June 10, 3142, 10:40 AM, Kyourou-ho Hospital: Asoko Branch. Aston is walking to the hallway of the establishment while looking at the number tags above the patient’s doors.
He stopped in front of one, Room #665. Raised his right arm, and attempted to knock on the door. The door opened before so, revealing a red-haired girl standing with its anesthetic stand as support, reminiscing Naiyhto.
“Are you, Nozomi Makushi?”
The girl nods coldly.
“Where’s brother?” Nozomi asked in demand.
Aston gazes at the cross above Nozomi’s bed. Noticing, Nozomi starts to cry and loses grip on her anesthetic stand. He then attempted to help her get up, but as he got closer to Nozomi.
“I will kill you— Vincent Ashite”
Shocked, Aston swiftly turned his head around the room and saw a television parallel to Nozomi’s bed.
Aston swiftly got out of a sobbing Nozomi’s room and busted rushing out of the hospital. He speedwalks with his hands inside his pockets with an alarming expression.
How can it be broadcasted?
How did it reach her?
I told the Ashites to be cold shoulders about that incident.
Himono doesn’t even know her.
Nor in the same school where he teaches.
[Himono is Raiden’s last name]
It’s the television who’s the only suspect left.
So back to square one,
Who broadcasted it?
Do others see it too or are it just a show exclusive to Makushi’s sister?
I’ve searched within one thousand kilometers from the incident that night for stand or wire marks but got none.
And this is not caused by the deceased Makushi.
Since his status in life is not enough to hijack a television program.
Let alone when he spent the rest of his time in prison and a torture cellar.
This is starting to escalate at an unnoticeable rate.
Aston continued to walk at the same speed on the way back to the leader’s office for the said matter to unpuzzle itself.
10:45 AM, Homura Academy. Silence is present on the school grounds, the dust waltz with the breeze as it uses the tree’s leaves as the moving stage with the rustle of the grass below them clapping impressed by the spectacular performance of harmony.
And then…
Ren broke flying out of the second-floor window as he knocked out unguarded. Shocked, Ren smirks in excitement as black and purple Arcanae hexagons start to overflow around his body.
From the broken window, Blaze spectated Ren’s fifty-meter fall and waited for the thudding sound, the body did a faint sound of a thud than logically is. This alarmed Blaze and threw a hand gesture, the students followed and leaped through.
Now in a free fall, the boy in a black hooded jacket got his hand out of his pockets and aimed his palm at a nearby tree. Gray Arcanae hexagons appear and made the branches of the target tree fade as if dissolving. The boy now aimed his hand below them and the diminished part reappeared in the same structure and used it as transport to the ground.
“Thanks for the ride, friend,” said Blaze in delight.
The boy nods casually, with little to no expression present.
“Well that’s Shado for you, disciple”
Surprised and confused, Blaze and Vincent moved their gaze in search of the boy who responded to the said words.
“Behind him, my brother”
As the voice says, behind Shado reveals a silver-haired boy in black shorts, blue rubber shoes, a black t-shirt, and a purple-like scarf reminiscent of a galaxy covering his nose to mouth standing in one of the branches with both hands inside his pockets.
They stared at each other, blankly.
“Are you supposed to be saying something the moment you found me?”
They look back to the goal as if nothing happened. The moment a leaf from the rifted branch makes contact with the school grounds. Void strings burst out of the ground and swirl in a random pattern in a third of a second, dissecting several of the student’s limbs to pieces whose reaction time is too slow.
Ren’s scream and rhythmic clapping alarms everyone as each clap slowly uncovers himself from the fog made of dust.
“Interesting is the word, eh… I’d never thought you tittygrabbers would make it this far” Ren’s clapping stopped as he generated more combinations of black and purple Arcanae hexagons from his fist. ”As for the record, two seconds is all I need”.
From a starting number of twenty-four, twenty-four remain at this point of the fight. Even though there are the ones who got dissected from the attack earlier, the victim cannot lose blood as the dissection only disposed of the missing part that disappeared which made the dissection occur and with this, Ren can return their limbs with his choice of favor.
The students began to generate Arcanae hexagons in different colors and materialized them into different forms.
