Chapter 9

9th Chapter:


  The unconcious body of a man with dark hair was found on a bed in a room that was well-lit and had a ceiling that was painted white and translucent.

This body had been unconscious for some time before being discovered.

  "Is this….. what we call the afterlife?"

Sky opened his eyes and was immediately dazzled by a blinding white light. For a brief period, Sky assumed that he had died and gone to heaven.

   He initially thought that what he was seeing was heaven, but as his vision became more precise, he understood that he was not in heaven.

  When he looked up and saw the white ceiling, he began to wonder where he was. Suddenly, he sensed a sent that was all too familiar to him; it was the stench of the hospital.

  Due to the fact that he had paid his mother an excessive number of visits into the hospital, he was highly acclimated to the odor.

   He made an effort to stand, but his body felt fatigued and heavy, almost as if it wasn't his own; so, he made his way back to the bed and laid down on it.

  He was able to recall everything that had occurred after they had passed through the entrance to the grotto where the demons resided.

"Moloch, Lord of the Demons," he said.

"Didn't I die"

  Sky recalled that the most powerful demon he had ever heard of, the demon lord Moloch, had vanquished him, and that he had perished as a result of his he count understand why he was still alive and in this hospital.

During a particularly in-depth period of meditation, he was startled to become aware of a calm and commanding voice.

"Have you finally woken up from your sleep?"

  Sky snapped his head up and started walking in the direction the voice was coming from. When he arrived there, he spotted a tall, musculatured man dressed in a white suit who was staring back at Sky while wearing spectacles.

"Hello, my name is Silvester Stone, and I am a member of the Knight Order Officers (KOO) that is in charge of inquiry  Greetings, Knight Sky"

  As the man introduced himself, Sky had the idea, "No surprise he's wearing a white suit," running through his head. All of the officials of the KOO were compelled to wear the white suit, which served in a sense as their uniform given that it was required of them.

The officers of the KOO were actually powerful Knights who worked and ran the Knights Order directly. Sky took a look at the man and remarked after taking in his appearance, "can I help you?"

"My purpose in coming here, is to inquire about the most recent event that took transpired in the demon grotto yo and Mr smith were in"

  Sky was aware of the man's high level of professionalism and seriousness, and as a result, he refrained from making any light conversation with him and instead provided the man with a plain account of what he had in his memory.

  Officer Silvester questione "You don't remember anything after the demon lord murdered you," as he compared this testimony to the ones he had heard from the other survivors.

  "No, I don't remember anything after that, I just blacked out," sky said suddenly remembering that he seemed to have woken up again after he was killed by the demon sovereign, and he heard some kind of strange voice from his head.

  Sky was deep in thought when he was startled by the voice of Officer Silvester. This caused sky to lose his stream of thought.

"Is there anything more that comes to mind that relates to this topic?"

  In spite of the fact that he was unclear as to whether or not it had actually taken place, Sky said, "No, that's it."

   Sky was impelled to ask the officer about it as soon as he realized that the officer had placed his palms on his chin and appeared to be thinking about something. Sky also noted that the officer appeared to be contemplating something.

"Could I be missing something here?" was the question.

The Officer made a remark once he had a chance to examine Sky.

  As Sky continued to talk, he couldn't help but reflect on the peculiar voice he had been exposed to right before losing consciousness.

   The officer intergected "The member of your team who brought you here appears to have added a little bit more to your story," 

   Sky said. "I'm sorry to hear that.What was it exactly that they conveyed?"

  The officer elaborate "After the demon lord burned you untill only skeleton was left, your team members said that your skeleton seemed to have re animated, and the demon lord seemed to have been frightened by that, as he started running when you re animated, after that you seemed to have followed the demon lord, later the group found you at the edge of the demon grotto, but this time you were no longer a skeleton, you seemed to have regained your flesh"

  Throughout the officer's account, he kept his stare intently fixed on Sky, who at first gave the impression that he was startled but quickly began to frown as the officer reached the conclusion of the tale.

"You must be kidding, right?" Sky retorted, categorically rejecting the assertion that the Officer had just made as false on every level.


   After letting out a long sigh, the officer remarked, "That was exactly what each and every one of them stated." Even the officer didn't believe it at first when he heard the account; he couldn't comprehend how someone who had been burned to the skeleton could come back to life, as if it were some kind of odd horror movie.

  In spite of the fact that the humand had developed over time and now some of them have super abilities, he did not know anyone who was capable of performing that action.

" did Even Mr. Smith state that?" and he did not have a very close relationship with any of the other members of the team, with the sole exception of Mr. Smith. Because he was aware that Mr. Smith would not lie on him or make up preposterous promises like this one, he put his full faith and trust in the guy.

"Yes, the story that Mr. Smith told was exactly the same," the respondent said.

  After observing the look of denial on Sky's face, the officer reached the conclusion that Sky did not have any recollection of the events that took place after he was killed by the demon lord. Even if sky heared it from Mr. Smith himself, Sky will not fully accept the story, and it is safe to assume that neither will he, except he sees it himself.

  Sky's account of the events was being investigated by the Knight Order for the goal of determining how well it lined up with the accounts provided by the other members of the squad. The mission that brought him here was intended to accomplish this.

