Chapter 16

Adan was outraged at Swart. He felt he was trying to drag his Father into his mess. If not that why then would he mention him as an accomplice? He paced about angrily and turned around to give Swart a punch. Swart stumbled and fell and the agents had to hold Adan back. They thought he seemed to have forgotten that Swart was the Minister for Defense.

Macleod held onto Adan as well, he was annoyed that his Mother and sister weren’t returned to them and they were being shot at and treated like dogs in front of the CIA and there was nothing they could do to help them.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he asked

“How dare you mention my Father as one of your accomplice? What the hell were you thinking?!” Adan yelled and tried to hit Swart again

“Your Father is the cause of all this!” Swart said

“You see this building? He was the one who suggested it’d be brought to the ground even though they were children in it. I was only trying to protect my family back then little did I know t
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