It seems this batch has one of “them”.
Fear is present on their faces to the point of some gulping their own sweat. But even so.
As they’re the first to notice the flaw of my exam.
Their dedication to the end of the exam bought them courage and strength.
Thank goodness I learned Continuous Seal Style.
Even in these conditions, they can’t let this only chance given by Vincent and started by Blaze go to utter waste.
The one that focuses on reviving of a sort.
A sweat drop has fallen from a focusing kid’s cheek.
5 minutes earlier, the students were in a full circle.
“Vincent, no, everyone, there is something I need you to know about Ren’s Arcanae,” said Blaze.
Everyone stared seriously.
“That thing is that”
Ren smiles hysterically.
“He mainly uses”
Void Style
“Control techniques”
Control: Epicaricacy
[Control Arcanae Techniques: A category of improved Arcanae techniques which is learned by excelling on both Manipulate and Summon techniques; The techniques within this category were able to control a person or in a majority scale of organisms manipulating their movement to the user’s accord]
The sweat drop is five centimeters away from the ground. Everything slows down. From the timestamp of 0.013 seconds, Ren’s Arcanae hexagons materialized into gigantic, gauntlet-like gloves.
The timestamp is 0.034 seconds, Ren began to move with his crazily-done barrage towards the students by materializing consecutive void portals to connect his fists to the student he wishes to hit as he rushes to also hit those that were near him.
The timestamp is 1.02131853 seconds, and the number of hits each of the 24 students has gotten was listed.
Joshue Aimbacris - 152
Ramon Ajavante - 482
Maxides Ajila - 283
Simon Ajilar- 434
Kalil Aliraba - 201
Asforld Ambert - 511
Vincent Ashite - 314
Kyoumei Beimei - 126
Jiojen Blease - 623
Madachi Dakita - 376
Chomozo Dareta - 196
White Falcon - 254
Hyougyou Feimheillt - 597
Shado Fury - 32
Peipor Gleez - 519
Geal Gasupe - 164
Megutschichimorou Gon - 645
Hallorand Haley - 342
Karuma Jen Reiss - 549
Blaze Lissclion - 24
Faraday Lissworth - 392
Keicho Monoma - 333
Neir Ogan - 378
Lhogan Poissant- 429
Tch… I’m not hitting them equally, especially that mid-air dodging Lissclion behind me… His eyesight manages to follow me in this state now, good progression brat.
The timestamp is 1.0923333 seconds, and the number of hits the students have taken has equally increased by 278 other than the ones listed.
Maxides Ajila - 43
Asforld Ambert - 457
Vincent Ashite - 124
White Falcon - 34
Shado Fury - 7
Blaze Lissclion - 5
Faraday Lissworth - 821
Neir Ogan - 723
Dang you, Ren… This is overkill, if only I can speed up a little faster than his Control, I might’ve saved every one.
The timestamp is 1.5 seconds, Ren’s movements became even faster to the point that materializing his portals is delayed by 0.0000435 seconds with a maniacal laugh as he enjoyed the student’s delayed pain. The number of hits the students took has equally increased by 600 other than the ones listed.
Vincent Ashite - 1238
White Falcon - 1548
Shado Fury - 593
Blaze Lissclion - 100
The timestamp is 1.7234217 seconds. The number of hits the students took has equally increased by 2000 other than the ones listed.
Blaze Lissclion - 246
Tch, this Lissclion is really dodging my attacks despite moving slowly.
The timestamp is 1.9423146 seconds. Ren giggles in pleasure. The number of hits the students took has equally increased by 8000 other than the ones listed.
Blaze Lissclion - 2364
The sound of piercing speed released Blaze from the control of Ren’s technique and uncontrollably dashed and tackled him from the back, disrupting and releasing the technique.
Ren got flying away to a distance from the impact of Blaze’s kick. Despite that, the sound of raging wind from Ren’s barrage began havoc on their body as it caused a delayed reaction.
Five minutes have passed, and several students begin to pass out while the delay of Ren’s barrage occurs. One by one, blow by blow, they start to lose morale. Blaze aches in closed eyes, crunching to withstand the pain. He turned his gaze from Ren's direction and saw a frozen Vincent kneeling on the sandy ground with blood streaming out of his shocked mouth, unable to move a nerve.
