


Chapter 8.

“Hello, uncle bobby it’s me troy …. hello? Ummm dad I think networks out.”

“Shit!” muttered the elderly man wearing a folded long sleeve looking out his window into the woods thinking how he could forget the address.

“Language dad!” he said he pressed his phone finding cell coverage. “Well, we can always drive into town and find the police station and make a call. My uncle Bobby is a ranger so I think the policemen ought to know him after all it’s a small town.”

Troy’s dad Lucas seeing the sense in what his son said started the ignition and the car picked then he drove past the sign “Welcome to old creek “population 2000…“it’s a small town” he said to himself as he turned the radio searching for a song.

“Carry on my wayward son!”

“There will be peace when you are done”

“Lay your weary head to rest”

“Don’t you cry no more…. blasted through the speakers as he nodded his head in nostalgia. Lucas looked at his son Troy whilst smiling and shook his hair with his right hand while driving.

“Dad! Stop your scattering my waves!” Troy protested.

Lucas still driving adjusted his rear-view mirror checking if there was an incoming car behind them and laughed out loud saying “sorry.”

“This song is a classic. Kansas killed it here it should be in the library of congress” he said while driving barely looking at him

“Drake is better than him though and he has the numbers to prove it “replied Troy.

Lucas who was shocked by what he heard quickly slammed his brakes hard causing the car to come to a complete stop looked at his son Troy and shake his head in disagreement and started the car and drove.

“Try calling your uncle again troy let’s see if we can reach him now,” he said to Troy as he slowed down and cornered into a nearby filling station to get gas.

Troy bringing out his phone from his pocket opened the car door and walked out a bit from the car when it was refueling called his uncle who didn’t allow the phone to ring long.

“Hey Uncle bobby it’s me, Troy,” he said.

“Hello boys, how are you? where are you guys now?” asked Bobby.

 “I am fine uncle where are you in the buy-more fueling station now. Is it close to the house?” he asked.

“You know what, there is a restaurant opposite it you can go in there and get something while waiting for me I’ll be there in the next five minutes” Bobby replied.

“Dad!” troy shouted to Lucas who was covering the fueling cap of his red and black GTO Pontiac.

Lucas walking to his son asked, “what is the problem?”

“Uncle Bobby said we can stay in the marina café while he will come to pick us up in the next five minutes.”

“Where is the café?” asked Lucas as he walked towards the driver’s seat

“Down the street,” Troy said, “uncle bobby said we will see a big ol’ sign board we can’t miss it.”

Lucas chuckled as he mimicked his son big ol as he opened the car and drove away.

Bobby rushing stretched his hand to take his jacket off the holder and grimaced in pain as he reached for it. “Shit!” Lifting his polo looking at the injury with the wall mirror adjusting his back.

“I don’t know why it still hasn’t healed as he looked at the purple scar it left on his body. I guess I will stop at the clinic on way back tomorrow he said to himself.”

Bobby looking at his wristwatch dashed out of his room and flashed through the kitchen yelling to Catherine “he will soon be back.”

Bobby dipping his hands into his pocket found out he forgot his car keys and decided to jog the rest of the journey after all it was just close.

In the marina café, troy rushed to the counter and ordered a double-decker cheese hamburger with a flush-yo drink and coffee for his dad who was busy finding a parking space.

After ten minutes Lucas walked in with Bobby and walked towards the table where Troy was devouring his cheese hamburger.

Bobby looked at the menu at the top of his voice “hey! Sherilynn, can I get some fries?”

“Sure, thing,” bobby Sherilynn said while writing it down on her notepad.

Bobby met his nephew and shook his hands. “wow you are now big man! do they feed you guys some kind of fertilizer over there? I need to send Charlie skinny ass over there.”

Lucas and Troy burst out laughing loud drew seeing that they were drawing attention tried to control themselves from laughing.

Bobby didn’t stop there as he looked at his nephew whose masculine facial features were coming out massively his bulging Adam’s apple, broad shoulder geez and his deep voice “he said out you might just be Charlie’s dad.”

Lucas’s tears in his eyes spurted his coffee out from his mouth while trying to control his laughter grabbed a tissue and cleaned his mouth.

Troy seeing the whole sequence went wild with laughter and shook the table so hard that his fresh yo drink fell and spilled on his trouser.

Alright, boys let’s head home bobby said while standing up then he went to collect his order from Sherilynn who had already put it in a takeaway bag.

“How did you know it will be in a takeaway bag?” Troy asked.

“I have been visiting here for the past ten years, so Sherilynn knows how I order my food” Bobby replied.

Lucas and troy strutted behind him as he left the café.

“Where is your car bro?” Bobby asked looking at Lucas

“There she is over there” pointing at a red GTO Pontiac 1969 with black stripes by the side replied Lucas looking at her with pride.

“My sweet baby comes to papa,” he said as he walked towards his car followed by Bobby and Troy.

“Key’s man,” Bobby asked Lucas stretching his hands out Bobby wanted to drive his car.

