In the year 2023, an extraterrestrial object was detected entering Earth’s atmosphere before crash landing in [REDACTED], Japan. In the succeeding week, four adolescent teenage girls from the surrounding area were abducted. Stealth technology of unknown nature hindered the Japanese government’s ability to locate the site of the crash. Search progress was halted for a year and half until locals reported being assisted by entities resembling adolescent females in fantastical sailor uniforms. After a brief search, contact was established between the Japanese government and these entities.
These entities have been confirmed to be the four missing adolescents. When questioned, subjects were forthcoming with the nature behind their existence. They claimed to be “normal girls” for most of their lives until they were kidnapped and taken into a building that resembled a school. Later analysis showed that the location of the ‘School’ was consistent with the location of the unidentified crashed object. Though initially appearing to be adolescent human females, these entities are capable of ‘transforming’ into another form wherein their physical capabilities are enhanced beyond what should be possible for any normal human. These entities are now referred to as “Magical Girls” due to their resemblance to the concept in popular culture. The crashed object was also later confirmed to resemble a modern Japanese high school complete with attached pool and gymnasium facilities. As such, this location has been dubbed the “Magical Academy”.
Furthermore, these “Magical Girls” are noted to be capable of harnessing a mysterious phenomenon they refer to as “Magic”. Investigation into “Magic” reveals that it is the capability to manipulate the fabric of a ‘dimension’ far removed from the one humans exist on. The Magical Girls claim that this dimension is composed of the collective consciousness of humanity. Supposedly, by fusing their ‘souls’ with objects on this plane, they are capable of manipulating or otherwise taking on specific concepts such as “Nuclear Fire”. The use of magic was demonstrated when one of the Magical Girls created a contained nuclear explosion that flattened several hundred acres of forest. Supposedly, it is possible for Magical Girls to create other Magical Girls, but the specifications behind this process is unknown. Whether there are more Magical Girls beyond the four is unknown.
When questioned on where they received instruction on how to become magical girls, the researchers were introduced to the denizens of the Magical Academy. Though initially resembling and behaving like common high school teachers, precious little is known about these entities. Their physical capabilities, internal organs, and psychological profile seems nearly identical to that of humans. These entities appear to hold key insights into the nature of Magic but they refuse to share it with humans they have not ‘chosen’. They keep their origins closely guarded, but they claim that they were already within the confines of the Magical Academy at the time it crash landed onto Earth. How they survived the crash is unknown. How they survived the vacuum of space is unknown. How they survive without eating or drinking is unknown.
Disregarding the complaints of the denizens, further research into the Magical Academy was conducted, revealing some insight into the nature of Magic. Firstly, a limited but still potent form of magic can be learned even without the denizens’ assistance. As demonstrated by one of the researchers on the advance research party, specific keywords spoken in specific ways are capable of eliciting effects similar to that of the magic demonstrated by the Magical Girls. The current theory is that unlike the fusion undergone by Magical Girls, this type of magic only ‘grazes’ the concepts, similar to the difference between two circles that intersect and two circles that only touch. While undeniably weaker and specific keywords can only create specific phenomena, it is still a significant breakthrough. To avoid further confusion, the magic wielded by Magical Girls will be referred to as “True Magic” while the lesser magic is referred to as “Magecraft”. Secondly, only females are capable of utilizing magic. There is no theory that explains this phenomenon. Thirdly, the potency of magic is highly dependent on age, greatly strengthening the younger the subject is. There is no theory that explains this phenomenon.
The potential for both Magecraft and the Magical Girls to fall into the wrong hands prompted the Japanese government to bring the issue to the United Nations. However, the publicization and verification of the existence of magic only created a power scramble as nations around the world raced to seize control over a new, poorly understood weapon. There was a brief attempt by the four magical girls to quell the conflict but in the end resulted only in its escalation and the Magical Girls were forced to choose between entering the war themselves in order to defend the Magical Academy or remaining outside of the conflict, ceding the Magical Academy to humanity. Between the four magical girls, three chose pacifism, and the last was classified as an existential threat to the human race.
