That night, soldiers walked slowly passing through the woods as it was heavily raining. By their heavily armed attire and the mode of walking, they were ready to attack. Behind the walking soldiers there were other military vehicles following them in the same slow pace. Everything was adding up to a serious mission that they were in. They walked until to the cave entrance where the once on foot walked in the cave leaving outside the once in the heavy military vehicles ready to attack anything that come out of the cave.
The operation was slow and silent done that only the raindrops was heard thudding on the ground. In the cave, they were searching for anything fishy. They operation was not specific all that they were told is what they were going to retrieve was risky and no more than that. During the operation one of the soldiers in the cave found a gold medallion. Lose his concentration, lowered his gun and took off the medallion off its hanging place to have a closer look. Indeed the medallion was beautiful and attractive because it was made of gold.
As they were all ordered to report for anything they see he turned, back thinking he had archive the search and shouted, “I think I have found what we were looking for.” Everybody turned to faced him in suspense. In the other side the man who was in the control centre watching the operation he exclaimed, “Jesus!” then quickly took the radiophone beside him and said, “Tell him to first return it to its position.”
Inside the cave, the head of the operation named Peter pressed in the earphone to get a clear hearing while saying, “Commander you are not clear. There is poor network.” This was an expected thing due to the remoteness of the place and the deepness of the cave. Suddenly a loud bang disrupted the conversation where Peter due to unknown force thud on the ground.
The intense gun shoots and soldiers’ scream raised Peter from his unconscious state. Due to the bang on the ground, he fell unconscious. The first visual introduction that he had it was sparks of the bullets that were hitting the hard rock wall of the cave. As a soldier trained to react quickly on situations he took, his gun from ground stood still ready to attack. He was breathing heavily due to fear because he had no clue of what was being attacked by other soldiers.
Behind him, a soldier shoot. Thinking he might have a clear look of the attacked he quickly turned back holding his gun still. Before having the look of the attacked, the soldier was pull to the dark while screaming which suddenly stopped. The cave went to silent and at that moment, he knew he was the only one standing alive in the cave. Peter pointing his gun to the direction at which the solder was pull to ready to make a shoot at any movement.
Suddenly he heard some movements where due to tension he opened fire and shoot some couples of bullets where he stopped only to notice it was a dead soldier’s body thrown to him. Knowing that he was the only soldier standing against unknown thing that he had no clue of what was it. He trembled, breathed heavy as he was attentive to any movement round him.
His breathing suddenly brought to an end when he noticed something behind him and turned back. Due to the partially light into the cave, Peter had a vivid look of a ten feet man looking creature before him. With the aid of adrenaline into his blood, he stated shooting the creature. With the perspective of guns that have never failed to kill with a shoot, he shoot the creature continually until his gun was empty. Expecting the creature to be down due to the intense shooting he was astonished to find the creature stood before him with zero wounds.
The soldiers outside on the military vehicles were prepared to attack due to the intense screams and gunshots that were coming out of the cave. It was sure for them what was to be retrieved was dangerous. Suddenly they heard a scream out of the cave that stopped at once. This was clear to them that there was something going to attack them at any moment. Ready waiting to attack the ten-foot creature with its 20 elephant strength it jumped off the cave to one of the military vehicle where it break into two as a piece of bread.
The other two vehicles turned to the creature to shoot it but bullets to the creature was like a young child punching a body builder. The speed and the strength of the creature it broke the other vehicles and leaving no survivors in the scene.
Victoria a single mother to a 12 years daughter, Lynn was at the kitchen cooking after a long day of her work of serving the justice. The struggles that the world had stick on her face after her pregnancy rejected by the father at the age 19 years she was tough. Lynn in the sitting room was before the TV watching that TV programme that her mother influence her. The house was calm as normal but the rain outside was making the house cool for a conducive environment of sleeping.
Suddenly the door was knocked softly as if it was a trusted person on the other side of the door wanting to be saved from the heavy rain. Due to the untrusted city, that Victoria was living and the turns of stories of how robbers used to enter the house as innocent people, she had warned her daughter from opening door whenever she had a knock.
She dimmed the cooker fire to prevent the burning of her sweet delicious meal for two and walked to the door. The knock was strange to Victoria because of the late night and the fact that she had no timetable for a visitor at that night. Onto the opening of the door Victoria was surprise to see a naked man who was shivering because if the rain before her. For a moment, Victoria paused for a moment in silence looking at the man.
Due to the Lynn age of curiosity, she slowly walked behind her mother to see what astonished her mother. Quickly Victoria noticed it where she turned back and gently pushed her daughter away to prevent her from looking at the naked man. When her daughter was away from the door view, she turned back to the man and said, “Wait a minute.” Then she moved back in the house.
