Chapter 3

Here, Zhang had to endure the tribulation of finding a good apartment.


He scoured every part of the city, visiting countless desolate buildings and empty residential complexes. But no matter where he looked, he couldn't seem to find a suitable place for him to move into.

These places were often too crowded, or too run down for him to bother moving into. He refused to move into a place with too much noise, or rats!


He needed to remain in seclusion, and not risk creating any variables before the apocalypse began.


With each passing day, his anxiety grew stronger as it became clear that he was running out of time.


Finally, after spending days of tirelessly searching for a home, Zhang Xuan stumbled upon an old apartment building hidden away in a quiet corner of the city. Zhang Xuan only had 45 days left until the beginning of the apocalypse.


The building was rundown and decrepit, with many rooms left unoccupied by previous tenants who never returned or moved elsewhere. But despite its aged appearance, Zhang Xuan could feel a minor hint of spiritual energy within the walls.


"How can this be? It's impossible! The Apocalypse has not happened yet. How is this wall able to contain spiritual energy!?"


Zhang Xuan was completely baffled. He had never heard of buildings being able to store spiritual energy within them- this was simply unheard of! This concept had only come into existence when the Cultivator Era started!


In fact, the apocalypse had yet to start. Mankind had never found spiritual energy until the fifth day of the apocalypse!


He quickly rushed forward and placed his hand on the wall, and sure enough, he could feel a steady stream of spiritual energy coursing through it. It was as if this building was a bottomless pit of spiritual energy. His hand made him feel as if he were staring into a large ocean.

"How can a building contain such spiritual power! This makes no sense at all!!" Zhang Xuan exclaimed, awkwardly touching around the walls of the apartment building in order to feel the energy.

"I must keep moving around, until I reach the peak point of the apartment!" Zhang Xuan looked crazy in front of various apartment residents, ignoring them in favor of searching for the source of the spiritual energy.

Eventually, he began to reach a small abandoned apartment with the door wide open. "I am in luck, is this a divine treasure that has yet to be claimed by anyone!?" Zhang Xuan smiled with glee, everything was going just like he was really inside of a Manhua.

When he entered the room, a mysterious energy began to fill the air and surround him. It filled him with a unique feeling he had never felt before! One of awe and wonder, his unawakened body resonating with the spiritual energy all over the room.

"Oh my god, It's like I'm about to become a cultivator all over again!"

The spiritual energy caused a faint glow to appear all over Zhang Xuan's body, he glowed a thin sheet of white all over himself.

"Am I...going to become a cultivator before the Apocalypse even started!?" Zhang Xuan felt himself guided, as if to a part of the room.

He navigated the apartment room, passing by ancient chinese heirlooms he could not fully understand. A faint trail of spiritual qi wafted around in the air, leading to a mystical sphere of energy inside the room on a table.

It was densely shifting the wind around the room, causing everything in the apartment to shake!

Zhang Xuan gasped, "I must touch this, it will clearly cause me to have a great breakthrough!" Zhang Xuan immediately sprinted over and touched the sphere,


He started to see things he had never seen before. He saw the energy as if it were a living thing, and it was beautiful. He could see every atom in the room, and he could see the energy flowing through them. He could see the people outside of the room, a thin outline of them.


However, as he looked closer, he began to feel pain. It was as if the spiritual energy was analyzing him. It was looking at his every thought and feeling, and it was judging him. The pain was unbearable, but he couldn't tear himself away from the vision.


He saw his own life force being slowly drained away, and he knew that if he didn't get out of there soon, he would die. With a final Herculean effort, he tore himself away from the sphere and staggered out of the room.


He barely made it into the hallway before collapsing.

"No! No! I can't..I can't die yet!" Zhang Xuan screeched dramatically. The last thing he saw before losing consciousness was a figure made of pure spiritual energy walking towards him...


When he regained consciousness, he found himself in what appeared to be a spiritual space. A mysterious being of ethereal white spiritual qi was now standing in front of him. The spiritual space appeared very empty at first, devoid of anything of substance besides Zhang Xuan and the spiritual being.

"What is this? Where am I? Is this the Lucky Encounter? Have I died and transcended into a true spiritual king realm!?" Zhang Xuan, in his delusions began to spout off random terms. The being looked at him with annoyance, and manifested a newspaper in it's right hand.

The figure then smacked him upside the head with it, causing Zhang Xuan to clutch his head in pain.

"Ow! Okay Okay, I'll stop! I'll stop!"

The figure then relaxed it's body, a beam of it's spiritual qi extending into Zhang Xuan's very brain. He gasped as the sudden information flowed inside of his head.

In front of him, was the dying soul of an ascended master. The master did not have long for this world, his spiritual qi barely able to remain intact. This treasure, was his only means of finding a successor for his techniques.

"I am aware of the nature of your soul Zhang Xuan, despite your delusions. You possess great potential, If you are willing to endure the pain I will put you through. I will grant you one of the greatest strengths you can achieve!"

The figure loudly declared, shouting dramatically and almost sending Zhang Xuan flying from the force of his words.

Zhang Xuan stared at the figure in awe, "What must I do! I am willing to learn, this disciple will bow to his senior!"


The figure then spoke, "My essence is very thin. I will not be able to teach you everything I have my frail disciple. I can only teach you one of the styles I have within this spiritual space. Choose wisely!"

The figure raised his hands, and several shimmering orbs began to appear in front of Zhang Xuan. Each of them represented a different style of cultivation. One of them glowed with massive green earthy qi, the other with raging winds inside of it.

Each of the orbs that kept appearing represented a different cultivation style, all of them potent in their own unique way!"

Zhang Xuan gasped to himself, he was truly a fortunate bastard to obtain such a gift! But there were far too many for him to make such a decision.

"Master! THere are too many for me to understand, please! Do you have a suggestion on which I should select for myself?" Zhang Xuan humbly asked of the mysterious master, who stroked at their chin.

Their spiritual qi was so soft, no part of their body existed on this plane anymore. They were only a human figure shaped by spiritual qi into the form of a man. He floated to one of the orbs, grasping it and bringing it directly to Zhang Xuan.

The orb gently floated in front of Zhang Xuan, the Orb being made of several blade cuts all over it. Thin blade like manifestations of qi orbited in circles around the orb.

"This is the True Blade Emperor Cultivation. With this, you will be able to cut through anything with your body! As if your body was a blade itself!"

Zhang Xuan gasped excitedly, it was time for him to get a cool power finally. "This disciple thanks this senior, I shall dedicate myself to your wisdom post haste!"

Zhang Xuan touched the orb, and absorbed it into himself. Deeply all over his mind and soul, countless images of techniques, cultivations, and how to apply all of them engrained itself into his body.

Pain echoed throughout his entire existence, the orb integrating to Zhang Xuan permanently!


Zhang Xuan shouted in pain, his new master conjuring a newspaper to smack him on the back of the head with.

"Shameless disciple, if you cannot endure that. How will you survive in the martial world to come!? Shut up, or will you act like a shameless rat now?"

Zhang Xuan clenched his teeth, allowing his body to process the mysterious qi.


He felt himself being drawn deeper into this state of self-awareness, and saw what he could become. He saw the potential dormant within his qi now that he was absorbing this new cultivation system.



He took another deep breath and concentrated his energy into a single point.




With a loud explosion, all of the energy within his body exploded, and the power within him skyrocketed.

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