The resulting third world war and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. A fraction of the world’s standing military was wiped out in the initial conflict against other nations vying for magic while any progress into approaching the Magical Academy was halted by the militant Magical Girl. Several months into the onset of the war, a majority of the western hemisphere’s population centers were scoured of all life by the Magical Girl’s counterattack. All-in-all, this resulted in casualties of just under one billion people, with a majority being civilian noncombatants. Backed into a corner, the United Nations reached out to the three remaining magical girls and persuaded them to give up their neutrality and take action against the militant magical girl. In exchange, humanity agreed to give up their pursuit of magic and finally leave the Magical Academy in peace. They accepted and neutralized the final magical girl.
In the following years, humanity did its best to rebuild itself while the Magical Academy fell silent. All attempts at contact were quickly halted by a representative Magical Girl or were ignored. Little by little, a paranoia began to settle over the minds of the remaining world leaders. Each one feared that the other was secretly plotting to reignite the war for magic, or worse, that the Magical Academy itself still harbored a grudge against humanity and planned to wipe them out while they were in the process of rebuilding. To ease their worries, a special group composed of the world’s leading researchers was assembled to conduct research into magic in secret. By relegating research to a third party, they ensured that research would not only be shared equally between nations, but also be more efficient than it has ever been. In this way, humanity managed to avoid a second collapse.
Using the neutralized Magical Girl as a foundation for new magical theories, humanity’s knowledge of magic multiplied exponentially. Most importantly, humanity began to grasp the idea of “Magitech'', the idea of fusing magic with technology as well as “Sorcery”, the partial fusion of one’s very being with a concept uniquely attuned to them, allowing even normal everyday humans to mimic the powers of a Magical Girl. However, there is yet an ingredient lacking, a “Missing Link” to the fusion process that prevents humans from reaching the level of a true Magical Girl.
Eventually, the group tasked with research into magic grew bolder and bolder, sharing their knowledge with the world in an effort to expedite the rebuilding process and even further catapult humanity beyond its original state before the third world war. However, their efforts were halted by the infuriated Magical Academy, who inevitably caught wind of their research. In a bid to permanently put a stop to their work, the Magical Girls, with the permission of the denizens of the Magical Academy, destroyed the Magical Academy and disappeared from the public eye. How they managed such a feat under the watchful eye of the entire world is unknown.
For a significant amount of time, there was no news whatsoever into what became of the remnants of the Magical Academy, and humanity was left to sift through the rubble of the Magical Academy to learn what little left they can. The research group dedicated to the pursuit of magic slowly but surely began to grow more and more independent and eventually separate from their parent nations. Eventually, they adopted the moniker “Monarchs” to fully signify their independence and their devotion to their research. Even now, their dream to unlock the secrets of the Magical Academy and produce their own Magical Girls endures.
Unfortunately, or perhaps in a ridiculous stroke of fortune, the remnants of the original Magical Academy have resurfaced. The perceived atrocities committed by the Monarchs in their quest for knowledge too much to simply abide by. Their reappearance has thoroughly shocked the globe, and perhaps even surprised the remnants themselves. In theory, this suggests the presence of a Neo Magical Academy. The whereabouts, goings on, and internal world of the Neo Magical Academy are known only to are known only to the people within it. But it is only a matter of time before such a fragile mystery is broken
