CHAPTER 4. Top priority 

         "I'm sorry", the doctor muttered and walked to his office 


A loud gasp escaped Elena's lips as she heard the words of the doctor, and she slumped, unconscious.

Some nurses rushed over to her and wheeled her to the emergency room.

Carlos's face was as white as sheet, as he heard the information shared by the doctor. He looked to his master worriedly.

General Damien lowered his head as he hid his emotions beneath dark eyes.

The damned asshole who hurt his daughter will pay!

His fingers curled into a fist as he thought about Peter and the things he would do to him when he saw him.

Now was not the time to think about that bastard. Lily needed the best possible help, and he was ready to pull down the heavens to make sure she was alright.

"Great General-"

"No, Carlos'", his voice came out hard and cold as he silenced his surbordinate from saying words of comfort.

"Sir, do we suspend the war against the trespassing enemies?"

He was aware of the complexity of the situation.

General Damien was torn between the choices of being there for his daughter and the threat of the enemies of the country country he was supposed to be fighting against.

He was to be promoted to be nation master by the queen, which would grant him the ultimate and supreme power after he had defeated these enemies, but now he had more responsibilities. 

The country needed him, and his family needed him.

This was a tricky situation, but the determination to save his daughter was greater.

He had been serving the nation for the past few tears, but he had never been there for his frail daughter since she had been born.

"Reach out to the best specialists and doctors you know about", he ordered Carlos, who nodded vehemently. "I need them here in less than hour!"

Carlos nodded and got to work. 

With his mind made up, he pulled out his phone sharply to place a call.


As if on cue, his phone dinged with a call, and he pursed his lips at the sight of the caller.

The Queen.

"Your highness. Greetings"

She responded warmly.

"General, I heard of the new development as regards your family. I will lend you the supreme power to grant you more influence as you help your family"

General Damien, though grateful, said nothing. He still had a cold expression on his face as he listened to her speak.

"You know you were to receive this honorary promotion after the war with the enemies who are trying to break into the country", she continued. 

He listened raptly as she spoke.

"When your daughter is healed, you have to come back and coordinate the army in defending the country from those scoundrels. Their sole mission is to invade Moon City. You can't let that happen. It would have a rapid and devastating effect on the Gross Domestic Product rate, and it would ultimately lead to the downfall of the country."

Damien hummed. He was unruffled by the information. He knew how tressurable Moon City was and its relevance in the country. It was his duty to protect it, and he was doing just what.

"They won't, your highness. Not while I'm still alive", he promised, his voice tightened and his jaw ticking.

"I trust you won't let us down.”

As the call disconnected, some specialists lined into the hospital and walked towards him.

The man and his colleagues stepped in with shock written all over his face as he stared at the great and mighty great general face to face.

They could not believe believe they were afforded such a great opportunity to be standing before him.

The queen had told them of Damien's identity, but seeing him physically was more real.

The confident and authoritative aura he exuded made them want to bow to him.

"I need you to check my daughter and make sure she is alright", his deep rich voice commanded and they nodded rapidly, heading to the ward where the frail little girl lay.

"Of course, great General", he replied respectfully. 

It was such an honour for him. 

As he and his colleagues headed to the room, he was stopped by the doctor.

"Who are you? This is a special ward, and we do not allow just anyone to walk in", he informed them irritatedly. 

"We are the specialists who were invited by the great General to check up on his daughter", the head of the specialists responded coldly.

The doctors eyes widened in shock and recognition.


He almost passed out in shock!

"You are welcome. This way please", he led them in, shame-facedly, embarrassed at his earlier reaction to his superiors.

The leader of the specialists examined Lily for a while, while Damien stood outside the room in anticipation of their response.

After a while, they emerged from behind the closed doors.

The leader sighed.

"It really is a bad case", he started and trailed off for a moment, but the cold expression on Damien's face made him swallow and continued.

"But we could still try", he continued.

Damien gave a curt nod.

"Do your best. She must live!"

With that, he turned to leave with Carlos.

He cracked his knuckles as he went to meet Peter, who was already awake.

The bastard!


Elena looked around the empty ward she was in once she woke up.

The words of the doctor echoed in her mind, and she suddenly felt her heart race.She could not sit there and do nothing about it. She knew it would cost a fortune to get Lily treated.

She was glad Damien was present, but what could he do? The last thing she remembered of him was that he was a poor worker in her parent's company. She doubted much could have changed within a few years of his unfortunate disappearance.

Bitterness clouded her heart, and tears rolled down her cheeks as she knew she would have to go back to Gerald to ask for help.

He would definitely laugh at her in mockery, but she was ready to bear it all for her Lily.


She suppressed the unpleasant feelings in her mind as she disconnected the drips from her hands.

She shoved her pride and dignity aside and sneaked out of the hospital.

She was ready to give everything up for her daughter.

Lily's survival was her priority!

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