Henry Constantine and Prosecutor Tristan Morris sat in their car, parked discreetly across the street from President Gibson Dewey's mansion.

They had been watching the president for weeks, suspecting that he was involved in some shady dealings. And now, their suspicion seemed to be confirmed.

"I can't believe it," Tristan whispered, peering through his binoculars. "He's really helping Harrison to escape."

Henry nodded, his jaw clenched. "We need to follow them and see where they're heading. This could blow the lid off of everything."

As they watched, Abigail Harrison emerged from the mansion and got into the president's car. They quickly startled the engine and pulled out onto the street, following them from a safe distance.

"I guess they're heading towards the airport, " Henry said, "We need to keep our distance but stay close enough to see where they're going."

As they neared the airport, they realized that the President and Harrison were boarding a private flight. They exchang
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