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Corpse March Chapter 6
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Corpse March Chapter 7
“Help me to m-marry. I know that the students of the Neo Magical Academy typically marry around the age of seventeen to nineteen so… I figured that someone like you would be knowledgeable.”“Hm? You truly risked your life for marriage advice?”“N-No, not exactly. I was hoping for… more direct help.”“Then perhaps you would like me to arrange one for you?”YES! Yes! Yes! Yes! YESSSSSS!!! “Why, yes. That would be ideal indeed. She would have to be a noble woman, one of great beauty. Yes… that person would be ideal.”“Very well, then, Tsumugi, would you mind marrying Hamamoto?”NO! No! No! No! NOOOOOO!!!“You read my mind perfectly, Lady Kentomi. A political marriage to strengthen the bond between our factions is ideal for both of us.”“Hey, hold on, I just said–”“A noblewoman of great beauty?”“Well, yes, but–”“But…?”Tsumugi raises an eyebrow at her. Haru suddenly gets the feeling that she’s walking on a very thin tightrope. If the options are between her potentially poking the horn
Corpse March Chapter 8
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Chapter 70 Epilogue
“Please, help yourself to some tea.” Nanashi gestures at the chair across from her for Haru to sit down. It hasn’t been that long since they’ve last met but already, she’s made a little home for herself in Takakumo. It’s surprising how much laboratory apparatus she’s managed to cram into such a tiny space. Arcane sigils, test tubes, and strange machines clutter the room in an organizational system that Haru could never decipher even if she had a lifetime to try. And in the center, is a simple table and two stools set up. “No thank you, I have a temperature-sensitive tongue. It burns when I eat even slightly warm food.” “Ah well, that’s a pity.” Nanashi takes the teacup away. It looks comically tiny in her armored grasp. “So, what business do you have with me?” “I believe your terms with Tsumugi stipulated that only half of the Papilio in Takakumo return to their Think-Tanks, correct?” “Yes, that is true.” “By any chance, would you ever consider capturing Takakumo for yourself and
Chapter 69 Cask
“Long time no see, Tot.” “It’s literally been a single day.” Kazuko walks along the pristine battlefield and comes to a stop exactly ten paces away from where Haru’s standing. “What do you want?” Haru adjusts her stance, placing herself between Kazuko and the unconscious Tsumugi. “I’ve come to talk.”“That’s it?” “Yep. I realized that after all this time, we never got a chance to properly talk to each other.” “I suppose you’re right.” “I must thank you, Tot.” Kazuko plants her rapier on the ground. “I think you’ve helped me to realize something about myself.” “And what is that?” “That you and I are the same. We’re two sides of the same coin, you and I. We can claim to be soldiers or heroes or avenging angels all we want, but in the end, we both kill.” “You’ve come all this way just to tell me that?” “Not quite. I’ve decided that I won’t tolerate any more excuses. From you or from myself. Regardless of whether we chose our lives or our lives chose us, we’re both killers. Jud
Chapter 68 Stellar Stellar
A gargantuan scythe blade the size of a mountain manifests from the tip of Tsumugi’s staff while Gleam blazes pure white, light magic seeping out of her very being. With a ponderous sweep of her arm, Tsumugi brings the scythe down, its tip aimed right for the crowd. The Deathless start to disperse but there’s not enough time. Someone trips. She closes her eyes to brace for impact but the impact never comes. Instead, there’s a brutal grinding sound. Opening her eyes, instead of seeing the tip of the scythe bearing down on her, she sees Gleam’s back as she clashes against Tsumugi’s scythe. “RUN!” The girl scrambles to her feet and runs away. Now all Gleam has to worry about is the mountain of cursed energy bearing down on her. “GRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHH!!!” Gleam lets out an unearthly cry as she wills herself to go faster, to break through Tsumugi’s attack, to turn the tides of this battle. “STELLAR!” The speed of light isn’t fast enough to move the scythe more than a few inches.
Chapter 67 Motteke! Sailor Fuku!