The lost confused man staid at the door silent where Victoria had left the door open. After a minuet Victoria moved back to the naked man on the door holding a trouser and t-shirt. Still as Victoria not convinced yet that the man was no harm, she stood there by the door and watch the man slowly wearing the clothes. She was not embraced by looking at the man because her work as a detective she was used to all kind of stuffs that were messy.
After the man was presentable to her kid, she let him in the house where the man sat on the seat just beside the door. The man in his lost and confused face he was looking all around the beautiful house that had a modern look. Lynn was beside the man gazing and having questions like who is this? Where is he from? Why is he hairy like this?
The way the man walked and the way he gazed at everything it was sure he was of no harm. Victoria as a typical African woman a proper way to welcome a visitor she walked to the kitchen to serve food. On her way back to the sitting room, she found her curiosity daughter gazing at the man who was weirdly smiling on her. This was not embarrassment to Lynn but it also reflected how she taught her daughter. Quickly Victoria pulled her daughter from the gaze and with a low voice said to her, “That is not how you act before visitors.”
After Victoria dragging, her daughter to her usual unique eating position. Victoria with her detective skills moved back to the man gave him a plate of food and started, “What is your name?” furthermore she had not completely trusted the man her work was to help people. The man who was looking as a victim of crime took the spoon off the plate because he had no memory of using a metallic thing to eat and hand it over to Victoria. She curiously took the spoon away and continued looking the man waiting for the answer. The man responded “My name is Ben,” then he faced the plate, took a large scope of the meal with his hand and ate it relaxed as if it was normal.
Victoria living in the 21st century saw this was odd but she had learn to not judge people she faced her daughter to escape the bad eating manners that she could not judge where her daughter quickly turned away pretending not to hear a word. Victoria faced the man and said, “Where are you from?” he paused faced her silent. Ben not knowing where he was from nor where he was he faced back the plate and continued eating the food politely.
Thought the man looked weird but she had saw the innocence of the man where she walked back to her food on the table and started eating it. After some few stories of innocent people turning to deadly still Victoria had not trusted the man 100 present.
Watching him until he had finished the food that looked like a sip of water to him. He walked to Victoria carrying the plate hand it over to her and said, “Thank you.” Victoria knowing of how men used to eat he asked, “Are you full?” Ben quickly had a flash back of the last meal that he had beside a fireplace a roosted goat thigh that was weighing about five kilograms. Suddenly Ben remembered that he was no more in his home place where he responded, “No am full.”
For a long time Victoria had never found a true man in the city where she was intrigued by Ben’s nature where she extended her goodness by saying, “You can also take a shower I know you are all wet and you need shower to warm you up.” Still after the long rain being rain on Ben still felt sweaty and also he wanted to see this hot night bath that he heard for the first time where he nodded her head innocently.
The next moment Victoria was directing Ben inside the bathroom where she had already noticed the guy was from deep country side and was new to all this. Therefore, she turned on the shower and said, “Take off your clothes and shower here after the bath walk to the next room where I will have already put some clothes on the bed for you to ware.” She gave him his privacy where she walked away.
In the bathroom, Ben slowly walked to the shower that a device pouring hot water was somewhat magical. As the first drop of water dropped to his body, he did not found it weird as he presume but enjoyed by the shower. In the other side of the house, Victoria was washing the utensils listening to her normal classic song. She had no fear of the good man turning to deadly because the last time she remembered she could take down four men.
To Ben the shower was so magical that he took his time taking the hot shower that made him look live again. Without caring, he walked naked to the next room to where his clothes were. The scene was safe for Lynn because she was already in her room sleeping after an hour ago when her mother took her in bed.
In the changing room, slowly Ben walked looking to all things that were new to his eyes. This feeling felt as a dream to him, the hot shower and the beautiful house but the dream looked more reality this prevented him from acting in a strange way. On the stool, he saw a short that he was given where slowly took and wore it.
At a distance, a gigantic mirror on the wall drop door attracted his attention. Ben having another magical thing before him that was displaying his image he slowly walked to it. Then flash of memories flashed to him in the river when he was facing his image and dipped his hands to the river. He found himself trying to touch the other side of the mirror where it could not be access.
This raised more suspense to him where he was fully convinced this was a witch house but before he started rushing up and down as mad man, he noticed a handle on the wall drop. Victoria as a detective she had to carry a small Gun by her due to the insecurities of being a person who fight with the bad guys. When Ben opened the wall drop, he found a gun and without knowing it, he took it and looked at it closely having no clue of the good-looking metal object.
