The secret cave where the Parliament of the unknown were located; and Alice was outside. She walked in slowly and torches of fire were lit out of nothing, illuminating the formerly dark cave. Alice was about to speak when the one at the center above spoke first, “I see why you’ve come here… questions”, it was the one with a female voice; the leader.Alice heaved a sigh and replies, “Yes… questions it is”The one at the center suddenly began to float downwards till she landed on her feet; though clothed in black clothes and no part of her skin was visibleShe moved forward towards Alice and said to her, “You will get your answers here; what do you seek for, DARK WITCH”The woman raised her hood to reveal her face to Alice. Alice gasps on seeing her; her eyes widened in shock, she couldn’t utter a word, while the woman spoke, “I am the future!”.. “This is impossible”, Alice gasps before she co
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Dark Secrets of Time CHAPTER 62
(NEW CITY)(MR. MARK EDDIE’S HOUSE) “she's been unwell since the time she was manipulated”, Alice said at the presence of the others, except Bella and TanyaAnnie was lying on a bed, her eyes closed tightly as she squeezed the duvet which was used to cover her. Jenny who was seated beside her quickly calls the attention of the others, “she's having bad dreams again,” “Yes”, Marcus replied, “and we should stop preventing her from going out there to find the red ring” “we already agreed on this... Those rings have dangerous powers… we can’t let her go… we’ll figure something out and help her…” “you claim it's dangerous, why don't you get rid of the one with you… cause it looks like the time is coming… it's almost here”, Marcus said furiously, “get rid of it… oh, you'll say no cause your mother gave it to you, right?”Alice grins as she yelled at him “Quiet!” the force is the loud scream threw Marcus back before hitting his back an
Dark Secrets of Time CHAPTER 63
(NEW CITY) While a man who seems to be campaigning for a political post was accompanied by supporters everywhere as he spoke on a stage, security guards at alert as well. “… the American way…”, he completed his statement and the people yelled, “democracy!” Suddenly, the man began to levitate, the people widened their eyes; everyone was surprised… does he have powers? But no… he was just as surprised as they were. They all began to levitate slowly; being suspended in the air, they clamoured. All losing control of their movements like there was no gravity, but to the extent that they can't direct their bodies to a direction. A man walked majestically unto the stage, same man who stole the other night. While smiling, he introduced himself, “hello citizens… my name is… Dr. Levitate… sorry for your inconvenience, not!” He laughs like a maniac and continues, “luckily, I came for just one person… but I don't mind killing anyone who tries to stand up against me… even if that person w
Dark Secrets of Time CHAPTER 64
(PLATINUM CITY-2020)It was evening, and inside a restaurant were people and a guy in his mid-20s, dressed like an attendant called one of the others saying, “hey Mac, I’m leaving” Mac then replies “Williams, just wait for few more minutes” Williams was headed towards a room when he also spoke back, “no way, bye” He went in and came out in another outfit, then he left. He stopped a cab and said to the driver “Angle Tech…” William entered and car began to move while the driver started, “wanna see their latest invention, huh?” William replied “yeah, they’re just the best, they even made robots”.Few minutes later, they arrived outside Angle Tech, a large company, some people were going in, but 70% of people who came were outside, William was going In, and on his way, he met with guards whom he showed a ticket to go in. He entered and was going straight when a lady blocked his way saying “you’re always almost late” William replied “yeah I know, Jenner, I’m sorry… where’s M
Dark Secrets of Time CHAPTER 65
