I sit in front of the demon, speechless. He told me an unbelievable story, but what stuck out was, "I am an artificial dragon?"

"No, you are an Artificial Being. You have the DNA of each of the Six True Gods; however, since you were raised in Ragnarök, you only accessed part of your genealogy."

"I find this all hard to believe."

"Hmm. Ok, then how about I prove it to you? Close your eyes and focus on the area next to your shoulder blades."

"What are you talking about?"

"Just do it. Trust me."

I don't know if I can trust anything this demon says, but he is the only person who has given me any answers. I close my eyes and follow his instructions. But after a minute of standing in silence, nothing happens. Just as I want to open my eyes, I feel something growing from my back. I open my eyes and behind me are wings of blood.

"What is this!?"

"Those are demon wings. A demon grows them when they reach adulthood. And since you are an entity that has existed for millions of years, your
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