Without knowing what the small metallic thing was capable of, he turned it to him where suddenly as a replay memories flashed to him of how some men were using it to shoot bullets to him. He paused dropped the gun and started walking back wards in fear. Where he accidentally hit a glass that fell and produce a clatter sound as it fell broken on the ground. Ben turned to a confused person where his heart pounded so first because he was new to all this.
Suddenly he fell on the ground while looking he was on a bipolar episode where he started roaring in pain that he was trying to do it in low tone. In the kitchen, Victoria suddenly heard the door banged so loud. As her duty, she ran to the door where she found no one. Then suddenly she remembered she heard a visitor where she ran to her bedroom and the first thing she noticed that it was his personal bullet was laying on the ground. By the next scanning, she had a full detail of her bedroom.
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DUBA Chapter 2
Next day in the morning Victoria drove her car that he had obtained from a government load due to the country economy it was hard for a detective to own a car in that age that she was. She packed the car beside the street that was surrounded by police officers. And due to the curiosity of people and for the information to spread all over the city there were also civilians beside the crime scene trying their best to obtain a clear a story that will make them look as updated when they meet up with their friends.Victoria using her police badge she crossed over the other side that the civilian were being prevented to go through by the police in the scene. Because of the level that Victoria was on a t the time as a detective, she was the only police that who was not on the uniform. With her good scanning and investigating skills, she walked to where two men bodies were lying dead on the ground. The scene was terrifying because the killing was not as usual killing of the street this one wa
DUBA Chapter 3
Victoria walked to her boss room pissed off due to the embarrassment that she was shown by General Martin. Drake at such situation he had control of his anger due to the fear of the consequences this was the only time he did not followed Victoria as a working mate. Victoria entering the boss room she found the boss seated on the seat where without caring the rank nor the outcome she shouted, “Now what’s that with my criminal.” The boss who had already known the situation rose from his seat wanting to protect his innocent he responded,“Who are you to come in my office to talk to me like that?”“You are my boss but you are under the law.”“He is not released all that is done is change of the case from one person to another person.”“There is a protocol to follow.”“Victoria that is the General of the Army he is above some things he is also above me.”Victoria clicked walked out while saying, “I hate the system of this county,” then she slums the door on her way out. The boss who was ab
DUBA Chapter 4
It was in the evening the yellow sun was shining down to earth making a good-looking view of the earth. General Martin in his full soldier uniform was standing beside the accident scene silent. He could not believe this was a second fail that he has ever done to his life after being successful to defeat the terrorist on the Kenyan boarders.He was facing the military already burn van; behind him other people were gathered round the scene to have a look of the horrified scene. In the other side, an ambulance was trying to rescue the injured people. The wise soldier who in good luck survived the attack moved General Martin and with fear of Martin’s rank but due to the favour of his people he asked, “What was this that you were telling us to carry.” Martin as if he did not care of the accident answered,“You are a soldier you should work without questions.”“I will think if you want me to work for you, you must tell me the truth.”General Martin faced the soldier and said, “Don’t let the
DUBA Chapter 5
General Marti walked into a car where a soldier in a driver seat. General with his rude character said to the soldier, “Why are you calling me here and you ran out of the operation.” The soldier who was in a lower rank than General Martin, on shame but having something important to say responded,“Boss I have something important to show you.”“Do you how much I loosed in that operation? I know why I told you to go in masses.”“Am here to break you that all is not lost.”“What do you mean?”The soldier turned on the light to his car that was currently dark because of the night and the place of the meeting was somewhere far from people to play thing down. Then the soldier turned back where it intrigued General Martin where he also face at the back seat of the car.General Martin smiled immediately he noticed the woman and the daughter at the back seat that were unconscious was Victoria and her daughter. General still admiring the look he said joyful, “Once you did something important I
DUBA Chapter 6
In the camp corridoes, Lynn innocent walked with a soldier besides her following his commands. This was after the fight with the beast where they defeated it by using the child as a weapon. At that, time people were silent trying to digest the wrath of the beast and what would happen if the child was absent in the scene. The soldiers who were hurt due to the fight were taken to medication where the once that had died were disposed of because they were all made to be believe the cause that they were fighting for was more important than their life.The soldier who was directing Lynn back to her prison looked was tired due to the long fight that he was involved. At a corner, Victoria was hiding waiting for the soldier where she say him at a distance. Meeting up with the soldier with her motherly love and afraid to lose her only daughter, she hit the soldier’s neck with her human pressure point knowledge where the soldier immediately fall unconscious on the ground.Quickly she took her da
DUBA Chapter 7
