What is this power I feel coursing through my body? My skin has become tan, and I have wings that can't retract. They are reminiscent of fairy wings - translucent, with a beautiful spiral pattern. Not only that, but my vision has improved immensely - without using magic, I can see further than a hawk. I also feel strong physically. I walk to a nearby tree. I punch the air, which causes all the trees and snow in the area to disappear. "Did the trees just vaporise?"

"You have the physical strength of a dragon and giant. Your hair is dyed midnight black, your irises are blood-red, and your pupils are stretched out like rubber. Your skin has become tan, like that of the giant race. Your height has shortened, which makes you look like a child. And you have a heavenly aura that places you in league with the Gods."

"This is my new race? An Acceelos. I feel a power surge from deep within me. Is this the power of ALL?"

"Yes. You have merged the powers of every True God - which converged with
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