(DR FRANK’S LAB)The whole team was together, and William was putting on his superhero outfit. Marie said staring at him, “my powers enable me partial speed to, but majorly electricity” “which means William can power you up in a way, with lightning”, Dallas said while Mr. Arnold said “this is fantastic… William, when you go out there, we can communicate with you through the earphone and monitor your vitals with your suit” William replies, “thanks, haven’t thought of a name yet” Jenner replied “I’ll give you one, just give me time” Dr Frank replied “you do that, Arnold, are you gonna meet with the CEO of Angle tech?” Mr Arnold nodded while William asked “why do you wanna meet him?” Mr Arnold answered “it’s about the explosion, I have questions to ask him… important questions”. “and one of the reasons is to get ultrahuman cuffs which can be used to stop those that get in our way”, Dr. Frank said when they saw an emergency sign on the computer screen, Jenner yel
Dark Secrets of Time CHAPTER 66
(DR. FRANK’S LAB)Dallas, Jenner, Angel, and Mr. Arnold were watching a live news on the tv, a reporter was speaking while it was cloudy and raining, he said “the weather forecasts didn’t expect rain today, but even if it would rain, it would just be a little, but it’s raining heavily here in Platinum City, the clouds are think and the wind blowing also turns out to be heavy, people claim a storm is gonna hit the city, from what we’re seeing right now, looks like that’s true, an unexpected storm… it’s just 11AM in the morning but it’s looking like 7PM already…”Dallas said to the others “what kind of weather disorder is this?” Angel replies “well, no one knows” Mr Arnold then suggested “it shouldn’t be raining today” Jenner was working on the computer, then she said as she widened her eyes “huh… this can’t be possible! looks like something s off”.Dallas asks “what’s the problem, Jenn” Jenner answers saying “with our newly built satellite, we can detect a large scale of ultrahuma
Dark Secrets of Time CHAPTER 67
William was in the restaurant which he worked in, he entered Mr. Cole’s office and Mr. Cole said on seeing him “hello, pick that paper from the table” William picked up a paper from the table and said “I’m fired right?” Mr. Cole replies “yes, you’re fired… I’ve sent you your salary cause I know how poor you are, but ow will you take care of Marie now? I have an offer for you… give her to me, and I’ll keep paying you without having you to work. Williams was beginning to get angry while Mr. Cole continues “you can’ take care of her, so just hand her over to me before she finds another man, because if she does, you’ll be lonely and poor forever, if you give her to me, you’ll be rich, and then I’ll give her back to you later, rich and happy”.Williams walked closer to Mr. Cole with a smile on his face, then he punched his face and hits his face on the table. Mr. Cole yells in pain bleeding on His nose while Williams said “one more word and you’re gonna regret it” Williams punched Mr. C
Dark Secrets of Time CHAPTER 68
(DR FRANK’S LAB)The whole team gathered, and Mr. Arnold was speaking, while Blink was also standing right there, “This right here is Blink, showed up at my house and said he wants to race with you William… he’s the bad guy, which means the one with the black lightning must have been a good guy”Blink replies, “I’m no bad guy… i am the fastest man alive, and I’m BLINK” Marie scoffs and replies, “you can be damn fast, but not as fast as William”, Jenner chuckles, “don’t be too sure, we saw the freaking video”, she saidWilliam walked towards Blink and said “I can’t wait to see the face behind that mask of yours” Blink takes off his mask and said “that’s it…” He puts on his mask again while Dr. Frank said “Williams, show him what real speed is”Williams changed his outfit while Dallas and Angel said together “now the race is about to begin” “Motion, I’ll prove to you I’m faster than you”, said Blink He snapped his fingers and before I they could even hear the soun
Dark Secrets of Time CHAPTER 69
They were all surprised and dumbfounded, “what the…!” Dallas exclaimed. There was silence for few seconds, which was soon broken. “My name is Arnold Martin” Black Lightning said. He looked just like Mr. Arnold Martin, but few years younger. He continues “… I’m 25 years… So, who is he? An impostor?”“This is really confusing…” Angel said, then asked “how old are you Mr. Arnold?”. Mr. Arnold sighs and answered “I’m 35” Jenner was working on the computer which then shows the picture of the young Arnold Martin, who was 25years old as one of the people who live in Platinum City. They all stared at the computer, and then back at Mr. Arnold. “Who are you?” Jenner yells. “This might sound quite unbelievable, and I shouldn’t say it, but…” Mr. Arnold said. “I’m truly Arnold Martin, and I’m from the future, year 2030” “impossible!” Dallas exclaims, and asked “how?” William sighs and asked “so you’re saying you time travelled?”“Yes, I did… I came here with a time machine, but it was dest
