Chapter 384

Emperor Kai waved his hand fan through the air as celestial thunderstorm and lightning descended on the beasts around.

With most of them whipped off and with many others coming, He Looked towards the direction of Asura who was in his shied doing whatever he was doing! 

He Saw that the Eagles around him were growing more even though they were blasted off by Asura's dark energy. They were still coming and if care wasn't taken, they were likely to break Their way in.

He flew to the scene as he brushed them off with his staff. He stood around there fighting them off while he protected the shield 

In General, The scene of the Heavenly palace was now In chaos! The buildings of the Heavenly palace weree getting shattered and falling and the radiation of violent energy was basically spreading through the place and even affecting the Heavens in general!

If something wasn't done,

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