Ben in his relaxed mode ready for the help that General Martin had promised him was seated on a sit eating some biscuits watching some videos on a tablet. To him the biscuit were something sweet and new to him, which were being provided to him to relax his adrenaline as he ate. Comfortably he was seated in a room that was calm and nobody was there to watch him to make an unconfutable environment for him.The General who was also a wise man he knew after the chat with ben he won’t escape and reducing the resources he also mad no soldier watch the door to Ben’s room. Though Ben has never came across a screen that could display some videos that were funny to him as human nature he quickly adapted to the fact where he was handling the tablet as her was used to it.Suddenly to his room Victoria bumped it where she closed her door back. Ben who was friendly in nature plus he remembered her face and everything about her he asked, “Why are you here?” As she was painting due to the long runs a
DUBA Chapter 8
General Martin in his office angrily banged the table. This was brought through by another failure to capture the beast and this time his anger was too high because the last operation he had used a lot of his personal money. The operations were non-government operation that he was using his money to pay soldiers and poor government recourses. This was going to compromise his everything including his money and his work he had to stop the operation.Suddenly in the office, the door was open and Ben walked in on a short only. Behind him, soldiers followed him back pointing him with guns. The soldiers were afraid to make a shoot to Ben to make him angry because they had already noticed the beast was bring about when Ben was in anger. The soldiers also they were afraid to shoot because they have also tried to shoot him with lead to give rise in the beast.“I want this demon in me out.” Ben said looking serious .After the damages he had sawn that the beast was causing he was feed up with th
DUBA Chapter 9
The beast with its fearless look it responded with its deep voice, “Your Ben is no longer the beast am the.” Suddenly from a side the beast was shoot by a confident soldier that was shooting no matter the sight that he had seen that the beast was not affected by the guns shoot. The beast a bit distracted from his target it faced the soldier where he was confident and as if for some time, he remembered struggles off being a soldier and assumed him. By the beast expression to its word immediately, Victoria believed it words where without asked to run she ran. When the beast faced her side it found she was missing where it giggled and said, “You cannot run forever.”Victoria who was under a truck a distance away from the beast where she could hear it referring to her. The beast with its desire to kill her it started walking round the messy place where flames were all over looking for her. Victoria at her hiding place she was panting where she was trying to minimize it by placing her han
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Chapter 11
The beast stood a distance away from Duba facing each other in range. The place was in a mess flames were all over cars were stuck on the road and people were running up and down. The range between the two was so intense that they assumed everything around them thinking they were in a play field alone.The beast who was in possession of the Generals body in rage it rushed towards Duba where Duba stood still roaring waiting for it. The beast in a force of ten mega trucks he hits Duba where Duba who was anticipated to withhold the force that was being subjected to him fell on a car bonnet. Without giving Duba time to recover from the spear, he stated hitting him countless punches.The beast punches were heavy where Duba was weaken by them where he could not escape from them. Suddenly Duba remembered he once unbeatable gain his strength and kicked so hard that threw the beast a distance away from him. Duba where that was his breakthrough from the beatings that if would have continued wou
Chapter 10
Victoria slowly walked into the room that where Ben was laying on the bed. She sat on the seat beside the bed where they both faced each other. Ben at the moment was badly injured that he could not move freely nor talk as normal, his whole body was wrapped on bandages except his face. Victoria asked, “How do you feel?”Ben due to the effects of the painkillers in his system he responded, “I fell nothing even I cannot move.” Victoria at the time knew partially was the effects of the painkillers and partially because one leg had no nerves, protecting the psychological effect of Ben at the time she responded, “That because of some drug that you were injected by the doctor. I know you have no clue of what I am saying but don’t worry it will be over soon and you will back on your legs.”Also the white bandage that was wrapped around him was new to him where he also asked, “And what is this white thing wrapped around my legs and arms?” Victoria at the time had found Ben interesting guy with
Chapter 9
The beast with its fearless look it responded with its deep voice, “Your Ben is no longer the beast am the.” Suddenly from a side the beast was shoot by a confident soldier that was shooting no matter the sight that he had seen that the beast was not affected by the guns shoot. The beast a bit distracted from his target it faced the soldier where he was confident and as if for some time, he remembered struggles off being a soldier and assumed him. By the beast expression to its word immediately, Victoria believed it words where without asked to run she ran. When the beast faced her side it found she was missing where it giggled and said, “You cannot run forever.”Victoria who was under a truck a distance away from the beast where she could hear it referring to her. The beast with its desire to kill her it started walking round the messy place where flames were all over looking for her. Victoria at her hiding place she was panting where she was trying to minimize it by placing her han