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(HIGHVILLE)Ashley had been handed over to the cops by Captain and Sharpshooter, and both just arrived at the team's base; everyone including Theresa was there. “Bonnie Rose is from New City; but years ago, she worked in a project at Star city and the first ultra human explosion incident gave her powers; she later moved to Platinum city, and then, back here in our city”, Selena explained “and I have an idea” Randy cuts in “what?”, Miley asked “if she's planning both in this city and Platinum city, we gotta find motion and the heroes of Platinum city', he suggested. “that’s right” Roose supported “That means… Randy, Selena, Roose, Tiger, and I will go to Platinum city”, Miley said, and Tiger added, “Theresa, Kate, and Natalie will be here”. “good idea, but she could come here”, Kate said “True… I'll stay here”, Miley replied, “, and Tiger too” “O-okay”, he agreed! So, Randy, Roose. And Selena would go instead..********** .(PLATINUM CITY)
At night, Ashley opened the door of a room; of a house which wasn’t his. He walked in she switched on the lights only to see the general on the case already pointing his gun at him, “wanna kill me too?”, the general asked, “, it's been years”Cops and special forces came in instantly; Ashley was surrounded. Ashley pulled out his gun and dropped it; turning around and putting his hands at the back of his head, “do I get to do it this way?”, he asked; still smiling and looking confident, “I'll be gone like a bird”, he said while looking at the general.While the cops were about to cuff him, the general yelled, “wait!”But it was too late, Ashley grabbed and twisted their hands and as the others tried to shoot, he used them as shield so they couldn’t; cutting the two together while taking their guns and jumping outside through the window from up stairs.They looked through the window and he was gone before they could even follow him..He had escaped the cops but was still running
(HIGHVILLE)At the police station, Captain, Miss Vicious and some cops were watching the footage of how Ashley killed the general, “we don’t know who he is yet”, one of the officers said. A general in the army entered suddenly with two soldiers behind him, he was speaking as he came in, “one of ours died, and you cops can’t even do a thing… we’re taking this case ourselves” “are you scared of death?”, Captain asked, “if he; being a soldier once upon a time decides to hunt some of the generals down; you might be on his list; are you scared?”The general scoffs, he couldn’t give an answer, so he walked past Captain while Randy and Selena left immediately. “From the recording, the general was talking to nobody”, Selena said, “at first like a crazy person, then he turned to look at the door and Ashley came in just in time to kill him; and no other voice was heard, except that of the general; this is confusing”.*************** .Miley was in her house, with Ashley who
(HIGHVILLE)Days had passed, weeks maybe… Selena, Roose, Tiger, and Natalie were present at the team's base; Natalie walked briskly while holding a tablet device on her left hand; working her right hand on it. “attention Sharpshooter, Red Tiger… your call… over here” “what's the situation?”, Roose asked..Both of them soon arrived at a super market store and saw cops taking some cuffed robbers into their cars and driving them away. They were surprised and even more surprised to see Captain walk out of the store as a cop shook hands with him, “quick to action”, Roose said and Tiger asked, “, how did you… get over here before us?” “I have my ways…,”, he said before bursting into laughter as they left together..******”**** .Mr. Rhodes was in his office, thinking and looking puzzled; he had a lot on his mind, and wasn’t feeling like himself; he wondered what might have gone wrong, probably he wasn’t in his right state of mind. While in the world of thoughts,