  Previously, everyone was taken aback when the members of the squad informed the members of the Knight's Order about the bizarre event that had taken place within the demon grotto. Someone had gone from being a skeleton to becoming a completely functioning human being, and there was a demon that looked just like a person. They had a lot of material to analyze, so they came to the conclusion that they needed to look into this problem in great detail.

After inspecting Sky, the physicians said that it appeared as though his entire body had been rejuvenated, that his skin was as flawless as the skin of a newborn infant, and that there was not even a single blemish on it, and that he appeared to have grown taller. This was the real  one of the numerous odd incidents that took place throughout the course of this investigation.

  As the officer appeared to be going over everything that had happened in the recent past in his head, he gave off the impression of getting increasingly confused.

Sky, who was looking at the Officer who had been silent, couldn't help but feel anxious because he had no idea what all of this meant or what the Knights Order would do about him. 

  After what felt like an interminable amount of time, the officer eventually took something out of his pocket:

This piece of equipment was not unfamiliar to Sky because he had come across it very regularly throughout his travels. This was the device that was used to evaluate the physical capabilities of knights who were candidates for membership in the Order.

  He was just as helpless as he had been before, and he couldn't figure out why the officer was using this instrument on him. He had not made any progress at all in terms of his strength, and he remained just as powerless as he had been before.

After noticing that Sky appeared to be perplexed, the officer started providing Sky with an explanation of what the doctors had been saying.

Upon hearing it, Sky was taken aback, and his mind immediately began racing with all of the possibilities that were suddenly made available to him.

"Have I Become Stronger?," the question he mumbled "Am I Able to Slay Powerful Demons Right Now?" , "Am I Going to Be Rich?" , "Can i Finally Have Hope In Curing My Mother," 

  As a result of reading former resumee, the officer was aware of how weak Sky was and how much he wished he could become stronger. Despite this, the officer did not speak to Sky while he was deep in concentration since he chose not to interrupt him.

Sky gave his skin a cursory examination before moving on.

  He made an attempt to stand up, despite the fact that he felt quite weak, and thought to himself, "Damn, my skin looked so fair and soft, like women's own." After finishing his sentence, he stood up.

  When he removed his shirt and looked at his body, he was astounded to realize that none of his muscles remained and that his entire body now resembled the physique of a wealthy woman. He had lost all of his muscular tone. Even his hair had gotten longer, and it had started to fall behind him. Sky made a beeline for the restroom as quickly as he could since he felt the need to inspect his entire body. It was imperative that he learn what had taken place.

What had happened to Sky was so strange that even Officer Silvester Stone, who had been staring at Sky just a moment ago, would not have believed it if he hadn't seen it for himself. On the other hand, Officer Stone did  feel uncomfortable in any way.

  "What!!" If Sky hadn't been staring at himself in the mirror, he would have sworn that the person looking back at him from the mirror was some rich girl who took good care of her skin.  Sky was shocked when he saw how his face looked in the mirror in the bathroom; he stroked his face and discovered that it was smooth and attractive looking. 

   Sky's entire body, including his height, gave the impression of being slimmer and thinner, and no one could accuse him of being small now that he has reached this point in his development. This was a striking departure from his prior physique, which was characterized by the presence of six packs. In spite of the fact that Sky did not possess as much strength as the other knights, he worked out frequently, and as a result, his body was noticeably more muscular. Sky couldn't tear his eyes away from the eerie reflection in front of him, which continued to surprise him.

'I look so tall and beautifull  …..hahahahah"

Sky continued to check himself over while he laughed, and while he was doing so, he started thinking about the story that the Officer had given.

"I have definitely undergone a rebirth"

He was at a loss for explanations as to why it seemed as though he had completely morphed into a different person from his previous self.

When he considered it, he couldn't help but feel overjoyed, and the question that immediately sprung into his head was, "Did my power also change? Perhaps I have developed some new skills recently."

He hurried out of the restroom and made his way towards the Officer since he was genuinely excited to learn about the new skills and qualities he had acquired.

Sky had always gone to the demon grotto despite the fact that he was weak because he wanted to test whether or not he could awaken more of his powers. The Officer did not utter a word before beginning to exercise control over the apparatus. He, along with the rest of the Order, was interested in learning more about Sky's recently acquired abilities. They were some uncommon examples of geniuses who did not manifest their abilities until they were in a fight for their lives.

Because both the Order and the Officer believed that Sky was one of these geniuses, everyone was eager to learn what it was that he had discovered. They were under the impression that Sky would change the fact that their nation, Canada, did not have powerful Knights like the other countries did because, in contrast to the other countries, their country did not have strong Knights like the others.

  Sky remained silent as system scanned his body, however, it was clear that Sky was becoming increasingly anxious with each passing second that elapse.

  After the equipment had completed its examination of Sky's entire body, Officer Silvester taped it up. Even he was unable to wait for the results, so he hit a button rapidly, and then the results were displayed immediately after they were shown. A few minutes later, the technology had finished completely scanning Sky's entire body and had displayed the results. Officer Silvester attached a tape to the gadget as soon as the scanning was complete.

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