Chapter 8
General Martin in his office angrily banged the table. This was brought through by another failure to capture the beast and this time his anger was too high because the last operation he had used a lot of his personal money. The operations were non-government operation that he was using his money to pay soldiers and poor government recourses. This was going to compromise his everything including his money and his work he had to stop the operation.Suddenly in the office, the door was open and Ben walked in on a short only. Behind him, soldiers followed him back pointing him with guns. The soldiers were afraid to make a shoot to Ben to make him angry because they had already noticed the beast was bring about when Ben was in anger. The soldiers also they were afraid to shoot because they have also tried to shoot him with lead to give rise in the beast.“I want this demon in me out.” Ben said looking serious .After the damages he had sawn that the beast was causing he was feed up with th
Chapter 7
Ben in his relaxed mode ready for the help that General Martin had promised him was seated on a sit eating some biscuits watching some videos on a tablet. To him the biscuit were something sweet and new to him, which were being provided to him to relax his adrenaline as he ate. Comfortably he was seated in a room that was calm and nobody was there to watch him to make an unconfutable environment for him.The General who was also a wise man he knew after the chat with ben he won’t escape and reducing the resources he also mad no soldier watch the door to Ben’s room. Though Ben has never came across a screen that could display some videos that were funny to him as human nature he quickly adapted to the fact where he was handling the tablet as her was used to it.Suddenly to his room Victoria bumped it where she closed her door back. Ben who was friendly in nature plus he remembered her face and everything about her he asked, “Why are you here?” As she was painting due to the long runs a
Chapter 6
In the camp corridoes, Lynn innocent walked with a soldier besides her following his commands. This was after the fight with the beast where they defeated it by using the child as a weapon. At that, time people were silent trying to digest the wrath of the beast and what would happen if the child was absent in the scene. The soldiers who were hurt due to the fight were taken to medication where the once that had died were disposed of because they were all made to be believe the cause that they were fighting for was more important than their life.The soldier who was directing Lynn back to her prison looked was tired due to the long fight that he was involved. At a corner, Victoria was hiding waiting for the soldier where she say him at a distance. Meeting up with the soldier with her motherly love and afraid to lose her only daughter, she hit the soldier’s neck with her human pressure point knowledge where the soldier immediately fall unconscious on the ground.Quickly she took her da
Chapter 5
General Marti walked into a car where a soldier in a driver seat. General with his rude character said to the soldier, “Why are you calling me here and you ran out of the operation.” The soldier who was in a lower rank than General Martin, on shame but having something important to say responded,“Boss I have something important to show you.”“Do you how much I loosed in that operation? I know why I told you to go in masses.”“Am here to break you that all is not lost.”“What do you mean?”The soldier turned on the light to his car that was currently dark because of the night and the place of the meeting was somewhere far from people to play thing down. Then the soldier turned back where it intrigued General Martin where he also face at the back seat of the car.General Martin smiled immediately he noticed the woman and the daughter at the back seat that were unconscious was Victoria and her daughter. General still admiring the look he said joyful, “Once you did something important I
Chapter 4
It was in the evening the yellow sun was shining down to earth making a good-looking view of the earth. General Martin in his full soldier uniform was standing beside the accident scene silent. He could not believe this was a second fail that he has ever done to his life after being successful to defeat the terrorist on the Kenyan boarders.He was facing the military already burn van; behind him other people were gathered round the scene to have a look of the horrified scene. In the other side, an ambulance was trying to rescue the injured people. The wise soldier who in good luck survived the attack moved General Martin and with fear of Martin’s rank but due to the favour of his people he asked, “What was this that you were telling us to carry.” Martin as if he did not care of the accident answered,“You are a soldier you should work without questions.”“I will think if you want me to work for you, you must tell me the truth.”General Martin faced the soldier and said, “Don’t let the
Chapter 3
Victoria walked to her boss room pissed off due to the embarrassment that she was shown by General Martin. Drake at such situation he had control of his anger due to the fear of the consequences this was the only time he did not followed Victoria as a working mate. Victoria entering the boss room she found the boss seated on the seat where without caring the rank nor the outcome she shouted, “Now what’s that with my criminal.” The boss who had already known the situation rose from his seat wanting to protect his innocent he responded,“Who are you to come in my office to talk to me like that?”“You are my boss but you are under the law.”“He is not released all that is done is change of the case from one person to another person.”“There is a protocol to follow.”“Victoria that is the General of the Army he is above some things he is also above me.”Victoria clicked walked out while saying, “I hate the system of this county,” then she slums the door on her way out. The boss who was ab