Three minutes have passed, and the delayed barrage stops, from the starting count of twenty-four, fifteen were driven unconscious and five were paralyzed. Blaze stood up on sea legs as he clenched his side with his palm. Catching his breath, he heard a familiar voice within the distant fog of dust.
“Fist Enhance”
Revealing himself once more, The smirking Ren’s hands were covered by his own Arcanae reminiscent of a boxing glove.
[Arcanae Body Enhancements: A type of simple buff that covers the user’s desired body part with its Arcanae energy, with it comes the ability of the user’s Arcanae like being able to make someone wet by being hit with a fist enhancement from the user with water Arcanae]
Shocked by what he saw, Blaze looks to his weakened and collapsed classmates and back to Ren. But so, Ren is already in Blaze’s face already throwing a punch. Blaze dodges this by speed consecutively as Ren always catches up to him.
“Tch hehehe, just let me kill you already… LISSCLIOOOON”
Blaze proceeds to charge up as Ren hysterically grabs his blindfold and reveals his golden eye with the right being scarred, covered in a black matter. The matter began to envelop Ren’s body just as Blaze punched his guts. He got flown away once more and stood still before his body met the ground. He raised his head up and revealed his silver hair changed to scarlet and his pale skin tone to shadow.
At an establishment near the academy, A blonde male in an HSMA uniform looks at Ren’s transfiguration through the window, then at the exhausted students. Little after, he left with a calm expression.
Good luck surviving,
The transfiguration is finished three minutes after, Ren looks scarier and menacing with his cloak made out of his Arcanae. Out of nowhere, he threw a void-like ball from his back revealing the purple scarfed guy from earlier barely dodging the projectile by a crossover, destroying half of his scarf and his momentum.
Blaze starts to run as he’s too exhausted to use his Arcanae, the moment Ren gazes at him. It struck him with fear and got stunned.
Dang it,
Ren walks closer to him with a motive to kill. He looks toward the stunned Blaze straight to the eye and materializes a void ball on his fingertips.
“I thought you want to make a change, but you act as same as your damned father”
Blaze’s instincts automatically followed the screaming voice’s command, dodging the slices a bloody Vincent made with his materialized Buster sword that’s too big for his size and carrying, towards the unguarded Ren. Blaze looks down and his body starts to dematerialize in a similar manner as the tree earlier. In the next blink of his shocked eyes, he’s a distance away from Vincent and Ren with Shado beside, protecting Blaze from Ren while he’s being materialized by Shado’s Arcanae.
Destroying the majority of Ren’s cloak, Vincent is at his limits, if he moves, he faints. As the Buster sword he materialized vanishes, he looks towards Blaze and takes a deep breath.
“I’ll leave the rest to you… Remember… it's still… part… of… the… plan”
As Blaze got his senses back, Ren used 20 Seals: Flash Step towards Vincent and punched his guts leaving him unconscious. While falling down, Blaze recalls a part of their strategy.
“What! Fighting head to head to the Professor?” screamed the shocked girl after hearing Vincent’s plan. “But that would likely get us disqualified, right?”
“You see, this is not just about fighting nor introducing one’s self towards another” Vincent responds. “It is that we are missing the point of introducing. The Professor even already gave us a clue but the majority overlooked”
Everyone is confused, excluding Blaze.
“This may seem far-fetched of a clue but, remember when the Professor introduced himself? Did he do it before? Or during the fight?”
“Well, it’s before because someone asked him so”
“So, it may not seem like the Professor planned this but the encrypted message is there… The reason why this exam is made… And for how it is made… Up to his attitude and tone of voice… It all goes down to one thing… He wants us to fight him”
“But how can we trust this though? Aren’t you an Ashite?”
Vincent became distressed by the girl’s question.
“As long as I believe him, you should too” Blaze cuts-in in a casual tone.
The girl turned silent and looked down.
“Do you have any backup plans in case this fails, though?” The boy in a purple scarf asked.
“If so, it all comes to Blaze who made you gather here in the first place in an instant”
“But I barely made it through?”