They come bursting out from the trees. Large metal transports with segmented armor that makes them resemble pillbugs. A far cry from the train-like things the Monarchs used all those years ago. They speed across the landscape, skimming across the flora of these lands. One transport in particular rushes ahead of the others, setting an example that the other transports follow. Atop its roof, stands a green-haired girl shredding her guitar. Heavy rock music, amplified by her sound sorcery, blasts outwards. It’s so loud that the ground almost seems to vibrate as they approach. But they find nothing. No patrols. No Deathless anywhere. It reeks of a trap. Tsumugi sticks her head out of the transport she’s in to yell at Haru.“Stick to the plan!” Haru nods and swaps tracks to the one corresponding to the signal for ‘Stick to the Plan’. The transition is nearly seamless. One by one, the transports climb the walls protecting Takakumo like it’s nothing. In the distance, they see it, Takakumo
Chapter 66 Aloha
“It seems we’re not welcome here anymore. You’ve been exiled.” Haru relays Gleam’s speech to Tsumugi. “What do we do?” Florence asks. “Nothing has changed. Let’s keep moving.” Haru waves her hand out the car window at the other Elites to follow close behind. They comply, mostly out of fear. They know that their duty is to Lady Kentomi first, Takakumo second, and Haru third, but the thought of going against Haru is just too much. The streets are empty, nearly everyone’s attending Gleam’s speech. What few people are left behind smile and wave at them as they pass, blissfully unaware of what Tsumugi’s become. They know not what she knows. “Where are we going exactly?” “To the forest on the edge of Takakumo’s borders. I’ve arranged for a meeting there.” Ah, to where it all began. The memories of a month or two ago come flooding back to Haru. It felt like a lifetime ago they were on that train and came crashing into Takakumo, completely unwelcome. “This is nostalgic.” Haru rests he
Chapter 65 Alter Ego Messiah
Letters make words, words make sentences, sentences make paragraphs, paragraphs fill pages, and pages fill up the tome. Number 3344 works dutifully, slowly but surely working through the book she’s been tasked to fill up. That is the purpose of the Papilio after all, to lend their minds as processors to the great Monarchian supercomputer complex, Nivosus. It is a purpose shared by the uncountable Papilio filling up this facility. They do not know better. None of them do. So they toil away, their minds working to the bone in the computational visual matrix.Every paragraph, every sentence, every letter is another crumb of data in the great compendium that the Monarchs seek to fill with all knowledge in existence. Years pass in the blink of an eye for the Papilio. Seasons pass them by without being noticed. They all keep their eyes downwards, scribing everything being fed to them. Number 3344 is no different. Just another drop in the ocean. Just another body being kept in a tube. Then
Chapter 64 Preparations
As soon as the door closes behind her, Tsumugi immediately breaks down into tears as everything she’s done and everything that happened to her comes crashing down in a terrible wave. She starts to run, as though she might be able to outrun her guilt. “What have I done?!”She keeps running. Further and further away from Gleam. Further and further away from the best friend that she threw away. Further and further away from any chance of going back. More than once, she considers turning around and apologizing, telling Gleam that she was foolish, begging for her forgiveness. But no matter how much she wants to, she knows she can’t. Tsuki believed in Tsumugi to be able to turn her own dream into a reality. This is the only way. Her dream was always incompatible with Gleam’s. From the very beginning, she knew that. It’s only natural that they would both eventually come into conflict with one another. But even then, her heart aches so much she fears it might shrivel up and die. She slowly
Chapter 63 Preparations
As soon as the door closes behind her, Tsumugi immediately breaks down into tears as everything she’s done and everything that happened to her comes crashing down in a terrible wave. She starts to run, as though she might be able to outrun her guilt. “What have I done?!”She keeps running. Further and further away from Gleam. Further and further away from the best friend that she threw away. Further and further away from any chance of going back. More than once, she considers turning around and apologizing, telling Gleam that she was foolish, begging for her forgiveness. But no matter how much she wants to, she knows she can’t. Tsuki believed in Tsumugi to be able to turn her own dream into a reality. This is the only way. Her dream was always incompatible with Gleam’s. From the very beginning, she knew that. It’s only natural that they would both eventually come into conflict with one another. But even then, her heart aches so much she fears it might shrivel up and die. She slowly
Chapter 62 Bad to Worse
“Kikimi faltered.” Kazuko takes a deep breath just to check if her lung is still punctured. Surprisingly enough, it seems that the damage Tsuki dealt her just a few hours ago has already healed. Usually, it takes a few more hours.“That’s fine. She’s more useful to us dead.” Florence stares out the window at the full moon hanging in the sky. “Now that she’s out of the picture, Gleam’s a legitimate threat to both Tsumugi and Tomoe. But now that they’ve already severed their alliance, it’s going to be that much more difficult to stop her.” “Yeah, whatever. I don’t care about any of that stuff.” Kazuko slowly lifts herself off the chair she was sitting in. “You’re on your own from now on.” “Wait, hold on, what happened to owing me your life?” “A life for a life. My debt has been paid in full.” Florence saved her, and she killed Kikimi. Fair’s fair.“How do I know you won’t just rat me out?” “You don’t. But you don’t have any other choice.” Florence looks on as Kazuko slings her cape