Bound by Fate

Chapter 3

The van transporting Micah and his crew traversed a lonely road, flanked by withered trees, adding to the desolate atmosphere. The eerie silence inside the van was suffocating. Jerome impatiently tapped his foot, his anger evident. Kari sat with her hands clasped together, staring down, while Micah hummed along to the song playing on the radio.

“I can't take this anymore! I don't understand why he is still coming with us,” Jerome finally snapped, breaking the silence.

“I've explained over and over again: for now, Jeremiah is a special specimen who can be a valuable asset to the church,” Micah said without turning around.

“A devil being an asset to the church? I doubt that,” Jerome scoffed. “If you hadn't interfered, I would've exorcised him then and there.”

“Is that so? You think without grace, only utilizing divinity, you could take the demon down? Life is precious, kiddo; don't go throwing yours away,” Micah said, lighting a cigar before offering it to Desmond, who declined.

“Just because you're hailed as the strongest exorcist in the church doesn't mean you can tell me how to live my life. You’re just a phony outcast who couldn't save his—”

“Jerome!” Desmond cut him off.

Micah smiled. “It's fine. Let him say what's on his mind… I let his elder brother die on my watch. It's my fault,” Micah said, taking a long drag and slowly exhaling the smoke.

“Stop the van. I'll walk home,” Jerome said without looking at any of them.

“Jerome,” Kari whispered.

Desmond pulled over, and Jerome flung the door open, slamming it shut after he got out. The van continued along the lonely trail.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have come along. I think it’s better I leave,” Jeremiah said softly.

“Do you know why the church exists?” Micah asked.

“I don’t.”

“The existence of the church goes way back. We serve as guardians of the Material world. After the separation of the four worlds, the Material world became a concentrated dimension of spiritual energy, causing the manifestation and intervention of spiritual entities, both good and bad. It’s our duty to protect our world. This is the world you are about to enter.”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know, but something about you reminds me of someone I let down a couple of years ago… someone cursed with immense power that could change the world. I’m sorry if it’s too sudden, but I want you to become an exorcist.”

“Master Exorcist Micah,” Desmond said, surprised.

“Me? Someone labeled a devil becoming an exorcist? It’s not possible… I can’t do it… I… am sorry.”

“I’ll give you time to think about it… give it some thought.”

Jeremiah stared at the binding sigil on his palm, memories of the ritual and Eosphoros’ murderous actions flashing through his mind.

“Um… Jeremiah,” a timid voice interrupted his thoughts. “This is the first time I’ve seen Master Micah this serious about something ever… please think this through,” Kari said, avoiding eye contact.

“We’re here,” Desmond announced.

A large glass dome rose in the distance, and slowly, a grand building came into view, surrounded by beautifully trimmed vegetation forming a makeshift fence. Desmond drove toward the large golden gate.

“Welcome to Saint Agnes Basilica,” Micah said.

The gate slowly opened as the van approached. Jeremiah stared in awe at the church’s grandeur. Statues of cherubim and other angels playing various instruments were scattered around the vast landscape. The chatter of multiple exorcists made Jeremiah shiver.

“You’ll do fine,” Micah reassured him as if reading his mind.

Desmond stopped the van, signaling for them to step out. Kari exited first, followed by Jeremiah. As he stepped onto the ground, he accidentally released a massive amount of malevolent energy.

A stream of dazzling light blitzed past them…

“Huh?” Jeremiah exclaimed as he watched his body turn upside down, his head slowly falling. A slender blonde woman sheathed her katana.

“What are you thinking, you oaf?” she scolded Micah.


Jerome strolled along the road leading to the church, earphones plugged in. He absentmindedly kicked a rock with every step. Three shadowy figures darted across his path, catching his attention.

“Who’s there?” he asked, removing his earphones.

Jerome dodged a lunging attack from behind, throwing himself back to create distance from the attacker. Three figures dressed in all-black overalls stood before him.

“Who are you guys?” he asked.

Without responding, they dashed at Jerome. One of them leaped into the air, aiming a punch at Jerome, which he seamlessly parried, while smoothly dodging the other two’s kicks aimed at his chest. Jerome clotheslined one of them. He grabbed another by the collar, his attention diverted to the silver button on the overall. Jerome headbutted him, knocking him out, and the last one scampered away.

“Well, that was entertaining,” a feminine voice said, emerging from behind a tree. A tall, slender woman dressed in the same attire, minus the hood, stepped forward. Her long brown hair rested on her shoulder, and her slit pupils sent chills down Jerome’s spine.

“That insignia on that button… it belongs to the Insidious Covenant Church, right? Was wondering when you guys would come out of your hole,” Jerome said.

“I’m in no mood for chit-chat. My objective was to bring in the weakest son of the Prelate…”

“What did you say?” Jerome’s brow furrowed.

“Did I strike a nerve? Didn’t know you were an insecure brat,” she mocked.

“I’ll make you eat your words.”

“Without grace, there is little you can do.”

“I don’t need grace from any angel to take you down.”

Jerome dashed at the woman. They exchanged rapid blows, with her parrying most of Jerome’s attacks and landing the majority of hers. Jerome gathered light particles, shooting a beam of spiritual energy at her. She dodged the attack. He used the distraction to close the distance, creating a sword from light, and slashing her arm. She did two backflips to put distance between them.

“Now you’ve done it,” she said as a dark aura emanated from her. “I might bring you in a little broken.”

*Cursed Form Dagon*


Micah stood in front of a large wooden door. He extinguished his cigar before knocking.

“Come in.”

The door creaked slightly as he entered a large room adorned with dark wine drapes and awards hung on the walls and a large wooden shelf.

A man in his late seventies, dressed in a draping gold cassock adorned with precious stones, stood as Micah entered. He walked toward Micah.

“Ecclesiastical Commander,” Micah lowered his head and bowed on one knee.

"Micah, I told you that when we are alone, you can call me Daniel," the man smiled, his wrinkled face and snow-white hair shining brightly.

"You know I can't do that," Micah responded.

"Well, that's true," Micah stood up. "You called for me?"

"Yes, it’s regarding the boy you brought in," Daniel said.

"Word does spread fast."

“Would you like to take a seat?” Daniel pointed to a small table beside an open window. They both walked toward it.

"So, what about him do you want to discuss?"

"Are you really asking me that question? That boy might be possessed by a demon. You failed to exorcise him, and then you brought him to the church."

"What I did was wrong, but I exorcise for a living, not kill children."

"Excuse me?"

"Beneath the wrist of his left arm, there is a binding sigil, a sigil created to bind him to Lucifer."

Daniel’s mouth hung open. "Did you just say Lucifer?"

"His parents were devoted members of the Insidious Covenant Church. They tried to bind both of them together, to allow Lucifer’s soul to dwell in his body. But for some reason, the ritual failed. Instead of housing Lucifer’s soul, he bonded with part of Lucifer’s malevolent energy."

"That would explain the massive increase in malevolent entities' activity recently in Sancta Veritas," Daniel added.

"And I guess he also gained some form of Divine Retribution as he can manifest a demonic entity named Eosphoros.”

"So what now? What do you want to do concerning the child?" Daniel asked, pouring himself a cup of tea.

"I want him to train with the 100th squad and become an exorcist."

Daniel smiled.

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