“Either wise, a Hypno technique is a Hypno technique”
Blaze continues to argue with Vincent but he pats his shoulders and calms him down.
“We believe in you, begin the change you wanted starting with you”
In the fight, Blaze began to stressfully think of a strategy. With Vincent now unconscious, he stresses himself even more for an effective plan. Out of a sudden, Ren scream’s out his family name.
Dark Eye Form, Void Style: Kingdom Of Darkness
A black matter began to appear in a similar manner in the classroom but instead of spreading from down to up, the technique began from Ren’s back and rushed forward as it removed every single sign of light and objects it passed, disrupting Blaze’s focus.
“Anti-matter, Hypno: Cosmic Lights”
A ray of light suddenly engulfed the area and overpowers the darkness of Ren’s void to the point of being obliterated. Blaze rubs his eye and looks for that familiar voice.
[Hypno Arcanae Techniques: A category of improved Arcanae techniques which is learned by excelling on both Manipulate and Imitate techniques; The techniques within this category were able to control a majority scale of organisms manipulating their attributes to the user’s accord]
“Falcon, White Falcon… The name should be unforgettable, now” said the boy in a purple scarf. “What to do, Lissclion?”
“I told you to not call me that”
“I can call you whatever you want until your goal is fulfilled, you can do the same to us if you want… Now calm down and tell me and Shado what to do”
Scared, Blaze continues to make a strategy under great stress as his mind is fixated on the time it would take for Ren’s eyes to recover from White’s technique.
Well frick,
Vincent got us this far,
And now I can’t mess it up.
Dang, this has been always an issue for me,
A strategy of my own is fine, but
Making one for a majority of people is just hard for me.
I need to fix this,
This fight will decide,
If I’m worthy of progressing further
Blaze raises his head in a serious expression and looks toward the newly recovered Ren.
“Shado, Falcon, distract and attack Ren from a distance, and don’t let him get my presence at all cost”
“What will you do? If you’re trying a new technique, don’t gamble with it”
“Don’t worry, Falcon… This might be unmastered, but this is not a gamble”
Blaze took on a running stance with Cyan Arcanae hexagons emitting from his body. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The Arcanae hexagons that are currently floating began to reverse their track as if he’s absorbing their own Arcanae energy.
I am Blaze Lissclion,
I dislike my clan’s predetermined loyalty and wealth.
Despite that, I still act like I am popular and powerful.
My dream is to become the greatest Arcanae user in Ithorenth.
Every time I make friends, I make rivals at the same time.
Yet despite this complex ambition, I have a weak spot.
And one of them is the ability to think of a strategy for a mass of people.
I need to be stronger, and stronger for my progression to exile this weakness from me.
I hope you’re watching me Mr. Genzou,
In this examination,
Is the perfect start.

My favorite types of food are hot pots, stew, and fried.
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June 9, 3142, Lissclion clan residence. Blaze is standing, observing something at a window. He watches the situation outside in a hollow as a cry of a little boy kept louder in grunts. As he watches the beating, he recalls the news he saw in the last month of the fourth. He then crunched both of his hands inside his pockets as he recalled every word the boy spoke at that specific news and aggressively gritted his teeth. That guy, His words annoy me, Even just a syllable of it, It makes me puke to myself. But even so, He is strong, And his strength, Interest’s me A knocking sound came from the other side of his room and a woman clearing her throat followed. Blaze casually turned his head towards it, and calmly stomped his left foot twice. “This is Maid Aeris, someone has come to meet you, Master Lissclion” Blaze slowly walked to the door and stopped near it with a cold expression, and sighed. “For seven dang years, Master Lissclion is nonexistent” Without Maid Aeris’s answ
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June 12, 3142, Two days after Ren’s chaotic exam. It’s Independence Day. Everything is full of color, children are running happily in the streets, the annual carnival is as packed as ever, and the people are hanging small flags with the country’s yin-yang-looking crest embroidered in blue and sewn in red fabric making it look like a flag. It is, after all, a jolly Homura day.From the 2nd door to the left on the 3rd floor of Homura Academy’s dormitory. A familiar voice kept whispering in the distance of Vincent’s sleepy ear in a nervous. Later, the voice clears its throat.“Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up—”Vincent is still out cold. Paired with snoring, and embraced his body pillow with his arms and legs. This annoys the familiar voice as it releases a frustrated sigh. The voice whispered once again with steps heard from the ground.“Your mom is outside, bissshhhh”Suddenly, a hard wave of breeze passed by the familiar voice and the sound of the door creak follow
