[ Willy an executive of the hidden weapon shop named shackles invited the trio of Arin, sena and saren to see the special products. Saren told to both Arin and sena to no matter what don't get separated him in the shackles ]

" Welcome to our secret stash of weapons and tools " Willy welcomed them and told them if they want anything just told him.

Saren - Arin, don't you need any armour or weapons?

Arin - i do need it, but how do I carry it around?

Saren - don't worry about it, there is a lot of products here have disguise spell in it.

" But i don't need any heavy armour or weapons " Arin was concerned about it's dangers of carrying those.

Willy - then i have an option for you.

Arin - what is it?

Willy then bring Arin to a section of rings, and asked him if he know about it.

Arin - yes, isn't this protection enchanted rings?

Willy - quite close, in fact these are actually rings that imbued with barrier spell.

Arin - barrier? How is it any different from protection enchantment?

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