The congress to the ring stood dead, you can’t disperse it with any cracker, one headache and reciprocal swearing, breaking through bulletproof glass. And most importantly, why the hell did he drag himself here, to lock himself in the coolness and quiet of the office now, to resolve issues. By phone, fuck you, and then drop everything and drag yourself to God knows where in the official Gelendvagen, waste your time. And his time is precious!
- Marat Zinyurovich, so maybe turn around through the region?
Grimacing, Marat silently waved to the driver, do as you like.
And most importantly, as much as I can remind you, he could not stand his patronymic. Dad was from the Soviet nomenklatura, the Union Deputy Minister, no bullshit. Everyone in the family hated him. For bitter alcoholism, for constant beatings. It was drunk that he got good, while on a sober bench he spoke with his mother and with his three brothers equally harshly, through his teeth. In the teeth, if it was impatient, he strove to stick it.
Marat did not use his father's connections out of principle, but in the early nineties they were not worth a penny. In those days, what was needed was not connections, but acumen and resourcefulness. This is how you grab the throat and twist it until it crunches.
Marat involuntarily repeated the indicated movement with his crooked fingers. What nerves lead to.
Behind the glass, meanwhile, rare birch trees near Moscow were already flashing. Is it through the concrete, or what, suffered? It can be right, with a breeze and an extra weave of keme is not a hook. If the trip had been planned, he would, of course, be careful not to wander like this without security, there were different cases in history, but the suddenness of the call here played into his hands. Who the hell can catch him here, in broad daylight.
The emotional swing continued to swing him back and forth. Just calm down, so anger rises again. And most importantly what a kid! "Catch the coordinates, you have two hours." And short beeps in the pipe.
Marat glanced briefly at his watch. The stock is still there.
He wouldn't let anyone else talk to him like that. But this was a special case. You like it or not, but you grumble to the secretary that it’s for a meeting, and you yourself sideways - sideways - and to the service parking lot, where Kolya’s driver, who stinks of cheap smoke, is already waiting. This one is correct in that it is silent. You never know where the boss needs, on business or on girls, it doesn’t matter to him, for that Marat did not forget to pay extra from his own, so that he was more forgetful and more attentive.
However, let's not deceive ourselves, if anything, Kolya will give him one or two. But what can he say? Dangles, they say, twice a year, hardly more often, don’t understand where, stand there in the distance, and immediately back. No way, comrade colonel, he stands alone, hands at his sides, as in the army, calmly, at ease, disperse.
It was more like from the side, probably, some strange ritual. So in the scoop in the spring they accepted into the pioneers, they will build it near the eternal flame and, well, take it in a row. He tied one to the other, gave a salute, the next. Only there was no eternal flame, no fireworks, no other pioneers. More precisely, there was one damn pioneer after all. Only Kolya would hardly have had enough talent to see him. It was not the first time that Marat explained him from special folders.
In appearance, by the way, nothing special. Rogue student.
Meanwhile, the Geledvagen had already successfully passed the crossing, turning from the concrete road again to the north, in the direction of the first new buildings sticking out above the forest. So, look, and we'll get there in time. Marat firmly remembered how much the kid does not like being late. Just don’t boil, you need him, perhaps, as much more than you need him. People like you are businesslike - go, hundreds of three throughout the country, choose anyone.
Not free, of course, pleasure, to get to the right person. Well, go ahead, find among the metropolitan nomenclature enough to keep your nose to the wind to be able to take full advantage of the kid's tips, and even without being lit up. Who else, think for yourself, and burn the topic with crooked little hands, and attract unpleasant people from the same office to the question, but who really needs this? Nobody needs.
On the other hand, look, Marat often thought with a hangover and in a gloomy mood, why did the kid give up at all? Surely he himself was not able to turn all this schematosis so as not to light up. Once Marat had the courage to ask this question directly, but the answer seemed to him too simple to be true.
— Let's put it this way, I'm interested in the accumulation on this side of the border of a sufficiently high liquidity, which could not be associated with me in any way. At the same time, it is important for me to inflate a bubble that no one will blow away ahead of time without me.