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June 16, 3142, Sunday. In the woods, Ren is conversing with the old man. As it progresses, he lays down the ground full of dead leaves and insults the old man.“From all the things you could’ve done, why an athletic competition?”“Just do it, kid”“Fuck you, I’m not announcing them that for a worldwide entry exam”The old man proceeds to walk without minding Ren’s ranting. As he stopped, he showed Ren a button from a pen he picked from his pocket and looked back.“Threatening me now, huh?”“No… just reminding you who’s in control”The old man continued to walk while Ren walked in the opposite direction, pissed off over the old man’s request.6:15 AM, June 17, 3142, Monday. In the Homura Academy dormitory, Vincent and Blaze are currently arguing in their room with Shado silently trying to push them from getting near to each other.“I TOLD YOU, YOU CAN’T KILL PEOPLE JUST LIKE THAT”“---FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO THEN? Watch them die? Scream? OR GETTING TRAUMATIZED OF A FUCKING BAGEL”“But
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In a mysterious office. A cyan-haired figure enters in the middle of the silent night and pats the sleeping white-haired man within. It then woke up and stretched its arms, yawning.“Do you know what time it is?” Asked the man.“Sir, it's 4 in the morning. It’s time for us to go”“Ahh, yes… correct”The man then smiled as he stand up.Let’s see, if we can find… one of the vessels. Tch heheheeJune 19, 3142, Homura Academy. The day has come, Homura Academy’s annual Olympiad-like event. An event where students are supposed to have fun as their parents watch them in the same manner. And yet, some don’t follow the same formula. Some see the event as a day to have fun, while some see it as serious business for either themselves or the clan which they proudly represented in their classes.The crowd with a variety of clans began to fill the bleachers of the establishment in which the event is held, waiting for their kids to appear from the entrance proudly.Blaze enters the gates of the acad
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February 27, 3142, 7:25 AM at Bomei Elementary School, Homura. I did not kill him, W-We never did that. That's all… A frame-up. The boy opened his eyes and met a fist to his face. We never killed him. The boy fell to the ground as more kids ran to beat him. Believe me, We are not the culprit. I will prove the government wrong, and destroy the man who started all of this, Weldrin Vodabrick A total of eight male kids left the boy in a bloody state as the school ring ended the fight. Seeking revenge, the boy found an opening, picked a rock, and rushed to the kids. Suddenly, a teacher named Raiden holds his hand stuck. And sighs. “Bullying again? Cain? Lucie?” “No, we did nothing. The Ashite only smashed the rock to his face so he can frame us for attempted murder” An accomplice of the two replied. “Hmph,” Why, why, I’m a teacher, yet, I don’t have the guts to prevent bullying, is this the effect of the law? Did the law get absorbed into my brain like a dried cacao seed?
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After two hours of walking, the boy frailly reached home, lost enough blood to make his vision blurry, he saw an incoherent silhouette of a red-haired woman approaching in his direction and passed out. Thirty minutes have passed, and the boy starts to wake up. Still having a blurry vision, the red-haired woman is holding the boy’s hand in her face as it performs ancestral hand signs. A green specter glare starts to come out from the woman’s hand as she continues the movement. “Continuous Seal: Complete Heal” The woman then placed its palm with the specter light on the boy’s chest, the light rapidly scattered to the boy’s body and healed the bruises and open wounds it passes, then it traveled inside to his body healing the damaged tissues, internal bleedings, small fractures, and lastly the blood addition slowly bringing the boy’s vision to normal. The boy realizes that the red-haired woman is his mother and rapidly hugs her tight with despair in his eyes. “Ko, where is…” A sudde
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CHAPTER 12: Let The Event Begin!!!
