Chapter 10.

The general looked at Damon with a confused expression on his face, the young man appeared to be in a daze, he was murmuring to himself, his eyes glued to the pendant he was holding.

"My name is Damon... Yes, my name is Damon." He said a bit louder, his eyes darting from the scar on his left arm to the pendant he was holding.

The woman in his dream had called him Damon and given him the pendant promising to be back for him but she didn't, then the scar... It can't be a coincidence, it just can't be.

"Your name is Damon, right?" The doctor inquired and Damon's head turned towards his direction.

"Yes. My name is Damon, I guess." He mumbled the reply.

"Is your name Damon or not?" The general asked, apparently frustrated by the uncertainty of the man.

Damon frowned his face, eyes consolidating on the impatient-looking man, "I'm not sure, sir but I'll take the name." He replied, wondering why the man was so impatient with him.

The general let out a grunt of frustration and turned toward
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