A Small Chance

Frustrated and seething with anger, Mr. X clenched his fists so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

It was inconceivable that his target had slipped through his fingers, escaping to an unknown destination by taking a flight.

"How could this have happened?!" Mr X shouted, furious.

He had meticulously planned every step, leaving no room for error. And yet, his meticulously laid-out trap had been shattered in an instant.

Mr X's mind raced, desperately trying to piece together where his quarry could be headed. His heart pounded with rage, his blood boiling at the thought of his carefully concocted plans falling apart.

He had invested precious time and resources to ensure that the person who had caused him so much misery would no longer haunt his days, only to watch them vanish into thin air once again.

He paced, his footsteps echoing. Anger twisted his features, causing his clenched jaw to tremble with rage. He couldn't shake the image of his adversary slipping away.

The feeling of
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