In a mysterious office. A cyan-haired figure enters in the middle of the silent night and pats the sleeping white-haired man within. It then woke up and stretched its arms, yawning.“Do you know what time it is?” Asked the man.“Sir, it's 4 in the morning. It’s time for us to go”“Ahh, yes… correct”The man then smiled as he stand up.Let’s see, if we can find… one of the vessels. Tch heheheeJune 19, 3142, Homura Academy. The day has come, Homura Academy’s annual Olympiad-like event. An event where students are supposed to have fun as their parents watch them in the same manner. And yet, some don’t follow the same formula. Some see the event as a day to have fun, while some see it as serious business for either themselves or the clan which they proudly represented in their classes.The crowd with a variety of clans began to fill the bleachers of the establishment in which the event is held, waiting for their kids to appear from the entrance proudly.Blaze enters the gates of the acad
CHAPTER 11: A Foolish Day
June 16, 3142, Sunday. In the woods, Ren is conversing with the old man. As it progresses, he lays down the ground full of dead leaves and insults the old man.“From all the things you could’ve done, why an athletic competition?”“Just do it, kid”“Fuck you, I’m not announcing them that for a worldwide entry exam”The old man proceeds to walk without minding Ren’s ranting. As he stopped, he showed Ren a button from a pen he picked from his pocket and looked back.“Threatening me now, huh?”“No… just reminding you who’s in control”The old man continued to walk while Ren walked in the opposite direction, pissed off over the old man’s request.6:15 AM, June 17, 3142, Monday. In the Homura Academy dormitory, Vincent and Blaze are currently arguing in their room with Shado silently trying to push them from getting near to each other.“I TOLD YOU, YOU CAN’T KILL PEOPLE JUST LIKE THAT”“---FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO THEN? Watch them die? Scream? OR GETTING TRAUMATIZED OF A FUCKING BAGEL”“But
CHAPTER 10: Future Centric
June 12, 3142, Two days after Ren’s chaotic exam. It’s Independence Day. Everything is full of color, children are running happily in the streets, the annual carnival is as packed as ever, and the people are hanging small flags with the country’s yin-yang-looking crest embroidered in blue and sewn in red fabric making it look like a flag. It is, after all, a jolly Homura day.From the 2nd door to the left on the 3rd floor of Homura Academy’s dormitory. A familiar voice kept whispering in the distance of Vincent’s sleepy ear in a nervous. Later, the voice clears its throat.“Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up—”Vincent is still out cold. Paired with snoring, and embraced his body pillow with his arms and legs. This annoys the familiar voice as it releases a frustrated sigh. The voice whispered once again with steps heard from the ground.“Your mom is outside, bissshhhh”Suddenly, a hard wave of breeze passed by the familiar voice and the sound of the door creak follow
CHAPTER 9: Escalations
Amidst the fight, Blaze starts to weaken from the blows he threw to Ren, which is still mysteriously untouched. Blaze currently sped up in circles as fast as the remaining of his energy could. While his eyes are still on Ren’s casual position, the same question occurs. Why can’t I hit him? Other than that, how can he hit me without any physical contact? Blaze finches his eyes and is glad to notice that Ren’s fists have fresh-made bruises. He immediately charged toward Ren with a smile on his demolished face. Ren, still unknowingly clueless, began to smile and slowly tilts his head toward Blaze in an uncanny way. Even running faster than the falling leaves, it startles Blaze. He stared longer at Ren’s face, and his uncanny face became disturbingly wrinkled. Blaze decides to end this and quickly throws a fist loaded with his Arcanae energy towards Ren’s face. But as it got closer, his gaze can’t be moved from the death stare of Ren’s right eye. Then it suddenly tilted to the side as
CHAPTER 8: Strong & Strongest
June 9, 3142, Lissclion clan residence. Blaze is standing, observing something at a window. He watches the situation outside in a hollow as a cry of a little boy kept louder in grunts. As he watches the beating, he recalls the news he saw in the last month of the fourth. He then crunched both of his hands inside his pockets as he recalled every word the boy spoke at that specific news and aggressively gritted his teeth. That guy, His words annoy me, Even just a syllable of it, It makes me puke to myself. But even so, He is strong, And his strength, Interest’s me A knocking sound came from the other side of his room and a woman clearing her throat followed. Blaze casually turned his head towards it, and calmly stomped his left foot twice. “This is Maid Aeris, someone has come to meet you, Master Lissclion” Blaze slowly walked to the door and stopped near it with a cold expression, and sighed. “For seven dang years, Master Lissclion is nonexistent” Without Maid Aeris’s answ
