive a
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