“Not a scratch bro! not a single scratch, I am serious man hey you remember your Impreza?” asked Lucas still thinking about it.

“Dude I was young and drunk back then,” Bobby said as he stretched his hand over the car reaching for the car keys.

“Still don’t care! Am just reminding you about it, that should not happen here, this right here is a relic” gently slapping the bodywork of the car Lucas said.

Bobby seating in the driver’s seat embraced the steering wheel heaving a sigh of relief as he grabbed the clutch to the floorboard while he lit the ignition and hit the accelerator rapidly while holding the brake.

The engine roaring steaming bobby looked at the HUD in front of the steering watching the RPM meter bounce rapidly. Looking from the side mirror watching the cloud of smoke and dust he was gathering behind zoomed into the road while navigating a tight curve like Keiichi Tsuchiya the Drift King.

Troy at the back of the car was yelling in encouragement as Bobby drifted in between cars and did a complete roulette turn in the middle of an empty road.

Bobby looking at the skid mark through his side mirror smiled to himself but then it dawned on him that it was reckless. He then drove home.


“Good afternoon citizens of Old Creek, it is your favorite radio station and newscaster Dear old Timmy Robbie giving you the same old boring news that goes on in this God-forsaken town, just like every other plain day.”

“I, I am just getting something from our men out there…. a body? A fucking body? Not one wait you mean three, six my God thirty-six! Ladies and Gentlemen stay tuned, this day just got a lot worse….”

“I am just getting news that there was a murdering rampage in the old creek memorial hospital last night by unknown assailants as they killed thirty-six patients, doctors, and security guards in the hospital last night.”

Bobby watching the television with Lucas looked at him in shock realizing he haven’t called and checked on Charlie all morning.

Bobby rushed to the dining table and picked up his phone calling Charlie’s number while walking around the panicking thinking how his son could have been Deucalion shish kebab suddenly, he heard footsteps coming down.

“Hey, dad why are you calling my phone? we are both in the same house said” Charlie who didn’t know what was happening.

Lucas and Troy looked at him together and asked “if he hasn’t seen the news today?”

“No, I haven’t what’s happening?” Charlie asked as he walked toward the television

Seeing the news on the television he was shell shocked his phone fell from his hands as he had a panic attack. His mind kept drifting to Abby

“Is she alive? why didn’t I put up a fight?” he asked himself as tears rolled down his cheeks slowly while he formed a fist looking at his dad.               

“Who did it?” he asked Bobby, his dad.

Bobby said “he will find out but as of right now the hospital is not giving any information to the public just only the family members of the victims for now. I don’t even know if klay is alright too he said worriedly.”

Lucas and Troy looking at Bobby now with interest waiting for him to spill it. They also were werewolves too.

Bobby looking at all three of them moved to his cushion and sat down “well I think it’s Deucalion and his other guy I don’t think I know his name he just has an accent maybe Mexican or Spanish I don’t know.”

Lucas looked at Troy and Charlie “you guys should go upstairs and catch up or something” he said looking at bobby.

Bobby now looking at Lucas “well you guys came at the right time because I need some help right now showing Lucas his bruise it doesn’t want to heal.”

Lucas who was skilled in using herbs saw what was happening and told him it was not an issue that it was just a minor thing.

Troy looking at them braved the question no one dared asked: “who and why is this Deucalion disturbing them?”

Bobby looking at Lucas said, “he doesn’t know anything about him but his name seemed familiar that he had seen it in the archives or so but a long time ago he lied.”

Then the two boys walked away.

Lucas stammered “the archives...?” looking at Bobby.

Bobby walking towards the fridge opened it and took a chilled beer and casually opened it while looking at Lucas “do you need a drink he asked?”

Lucas relaxing on the chair well said “hell yeah, a good story needs a beer.”

Bobby went over to Lucas and drop a mini crate of beer on the table while they discussed Deucalion.

The twins Nathan and john suddenly came in seeing uncle Lucas they rushed to meet him interrupting the discussion. He hugged them shaking them “how was school?” he asked.

“School was fine” replied the twins as they hugged him again when he brought a chocolate bar from his bag which they collected and strutted away.

Clara trying to sneak into the house was seen by my uncle Lucas who went to meet her and carried her and tossed her into the air.

Clara shrilled happily as she was in the air then she fell into uncle Lucas’s outstretched hands.

Uncle Lucas kept her aside while Catherine walked into the living room seeing her throw his hand out to hug her, which she calmly accepted.

“How’s your wife she asked?” walking away into the kitchen with her grocery bag. “Hope you will stay for dinner?” she yelled.

Lucas now sitting down looking at Bobby who was watching the Tampa Bay Buccaneers drinking his beer who now turned around.

“Well, you wanted to give me a nice history lesson! Hope the class is still in session” he said as he gulped down some mouthfuls of his drink.

“Yes, it is,” said bobby putting off the television while relaxing in his deep armchair.

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