Chapter 123 - Sniper Constellar

The people gathered around the burnt body of the Sniper Constellar as a bright golden light enveloped him.

Kisha was a user of the light element and has the unique ability to heal fatal wounds.

"We've been at this for an hour now." Reed's impatience was evident in his tone as he folded his arm. "Are you sure he's not dead?"

"Let's hope he's not dead."

Tyson walked over to face Reed.

"For all of your sakes."

The two brothers exchanged glares and turned their gazes towards the Sniper Constellar after they heard him coughing.


Tyson, Harold, and Lex gathered around Kisha and the Sniper Constellar.

He tried to speak, but was stopped by Kisha.

"Don't... stress... yourself. Not... done."

She then glances at Tyson and Lex, and the three of them nod their heads, unbeknownst to everyone around them.

"Full. Burst. Heart. Pulse!" She declared as the light around Jacob grew bigger, blinding everyone around the place momentarily.

The lights dimmed down, and the Sniper Constellar wa
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