She is Tiana Whitley, the queen of the cheerleader squad. She has quite an aura for stardom with so many followers. And she has the talent in becoming the source of gossip amongst ladies, more than her abilities as the cheering squad.
Dean can only clench his fists. Those fists keep shaking as he is struggling to hide his anger. Soon after the class is over, he immediately rushes to catch up to that girl to set the score with her.
“Tiana Whitley!” He calls out loudly with so much dignity.
Of course that one move attracts the attention of so many other students. Tiana has such popularity, and the way Dean calls her, by mentioning her complete name, makes them anticipate something interesting.
Tiana turns back, and then smiles by deliberately putting on a smug face. “I didn’t know you had the nerve to call me this way? What is it now? Trying to express your feelings in front of everyone?”
Due to the mounting anger, Dean sends a huge swing intending to slap her face.
That girl screams in shock, but nothing happens yet. She opens her eyes, and finds that Dean is holding himself, despite how mad his face is.
“I demand an apology!” he exclaims.
“An apology?”
“You've gone too far with your cheap jokes and gossip. Apologize now! To me, and also to Monica.”
Tiana glances around, noticing all the eyes are locked on her and Dean. She still feels the fear from Dean’s previous act when he almost slapped her. But then she collects her courage and argues back.
“Never! Apologizing to a pervert will only tarnish my reputation. I refuse to show weakness in front of a dirty and despicable human like you.”
Not every student in that hallway knows the situation or the cause of that skirmish. But due to Tiana’s reputation as an idol, they just assume that Dean is the antagonist here.
“Nothing happened between me and Monica. You need to apologize for what you just said!” Dean insists.
“Prove it!” the girl taunts.
“Prove it that you have no feelings for her!”
“What the? You are the one who accused me of doing some dirty stuff. You should be the one who is obliged to prove your accusation.”
“Why should I? Either you did or not, it has nothing to do with me.”
“If you know it has nothing to do with you, then you should have just shut that fucking mouth of yours!”
“Shut your trap, you dirty pervert!” Tiana suddenly spits at Dean's face. "You smells so bad like a dirty cunt! I bet you haven't had a shower after what you did with her last night!”
Suddenly, a man swings his hand from behind Dean's head. And somehow, Dean feels something strange in him, and the hairs on the back of his neck are up. He gets a goose bump, but he is not quite aware what is coming to him.
A man slaps his left ear from behind, and pins his head to the locker on the wall. He is Theo Robinson, the basketball team captain, a big and muscular dude with 1,90 m height. And he happens to be Tiana's boyfriend.
“How dare you flirt with my girlfriend?” he intimidates Dean with his heavy and low voice, as he pushes Dean’s head even harder.
Yet, Dean is still able to talk back while degrading Tiana. “Don’t get me wrong. I have no interest in a girl with a shallow mind like her.”
“What did you say?”
That big dude pulls Dean, and then slams him to the other locker on the other side of the hallway. Soon after Dean bounces back due to the momentum, Theo sends a front kick on his abdomen.
Dean is buckled and holds his belly by reflex, as a reaction to the pain after getting kicked. But then he feels something strange. It’s not as painful as he expected.
“What the? What’s wrong with me?” he mumbles.
“Hm?” That guy Theo shows his curiosity by drawing his face closer to Dean’s face. “What’s wrong with you? This is what’s wrong with you!”
He tries to knock Dean down by slamming both hands on Dean’s back. But it’s not enough to knock Dean down, so he simply repeats the same thing.
“How dare you still not down yet! Perks like you should know your place, and never talk back to me!”
He then slams Dean’s back for the third time. Only then does he make Dean fall hitting the floor. After that, he continues the beating by kicking Dean over and over.
Dean just curls up while covering his head. With this condition, he shouldn’t be able to see what that man’s doing to him. However, he gets a clear image in his head for every kick that man delivers.
A few of Theo’s friends also join the wagon, and kick Dean’s back together. Dean can clearly feel all the hatred and evil emotions from everyone around him. The feelings are so strong to the point he can picture it in his head, like there are some evil shadows bullying him, with their mad laughs.
He is so scared and confused with all that oddities. The evil emotions are so intense, making him so pressured by it.
“Go away! Go away from me! Go away!”
He mumbles the same things a few times. And that mumbling is then closed by a loud and terrifying cry due to his fear.
“Go away, you demons!”
Everyone is shut silent. Theo and his friends suddenly stop from their assault, feeling intimidated by something they don’t understand.
“What was that?”
Theo shakes his mind, and then puts on an act as if nothing has happened. He then kicks Dean’s head once more before taking his leave.
“You freak! Don’t ever show your face in front of me and my girlfriend anymore!”
He puts his arm around Tiana's shoulder, and takes all his friends away.
And Dean, he no longer feels the intense evil emotions that he has been feeling before. The image of demons inside his head disappears. He becomes a bit calmer and then uncovers his head.
He gets up, still looking so fine, not showing any hints of wound or pain. Everyone is still puzzled by their confusion with Dean’s oddity. Not just them, even Dean himself is also confused with his own condition.
Feeling not comfortable with all the eyes around him, he walks away, intending to look for Monica.
“What’s wrong with me?” he mumbles with a pale face.
Dean still has another class after this. But he keeps looking for Monica. He knows Monica has a fragile heart, and he is sure Tiana’s words must have broken her feelings.
