Chapter 131 - Grim

The tournament kept progressing;; Tyson advanced after a brutal battle with his brother and mademade it to the final to face Zod.

The bustling cheers of the crowd echoed more vibrantlyvibrantly than ever,ever, for today, the vagrant games shall end.

The seats were filled. The streets of the city were nearly emptyempty as everyone was in the colloseum.

Even previous participants wanted to see who would win the tournament.

"Ladies and gentlemen, We have our two finalists ready!"

Tyson and Zod were facing each other in the arena. They both hadhad wide smiles on their faces.

"So, it's happening,happening, AstralEnergy, isn't Energy, isn't it?"

"That it is, Tyson Bronze. I look forward to a memorable battle with you." Zod stretchesstretches his arm for the ex-assassinassassin.

Much to the crowd's amazement, the two of them share a handshake.

"I'm going to win,win, but, yeah, good luck, Zod."

"Go Zoddy!" Kira cheered from the crowd. She was seated with the Nightshades and Enders.

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