
Gaius walks out into the field and tosses his spear at Hiro.

He fumbles with the weapon for a bit until it finally slips from his grasp and bangs against the ground.

"Don't break it now. I only have one of those" Gaius chuckles as he watches Hiro pick the spear up from the ground.

As soon as Hiro picks up the spear, Gaius plants his feet and stares down the boy. "Come on now, don't make me wait too long. Just come and give me your best shot.

Hiro swallows nervously and clenches his fists tightly as he stares at Gaius. He had spent the previous night practicing how to use his power defensively but had failed to learn how to use it offensively.

Knowing that his best choice would be to just try his best, Hiro runs at him with the spear in hand. He wields the weapon clumsily as he rushes at Gaius.

Before he can make contact, however, Gaius blocks Hiro's path by raising his arms to block the attack.

Gaius grips him by the neck and throws his body back to where he started.

"I know y
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