Marat did not really believe in such a thing. If desired, the kid had access to all the money of this world, but just like that, corny, all the money in the world did not suit him. It looked like he was painstakingly collecting a stash away from the main stash. And Marat, therefore, for a little bit got the role of the holder of someone else's obshchak.
Well, how, “for a little bit”, in fact, realizing the kid’s tips, he took everything for himself. Not a single cent from all this murky scheme did not go to any left offshore companies in the Cayman Islands, Jersey, Cyprus or Panama, and it was this fact that made Marat worry in the first place. Well, he did not believe in such charity. For everything good, sooner or later you have to pay.
And if it was an ordinary miner-macher with government orders or a banal insider trading, no, the kid thought unbanal, over and over again offering to act contrary to any usual logic, each time turning the situation around so that in the end Marat, more precisely, banks controlled by him and garbage dumps, collected more and more, first millions, and then billions.
Oil skyrocketed when even the oilmen themselves did not believe in it.
A lot of people got burned in the dot-com bubble, but not those who were named by the kid.
And that steel shoots so powerfully, a special person checked it, on order, for insane money, in general, not a single dog wrote anywhere!
Six months ago, the team came to carefully merge all American assets except for this list, and only now, looking at the mortgage crisis raging across the ocean, it became clear why all the nicker was.
The boy knew everything about everyone. Marat, on the other hand, diligently continued to make money on the gifted knowledge, and he remained sure that no one, even the kid himself, could know the final beneficiaries of all his transactions.
Chief, we're here.
Waving to Kolya to slow down at some distance, Marat climbed out of the car with a grunt. It was hot and dusty. Some kind of abandoned industrial zone, another unfinished legacy of the Soviet Union. About three hundred meters behind a concrete fence blackened garages, from their shadow a flock of skinny dogs squinted unkindly, not a single tree nearby, only an old transformer box in the middle of a bare wasteland. For some reason, the booth was freshly painted, even if not a single cable led to it. And it’s unlikely that they’ve been laying anything on the ground for the last twenty years - the local asphalt has probably seen even the last Brezhnev May Days.
Not the best place for a meeting came up with a kid. You can't just hide here. On the other hand, you can't go unnoticed.
Marat nervously shrugged his shoulders, why is it so hot, but still decided not to take off his jacket. You never know, an extra inconspicuous pocket will come in handy. And also a pair of Kevlar plates under expensive flannel. And quietly stomped to the same booth.
Of course, there is no one around. The kid probably hid inside ahead of time, in a peculiar manner. No matter how heatstroke took him there, it was painful.
- On the spot.
- Come closer.
The boy's voice was the same. Loud, girly. As long as Marat remembered him, for ten years already, he has not changed a bit since then. And this separately irritated Marat, against the background of his own belly. After forty horseradish you will lose weight.
A couple more steps, and he will stick his nose into a layer of fresh oil paint. With the corresponding sharp chemical spirit. Through the metal grating of the shutters, it was impossible to make out a damn thing inside.
"Too early this time, huh?" I thought no contacts were planned until autumn.
Let's pretend that even without a kid, we have a mouth full of business.
“I won’t be here in the fall. This is our last meeting.
What about?..
Marat even took a step back in surprise.
- Not understood.
“Our business is over. I'm leaving.
In business.
- Are you going over the hill?
Marat noticed something moving inside the booth. Clearly, here he is, the kid, otherwise I thought that the radio was talking. Where are you going, boy?
- No comment.
Look, Marat again mechanically began to stretch his fingers, as if mentally grabbing an invisible interlocutor in the throat.
- And what is it? Well they worked.
"You're fine, but I have other things to do now."
It's clear. Found someone smarter. Did you pick up the keys to Mikhalych? You look, kid, Mikhalych won't bathe in the heat. For no money. Yes, and listening to you, little-holed, is also not worthy.
“So what did you call then?” It could have been said so.
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