Chapter 127 - A Lone Brave

"A lone brave, huh?" Jake remarked.

Lone braves were those who tackled the zodiac crypts' trials solo, without affiliating with any clan.

The exception was the first zodiac crypt, where a rule mandated teams of four.

After that, they faced the trials alone.

"This won't be an easy battle for Chase," Lexi chimed in.

"Don't worry, guys," Rhea interjected. "We've all gotten better, right? Lone brave or not, Chase will impress!"

"The match is starting."

"Hey speedster, ready to face the ripster?" Rip teased.

Chase tilted his head, then shifted to a serious expression.

"They say you lone Braves pack a punch." Chase mused as his boots glowed. "Some even call you socially awkward."

Tyson eagerly anticipated their clash, recalling their previous fight where Chase's speed had posed a challenge.

As Chase and Rip faced off, Tyson reminisced about their encounter.

"I've been itching for a rematch with Chase at full power," Tyson mused, his smile turning into a frown. "Too bad he's going down."

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