Selena, Tiger, Roose, Kate, and Natalie were watching a recording on a computer as a man was speaking, “former soldier; Randy Sharp was wrongfully accused and the charges against him have now been dropped, he has proved to be a true soldier and a true citizen of The United States of America… the dead who were accused shall be honored rightfully and remembered always”Natalie hugged Randy saying, “oh so sweet… now you’re a free and famous man” “we’re all free now; Donnie's gone for good”, Selena said before they stood up as Natalie was gonna get drinks for everyone..******†******* .Ashley was in his house watching the same recording when he outrageously yelled, “What about Captain Ashley? Forgotten in the same way! Why why?”He cleared everything off the table and smashed his phone on the ground, eyes wide and breathing heavily, he continued to damage things..************ .Kate and Randy were back at Kate's house in her room. Both of them sat on the bed and he was
(HIGHVILLE)It was a very funny day; Captain, Miss Vicious, Sharpshooter, and Red Tiger were before Donnie; he was fully prepared and putting on his armor and helmet. Captain whispers to the others, “Tiger and I will take him head on, you guys should attack from the sides.Sharpshooter and Miss Vicious went forward and Donnie a blue beam of light at Sharpshooter, throwing him backwards before he could dodge the attack “what the fuck!”, Selena exclaims while she stoppedRed Tiger and Captain then went ahead, and now they knew what to expect. As Donnie tried to shoot at Selena, she averted the attack and rolls to the side. Captain threw a flat and round object at Donnie and it sticks to his armor before beeping red light and exploding.Donnie walked majestically out of the smoke if the fire and the impact had left only a scratch on the suit.Red Tiger began to attack Donnie while Captain pulls out his swords. Red Tiger punched Donnie, but Donnie also hits him back and he w
Miley was at McCurdy Restaurant with a guy; seated together on a table of two and facing each other, then he asked, “why have you been ignoring me?” Miley sighs and answered, “cause I've been busy… and we’re obviously in different sides” “then you should be on my side… not with Mr. Rhodes”, he complained, “Miley, I love you” “I can't leave my boss”, she snapped back, “and I don't love you” “and if you don't leave him, your secret will be revealed. Miley, you're a criminal but everyone forgot about that… still, you burned that man… yeah, I know everything you're doing, meanwhile you think you're free. Mr. Rhodes has a book of your records and will reveal you one day… you sure know what happened to me in the past, I was a Captain of a mission, but they conspired against me and tagged me a criminal. Join me and then we'll leave this country or do something else”Miley scoffs and replies, “you don't flatter me, Ashley… Mr. Rhodes isn’t the kind of person you think he is; Do
(HIGHVILLE)Captain (Randy), Red Tiger (Tiger), Sharpshooter (Roose), and Miss Vicious (Selena) were on a road which was definitely busy before the gangsters on the road arrived; led by Rogue.Tiger was putting on a red and black outfit with gloves which had claws like that of a tiger.Roose way on his usual outfit and his guns were quite different add they were advancedSelena’s sword was on her back she was clad in a grey long sleeved top with trousers, while Randy was on his usual too, and his swords crossed X on his back. “take the others, I'll take Rogue”, Captain said to the three and while Roose and Tiger went ahead first, Selena asked, “you sure you don't need help?”, and he answered saying, “if you see that I do, then you can help”She concurred and went forward too while Rogue came towards CaptainRogue stretched his hands to shoot electric streaks from the gloves he was putting on, and it shocked Captain while he was moved back too, “not bad…”, he groans. He sheath
(HIGHVILLE)Now, the team were together, including Jamie, which makes the present figures; Randy, Selena, Kate, Roose, Natalie, Tiger, the doctor, and Jamie. “with Tiger’s help, we’ll find Donnie…”, Randy said; seems he had been speaking before. “sure”, Tiger replies while Randy continues, “and we’ll deal with him for good” “Quick info…”, Tiger said, “Donnie’s engineers made him an armor; a super suit, but I don't know all it can do yet… in sure he's gonna use it” “Well, we have two electric gloves left”, Roose spoke, but was interrupted by Jamie quickly saying, “There's something Mr. Rhodes and I will help you with” “What?”, Kate asked out of curiosity and was answered, “Special weapons; cause your weapons need to be upgraded… advanced that It would do better than it does now” “what difference would it make”, the doctor asked “So much that we can't count”, Selena said, “and Miley told me it should be ready in…” “A week or less”, Jamie compl