Chapter 18

It was a market day on the rocky land of Nankpiit and a bright sunny day. People from all walks of life had come to buy and sell. Some traders at the market were known people to residents of Nankpiit, and others were strange faces.

The men of Nankpiit and other villages that come to the market reared and sold domestic birds, like homing pigeons, guinea fowls, and wild birds of all sorts. Others traded in enchanted wild animals and skins.

The women were dealers in animals oils, wild pepper, cola, and many herbs.

The medium of exchange for their goods; was measured in cowries and sometimes certain animal skins.

Joabe's father, Laar Dampang, was training and selling enchanted wild birds and animals. On that market, day decided to take Joabe along. It had been two years since Joabe was born, and he had never been to the market.

The market square of Nankpiit was a dangerous place for children to be, especially the area where they sold enchanted birds and animals. It almos
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