Henry at inside his room, staring at his Quantum Reverie watch with a a furrowed brow. Lydia sat across him his face waiting for him to speak.

"So why are they after my watch?" Henry finally asked.

Lydia hesitated for a moment before taking a deep breath and wanna tell him the truth. "The shadow syndicate has a long and dark history. They were formed to retrieve the Quantum Reverie watch and they believe that artifact can help them achieve their goals."

"But why they specifically want this watch?"

"Because the watch has something that they desire while you have the unique connection to the watch that could unlock its full potential. They believe that with your help, they can use the watch to distort the history of the world and bend it to their will."

Henry shook his head,"That's insane. Why would anyone want to manip. ulate history like that?"

"Power, Henry. Power and control. The shadow syndicate believes that by altering the course of events, they can shape the world in their i
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