I just sat there on the road outside. From the cracks of the road came out small plants and tall grass.


What brought me back to reality was the sound of steps from the corner of the road.

Two blocks behind it was the source of the steps.

I stood up with my trembling legs, and with the support of the broken wall.

I started walking forward. Not much was in my mind as I continued.

Each step was minutes long for unknown reasons. I just couldn't wait to see who it was.

As I came to the road turning to my right, I stopped.

Because I now could hear more than the steps.

My ears heard the noises. It seemed like something was being torn apart.

Craning my neck above the wall which was till my eyes level, I saw a creature.

No, more of a monster.

It was covered with brown fur, its body was huge. Definitely triple the side of me.

It was kind of human-like in shape but with longer limbs.

I didn't want to attract it so I barely managed to control my breathing.

I was scared. More than before.

The monster was in a squatting position as its hands moved.

Because the monster had his back towards me, I couldn't see what it was doing.

But I can guess by the sound of flesh being ripped apart and the blood which splashed.

It was feeding on something.

I wanted to distance myself from this monster as I knew I stood no chance.

If I am attacked by that monster, I guarantee I won't last a few seconds.


Seems like my fate playing with me, I stepped on a fallen tree branch.

The monster turned his head at me, its mouth dripping with blood.

Its face looked like an aged human but with fur on it. Naming it Big-Foot should be the best.

"Damn it!"

I cursed at my luck.

Immediately, I picked up speed and ran away from the monster.

As I reached a certain distance, I looked back to see that the monster had caught up to me.

'Am I going to die?'

The thought was not wrong.

I grinded my teeth and dashed further in front trying to create as much distance as I could.

But the monster won't lose.

I continued to run around the turns to make the monster confused.

Still, the monster managed to find me no matter what or how I hid at corners.

Minutes went by but the monster was still behind, I just am losing my stamina.

'I can't run anymore!'

On the road near the edge of the city, my speed started decreasing a lot.

As for the monster, it was almost like a stamina beast with no limit.



My right foot hit a big piece of broken concrete while I was distracted by the monster.

"Ahhge! Fuck!"

As I looked at my right foot, I was in despair.

The foot was broken and white bones pierced through the shoe.

Blood came down dripping from the injury while the monster was still chasing me.

'What the?!'

My eyes landed on a thing beside me. It was a left hand black glove.

Something about it was making me believe that I can survive the chase of the monster if I wear it.

Once again I looked towards the monster who was madly charging at me.

Not much time was left till the monster made it to me.

I held the glove and wore it on my left hand. It was emitting a mysterious aura of its own.

Then the glove shone in bright blue light engulfing me in it.


The monster saw the light as it stopped on its track and growled.

Pieces of flesh flew from its mouth which were stuck on its teeth.

A burst of white-blue flames came out from the bright light.

The flames caught the monster as if rings formed around it.


Its fur burned in white-blue flames which meant complete combustion.

Nothing will be left after the fire went out.

The bright blue light entered back in the glove as I felt my eyes go blind.


I rubbed my eyes as I blinked them multiple times to make sure that I wasn't truly blind.

"What the hell is this glove?"

When the light took me in, my mind was filled with many different voices.

Each voice telling me something about whatever was happening to me and the city.

[You are lucky!]

[This is one of the Seven Wonders]

[You will have to find the other glove]

[This glove can create any element]

[But without the other glove you can't control them]

[You are weak!]

[Don't touch the Control Stone before you get the other glove]

My mind was almost about to explode because of those voices.

Controlling myself so I didn't break down, I breathed heavily.

"This glove… it's a requirement!"

Words came out of my mouth unknowingly as I was surprised but also not.

Seven Wonders…

Magical monuments built by great individuals for personal reasons.

But later gained certain powers as their owner died.

There are seven continents in the world each having one Wonder.

This information, I seem to get because I wore the glove.

Shaking my head, I stared at the place where I burnt the monster.

But nothing was left. Not even the black ash.

"I-I really did this?"

I slowly got up and looked around. Guess no one saw me being badass.


Everything is messed up here.

I opened my left hand palm and raised it. White-Blue flames shot out like before.

"Oohh! Damn!"

I was getting excited even more. I don't remember when I was this excited.

"How about…!"

Instead of fire this time, a jet of water with some white glow came out.

The voice said that I can create any element. Fire and water are not the only one.



Why wasn't anything happening?

"Was I dreaming?"

I looked at the glove. Then I once again shot the flames out like normal.

So why wasn't I able to shoot lighting out?


"I get it. Lighting is actually a mix of more elements. And I need the other glove to produce lighting."

Unless you control the elements, you can create lighting in air.

But the problem is…

"I don't know any more elements out there other than fire, water, air and earth."

This was not the first time I felt angry on my intelligence.

I should have studied more science.

Sigh… I was getting hungry because of running for almost an hour.

Suddenly, I realised that I could walk. Looking down, I saw that my foot was healed.

Still, my shoes can't return to from this torn state.

I searched the buildings around the area but didn't find a single eatable thing.

Except that disgusting insects and the maggots on rotten flesh of dead humans.


My stomach was starting to hurt. I laid my back on a wall while tears formed in my eyes.

'Do I really have to eat the maggots?'

If I could find the other glove, I might be able to create something eatable.

But I didn't know where it could be. The voice said that I was lucky.

Maybe because of this broken luck I managed to get one of the two gloves.


That was when I heard some steps not far away. Since I have this glove, I can be almost super strong.

I got up and walked steadily not making loud noise to notify the other party.

It was a deer.

Bigger than usual but still a walking meet. I must not use the white-blue flames if I want the deer to completely perish.

Orange flames is good in this kind of situation.

The deer was grazing the overgrown grass at the cracks of the concrete road.

"How do I get near the deer?"

I grabbed a rock from the side and threw it far behind the deer.

Alerted, the deer focused more at the sound. It slowly walked towards the direction I hid.

'Yes! Come closer! More!'

The deer still glancing at the sound source, came almost next to me.

Between us was a broken wall enough to cover my whole body so the deer can't see me.


I raised my palm and shot orange flames out at the startled deer.

The deer bleated as it ran while in fire. Because of the sudden spring, it crashed on a car.

The car was covered in total green so the deer wasn't hurt much but the fire soon killed it.

Thankfully I ran near it and shot water making lots of white vapours of heated water.

Sniff Sniff.

The deer was almost ready to eat as I smelled the roasted part of its meat.

I knew that I wasn't the only one in this place so I didn't take much risk to remain outside.

I pulled the deer to a tall building which didn't collapse yet and dragged it to few floors up.

The track was covered by water which I released with the help of the glove.

The tall building was an apartment and there weren't any maggots or the insects here.

I had water, fire, meat and a roof to cover my head. And so the feast begins.

I roasted the thigh perfectly and ripped it from the main body.

Not to dirty the glove, I took it out while chewing on the deer meat.

"Ahh! It's too damn hard!"

Even so, I grinded my teeth and bit of a good portion from the thigh.

"Fuu! Fuu!"

The meat was hot. As I filled my stomach with the deer meat, I wore the glove and made some water flow.

It's weird to directly drink the water from the glove which was raised up as my mouth open down.

But better then not having water.

"Now what should I do?"

Since my stomach was full, I didn't have any plans for now.

'I think I should survey the surrounding.'

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