
Since everything I did to help you wasn't good enough, destroying you was the only option I had.


"You two seem close," Rowan noted as he trailed behind Maximus who looked around before answering in an undertone, "Whatever do you mean?" "You hated Sora when we were kids."

"That's because he'd always leave and I was afraid he wouldn't come back." "What changed?" "What's with all the questions?"

Rowan's lip twitched as he rethought his next question; or in his case, his next attempt at learning something about the other, "Can't I be curious?"

Maximus sighed in exasperation, "Rowan?" "Honestly, I'm just concerned seeing as when Sora completes his mission down here, he's going back to Heaven."

Maximus glared at him and opened his mouth, ready to sharply ask what the other knew before chewing his tongue; he really was risking a lot for someone who would leave if the opportunity ever presented itself.

He then found himself smiling at Rowan, "The least we can do is help him, no?"

"The mood here is so serious," Sora's voice noted. The other two, who hadn't heard him coming, jumped slightly as the former continued his statement. "Are we discussing our undying love for each other?"

Rowan and Maximus glanced at each other before bursting into laughter, which befuddled the Angel who soon joined them.

They sometimes forget that they are young adults who bit off more than they can chew. That is why the little moments where they laugh at nothing at all are the ones they treasured the most.

Sora wiped away some stray tears with the sleeve of his shirt as he pulled a golden ring out of his pocket, showcasing it to the two, "Look what I found."

An odd feeling made its presence known in Rowan's gut as he stared at the familiar ring. Before he could say anything, Maximus' smile dropped as he eyed the ring warily, "Where did you get it from?" "I picked it up by that pond you two left me by."

"What if its cursed?' Rowan asked.

Having been around Dolan, all his friends were cautious about random objects they stumbled across. They would normally hand him such objects to check if they are cursed but with the rebellion currently separated, they had to be even more wary.

Sora slipped the ring on his right middle finger and admired the way it caught on the light, making it glow slightly.

"Dude," Rowan furrowed his brow.

"What would Dolly say?" Maximus hit his shoulder while frowning heavily.

Sora stared at the pair blankly, "Amen." "What the-" "I prayed for it, Maxi." "What do you mean 'I prayed for it'?"

The stare shifted from blank to concern, "You've friend with me for fourteen years, Maxi. How do you not know what prayer is?"

Rowan caught on immediately and snickered as he ruffled the brown hair, "It's that thing we do when we want to talk to our creator and thank them, worship them, share personal secrets and the like."

"I know what prayer is," came the weak protest.

Rowan and Sora exchanged glances, the same statement passing through their minds: sure you do, Maxi.

Maximus felt his face heat up and huffed, before spying a cabin. He perked up at the sight, "Check out that cabin." "Let's check it out," Sora blurted, walking to the cabin in question.

Rowan, who was the biggest in the literal sense, grabbed Sora by the collar and threw him over his shoulder, "Sora, this isn't Heaven where you can go frolicking to every place that piques your interest. You can get hurt out here." "Your curiosity is what got you kicked out of Heaven," Maximus added, "Plus you know the old saying."

What about its continuation, does it count in this situation? Sora then pinched Rowan's butt which caused the taller to drop him. Sora glared at the blackette while rubbing his sore butt, "I'll have you know, Dolly and Lani would've agreed with me."

"Argument invalid," Rowan sighed. "Dolly would jump off a cliff if you asked him nicely and Lani would follow because she thinks she'll catch him."

Time for plan B. Sora shrugged and feigned disinterest as he stood to his full height and walked away from the cabin.

Maximus was suspicious as to why the Angel just lost interest when the blonde right between them and into the cabin.

"Did he just...?"


They heard Sora let out a scream, triggering two different reactions; Maximus walked towards the cabin while Rowan walked away from it.

When Maximus realized Rowan was headed in the opposite direction, he quirked a brow, "Where do you think you're going?"

"Definitely not to that cabin," came the nonchalant reply.

Maximus pursed his lips, "What if he is in danger?" "All the more reason not to go if I'm being honest."

Maximus didn't respond and instead settled for sending him a blank look that made the other sigh as he changed direction, walking besides

Maximus and towards the cabin. That didn't stop him from complaining at every chance he got.

Rowan rose his hand and knocked on the door twice before kicking it down on what was supposed to be the third knock. The pair then scrambled inside and glared around as if expecting to be in a mob.

"Why you two so extra?"

Sora held a finger sandwich and gave them a scolding look, making the pair feel like children who did something wrong. He then addressed the red head seated beside him, "Those two are my friends; Maximus and Rowan."

She smiled brightly, "Hello boys, care for a finger sandwich? They're vegan friendly."

Rowan sat beside Sora and whispered, "We don't know her. We can't trust her." The Angel in turn rolled his eyes, "Wynter, mind telling the unbelieving one about yourself?"

"Unwanted; classified species," she sipped her tea. "My wife, a half demon, died because she refused to reveal where the Vampires are hidden."

Maximus' jaw dropped, "Vamps are real? I thought they were made up as a way to scare little children."

Wynter let out a chuckle as she questioned how he finds it difficult to believe in undead immortals but he doesn't even question a lot of the other unwanted creatures' existence. At their silence, she asked where they were going which ended with Maximus giving a summary of the last five years of their lives.

"Now you have to find this Dolan person because he's the only one who can help you, correct?" Wynter concluded. She then smiled, "He's your healer. I'm certified in that sector. How about I take a look?"

Sora took off the shirt and the other three eyed his back in concern. Wynter reached out and lightly traced the scars where, at the age she assumed Sora should be at, there should be wings. She then explained how he'd need a fresh ointment to be applied on his back every two days causing Maximus to offer her a slot in the team, surprising everyone including himself.

But he didn't regret it, not when Wynter smiled.

Maybe offering your company to others does put a smile on their face.

"You were right again," he muttered under his breath with a smile.

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