CHAPTER 7: Dedication Upon Passion
June 10, 3142, 10:40 AM, Kyourou-ho Hospital: Asoko Branch. Aston is walking to the hallway of the establishment while looking at the number tags above the patient’s doors. He stopped in front of one, Room #665. Raised his right arm, and attempted to knock on the door. The door opened before so, revealing a red-haired girl standing with its anesthetic stand as support, reminiscing Naiyhto. “Are you, Nozomi Makushi?” The girl nods coldly. “Where’s brother?” Nozomi asked in demand. Aston gazes at the cross above Nozomi’s bed. Noticing, Nozomi starts to cry and loses grip on her anesthetic stand. He then attempted to help her get up, but as he got closer to Nozomi. “I will kill you— Vincent Ashite” Shocked, Aston swiftly turned his head around the room and saw a television parallel to Nozomi’s bed. Aston swiftly got out of a sobbing Nozomi’s room and busted rushing out of the hospital. He speedwalks with his hands inside his pockets with an alarming expression. How? How can it b
CHAPTER 6: The Failed Lightning Streak
June 10, 3142, 10:20 AM. HSMA interrogation room. A sound of beaten flesh surrounded the silence of the isolated underground room below Homura. Then follows a splat of blood rushing like rain as blows throw it away from the figure’s beaten-up body. Behind the beat-up is a soundproof glass work with a single fluorescent producing a classical-yellow glare representing the aging item. The light reveals a black-haired man in the same HSMA uniform as the one who’s beating up. There, the man examines a familiar syringe with every piece of equipment the room had. [HSMA Uniform: A sign of being an official member of Homura Secret Mission Agency consisting of a funnel-collared black long sleeve with a certain color combination which tells a member what area of Homura he/she will focus on] The man grabs a flashlight and holds it with his mouth aiming forward as he picks up the scalpel and slowly sliced the syringe. Getting a test tube, he transferred the droplets of the sketchy liquid into i
CHAPTER 5: Successful Second First Day Of Class
June 10, 3142, Four months after the Bomei Elementary School ceremony. Vincent, inside his consciousness at the mask’s environment with the sealed being now comprehensible by its mask. The mask sighs in boredom as Vincent walks toward it. “What exactly are you? My guy”, Vincent positively asks. “Huh?” blankly replied by the mask. “Like, what kind of being are you?” “Why do you care about such information?” “Eh, I dunno, maybe you could be my friend or ally or something” “Not a chance for a mere vessel” “Wellll, could I get your name at least?” The mask sighs, moments after, a grunt is heard. The mask looked to its front, a terrified Vincent got struck by a yellow streak of lightning towards his head, making the mask shocked. Vincent fell to the flesh-like grounds and held his head with both hands, grunting continuously from pain. Vincent screams in an attempt to restrain the pain, the mask thinks it's an act and remains cold. The moment the mask’s eyelid is close to blinking,
CHAPTER 4: The Name's Vincent Ashite
From a distance, Naiyhto can feel the pressure from the energy that Vincent released in such a long time. Raiden does feel it too, but his paralysis prevented him from reacting, yet he is still shocked. "Hmn, flexing too MUCH?" Naiyhto responds as he does 20 ancestral hand signs, then incants 20 Seals: Flash Step, teleporting himself to Vincent. Naiyhto draws closer with a smirk. Coldly, Vincent goes to a stance, keeps his katana on his left shoulder, and swiftly draws it forward. It then disappeared into thousand hexagon pieces floating around him. I thought I’ve made friends, Instead, I’ve made the ones who will cause my own to perish. “Sword Style, Manipulate: Rushing Barrier” The hexagons stopped floating, and each materialized into razor-sharp slash rays connecting to a nearby hexagon and slowly forming a sphere of continuous slashes protecting Vincent within. As Naiyhto continue his flash step, he noticed the rushing light of slashes drawing in his direction. He managed to