Senator Abigail Harrison was still consumed by ambition and a thirst for a power, her eyes gleaming with an unholy fire.

"My fellow conspirator," she hissed, addressing a figure shrouded in darkness, "it is time to unleash our weapons against our enemy, George Thompson."

As the figure stepped into the light, the laboratory hummed with an eerie glow. It was Columbus Parker, his face twisted into a grotesque mask of rage.

Once a powerful drug lord, his empire had been shattered by the billionaire.

"I have been waiting for this moment," Parker growled. "Thompson has wronged me beyond measure. He has destroyed my business, my reputation, everything."

Harrison nodded sagely, "We have the power to exact revenge. Together, we shall crush Thompson and seize control of his vast wealth and influence."

Parker's eyes widened as he felt a surge of power coursing through his veins. "I am ready for anything!"

"Excellent. Our first task is to eliminate Thompson's trusted allies. We shall target
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