Three hours later, a mosquito who passed by the area was shocked to see an enormous outline of the hut getting iced and saw his comrade's disintegrated frozen bodies. He was shocked and terrified as he hurriedly reported the situation to the other mosquito.

The news immediately spread, and it eventually reached the ears of Isaac and the king.


“What?” Isaac was shocked. “I will go there immediately!”

Without waiting for the mosquitoes to stop him, he disappeared and arrived at the scene not long later. With his clear vision skill, he immediately recognized the Ice covering the small hut and the broken pieces of the mosquito bodies.

He was stunned as he wondered, who could possibly possess such power. To completely freeze a hut and even the mosquito guarding outside? Even the goblin wizard couldn’t summon a wave of fire!

Isaac was alarmed and cautiously looked for the cause. He slowly flew forward and hovered before the frozen hut. His gaze penetrated and recognized the two bod
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