Sky Stormbreaker
In the depths of the night sky of a galaxy that was incredibly remote, there existed a planet that was visible to the human eye, inside this planet was death and destruction, everywhere inside the planet blood was visible, and several severed human parts were also visible everywhere. All of these things could be seen all over the place.
This planet did not always have this appearance that it does now; in the distant past, it was among the most stunning locations that one could find anywhere in the universe.
inhabited by people who have found a way to live in harmony with one another and are encircled by majestic trees of great height which produced all the food and almost all the resources they wanted.
But everything changed when the giant doors belonging to dimensional gates were thrown open.
One day, a dimensional gate materialized in a particular town on this lovely planet. The scientists who lived there did everything in their power to determine how a massive gate had arrived on their home world, after trying whatever they could to the dimensional gate However, they were unable to accomplish what they set out to do, and the riddle of how the gigantic gate came to inhabit their world remained unsolved.
However, on a certain day, the massive gate as if it had a mind of its own, opened for the very first time.
And now, for the very first time, disaster has struck this previously peaceful world. The other side of this gate was where the demons emerged from, and once they did, they slaughtered everything they Saw.
Heroes emerged one after the other banding together to fight this evil and unnatural creatures that preyed on humans and ate their flesh for sustenance. These heroes fought with all they had, but were still defeated.
However, the people who lived on the planet never gave up; rather, they fought tooth and nail to protect the rest of humanity from the demons who were waging this war. Although the war was a complete failure, and billions of lives were lost, the people who lived on the planet never gave up.
At first, humans were almost helpless against the demons because the weapons that they had at the time could hardly puncture the skin of these horrifying monsters. However, over time, humans developed better weapons, that were able to do so. Despite this, after humans had fought tooth and nail against the demons for a century, they had finally managed to gain the upper hand.
And this all happened because of Sky Stormbreaker who had first awakened a super power and led the other humans, some of whom he had assisted in awakening their own skills, into battle against the demons, where they fought and killed this vicious demons.During this period, Sky Stormbreker was in charge of leading the fight against the demons.
Because humans now possess the ability to compete with demons, they rescued whoever was still alive, taught them how to fight, and then waged a bloody war against the remaining demons in the world. It was possible for humans to accomplish this task as a result of their newly acquired abilities.
Today, Sky Stormbreker gathered his army in preparation for the decisive battle that would decide the fate of humanity and the monsters that emerged from the gate. This conflict would determine who would prevail: humanity or the monsters.
Sky stormbreaker turned around to take a look at the assembled army that was behind him. The army consisted of a million of the more than 10 billion humans that their planet had initially been able to support.
He couldn't help but feel a twinge of melancholy due to the fact that all of the people who he considered to be his brothers and sisters were standing in front of him, he remembered most of the people in this army despite the fact that some of them were still young when he had first met them.
He had met most of this soldier when he was still younger, but now he was a 100 years old, in the old world before the descent of the gate he probably would uave never reched this age.
However, in addition to gaining these previously undiscovered capabilities, humanity also gained the ability to significantly lengthen their lives when the gate opened.
Sky Stormbreaker carries himself with the demeanor of an old man, despite the fact that his outward appearance was that of someone who was only 25 years old.
He could not help but feel sad, as he thought about the idea of sending all this young people into war, knowing that most of them would not come back, even he the strongest human on this planet wasn't sure he would survive.
However, they were compelled to depart for this war, and as a direct consequence of their departure, humanity would either cease to exist or emerge victorious.
And, so the army matched up to meet the demons.
from a distance, it was possible to see the demon army; these beings of pure destruction could be felt and seen to have a craving for human blood in their eyes.
The leader of the demons gave the order for all of the demons to charge towards the human army, and they did so as soon as they received the order.
As the fight ensued, there was a lot of blood and pieces of flesh scattered across the battlefield where it was taking place.
The conflict was finally over after several days had passed, and the human emerged victorious.
From a distance It was easy to make out a massive sword belonging to Sky stormbreaker which was buried deep within the demon commander's body.
Sky Stormbreaker was standing beside the demon when all of the ground on the battlefield began to shake in response to the resounding roar that came from the demon commander before its death
"You believe you have won….hahahhahhaha"
He had no idea what the demon commander meant by its last dying sentence.
They had carried out investigations, and the findings of those investigation indicated that this particular demon army was the very last of the demons that were still present on their world and within the gates.
Everyone in the army, including Sky stormbreaker, continued to wait if more demons would emerge from the gates, seconds turned into minutes, and the minutes turned into hours. During this sould not a single demon was sighted coming out of any gate situated throughout the palnet.
After what seemed like hours of waiting, there was no sign of any more demons, and the troops finally realized they had prevailed over the demon army and taken the victory, shouts broke out among the troops as they came to this realization and so the celebrations started.
Sky Stormbreaker looked back at the army with tears streaming down his face as he realized that they had finally prevailed, even though only half of the army was left.
They had triumphed despite the fact that only half of the original army was still standing.
The scene of the battlefield appeared as though the entire battlefield had been completely destroyed; even the crusts of the planets had been broken, and magma could be seen gushing from everywhere.
Sky Stormbreaker was looking for his wife and long-time companion, Aria, so he scanned the surrounding area. She was the object of his affection and had been by his side from the very beginning of their relationship.
When he thought about her, it made him feel terrible, and he couldn't stop himself from feeling bad. She had always expressed an interest in having children, but he was adamantly opposed to the idea. In this harsh world, where humans are nothing more than food for demons, he just couldn't bring himself to agree to fathering a child in this world. He just couldn't.
Even though his heart was racing and he was sweating profusely, he was able to hold off on informing her that the two of them were finally in a position to start a family. He was excited about the prospect of it.
Did something happen to her? I cant find her.
And just as he was starting to get lost in his own thoughts, he finally looked up to see her beautiful face beaming at him with a smile. However, just as he was about to dash over to her, everything changed.
Every where instantly went dark, they were no longer able to see the sun, and the only light that was discernible was in the form of insignificant specks that were so little, they could only make out a few centimeters of their surroundings.
On the battlefield, everybody's senses were heightened because on the instant darkness.
All of a sudden, A shadowy figure descended from the clouds, bringing with him a significant amount of pressure which causes everyone's bones in the battlefied to creak.
Sky Stormbreaker quickly jerked his head back and stared upward as he prepared himself for what was about to take place.
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