He keeps searching to every corner of the campus, even goes so far to the furthest faculty from the one where he studies. He checks on every class, opening rooms after rooms, but he still can’t find her.
Until at some point, he gets into some peculiar room…
He opens the door while calling Monica’s name. But there are only two girls in that weird room. They look quite cute, with big glasses, and both of them hold thick books in their chests, which makes them look just like how genuine nerds look.
The room itself is quite dark, with all the windows closed by the curtains. And there are only candles illuminating that room which is full of weird symbols and sigils.
“How did he get in here?” mumbles one of the girls, the one with a chubby face and shoulder-length straight hair with a silky brown color.
“Um, Sara! Did you put the sigil on the door before?” asks the other one, a thin-faced girl with cute dimples, and slightly long, wavy golden hair, with one loose braid on the left side.
“I did! But I don’t know how he is able to open the door,” replies that chubby girl named Sara.
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Latest Chapter
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All the zombies in the forest, the dead vampires, Zulfik, and Harley, are now silent, swaying gently with blank faces.They stay like that, at least until all the specters within their bodies come out, and scatter in all directions. And instantly, all these lifeless bodies collapse.All the Manes in this forest are also getting out, seeming to be uncomfortable with the condition of the woods which have been covered in ice.They are interested in the stability in the area around Nimeza's core. The appearance of these Manes later catches Dean's attention.“I can't let them get near that stone.”Dean rushes over to the jet black stone, which is currently still in Valery's hand. Somehow, Valery’s hands are now slowly petrifying.This is what happens to people who lost their drive to live due to the effects of Nimeza's core, just like all the six previous kings of Yegristan who failed in inheriting that stone.Not only does he die, but every organ, cell and molecule in Valery’s body have b
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Dean glances around to examine his situation. Suddenly, Namsqeem comes out of the soul shard which Dean keeps under his long blazer.“What is this? Why I feel so heavy?” asks Namsqeem.Dean doesn’t say a word. But at least, he looks so relieved knowing that the situation in Belestia Hill must have been secured.“These undead?” mumbles Namsqeem, seeming so familiar with Valery’s way of thinking. “He is going to use them to give him some space to cast his spells.”“I know,” Dean affirms. “Why don’t you deal with them, so I can handle that man?”Namsqeem makes his move. His sudden appearance has ruined all Valery’s plan. Now Valery needs to find another way to deal with Dean.But suddenly, he sees the arrival of so many missiles in the sky, coming from the east. They look so fast, because time passes with a different flow between inside the dome and outside it.All the missiles explode without being able to penetrate the dome. Yet, Valery still looks so upset, and Dean notices his sour f
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Blood spurts from his mouth as his back hits the rocky cliff, where he gets stuck in the cracks caused by the impact.The crack then collapses, and he falls along with those rocks into a fairly large river below.A few moments later, Dean emerges from the river, floating to the edge, before he lands on the river bank, and immediately kneels down while coughing.“That was dangerous,” he mutters.His body releases thick haze, not just the steam of evaporating water from his soaked long blazer, but also the effects of his regeneration skill healing his wounds.There Dean realizes that his self-healing ability is much faster than usual. But still, that is no reason for him to feel safe.This regeneration won’t be able to raise him from death if one lethal attack kills him. Not to mention about the situation in Belestia Hill which he has been worrying about.“I can't be careless now. I have to end this as soon as possible.”Soon, he notices the emergence of fires in the forest. Even though
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Zulfik's headless body is still floating while flapping his wings, as is Harley's headless body in his mechanical suit.Both of them are still alive and still able to control their bodies, at least until Valery pulls out the curse of immortality he once placed on them.Two blobs of bituminous liquid come out of Harley and Zulfik's bodies, before evaporating in the air. Only after that, the two headless bodies fall down as lifeless corpses.Apparently, these betrayals have disappointed Valery so much that he no longer wants to trust anyone.“I know you loved sacrificing your pawns to achieve your goals. But why?”Dean asks coldly, speaking in Nimeza language, and it’s effective to draw Valery’s interest.“Why you killed them now when you should be able to use them? Is this how you are going to create peace in the world?”To find Dean so fluent talking in that language, even with the native accent of ancient Zalfari people, Valery replies to him also in Nimeza language.“I don’t need the
367 -
Despite his indifferent attitude, believe me, he is really in a precarious condition right now.This is one of the side effects of Nimeza's core on him, which makes him always at peace, completely indifferent to life and death.One of the negative effects is that he has not been taking his fight seriously, which ultimately leads to his current situation.The only thing now which makes him think seriously about his fate is because of the safety of his wife and kid.But on the good side, he can still think calmly despite his situation, taking his time amidst the clouds, as if relaxing on a soft mattress.“Okaay, why don't I try to dig up a little of the memories of those old men?”He closes his eyes, trying to remember, as if what the four ancient apparitions had experienced in the past is his own experience.Unfortunately, they’d never been in a condition like this, and there is not the slightest memory where they had a technique which allowed them to fly.Until then…“Let's try the th
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That’s the message given by Valery. And Antonin knows so well how important this warning is. That’s why he only tries to waste time, with so much alertness, without any intention to get close to Dean.He swings the two weapons from a distance, and again releases many ethereal weapons in all directions.These ethereal weapons linger around for a few minutes, spinning and floating randomly around Antonin, like satellites orbiting a planet.“What is he thinking? Is he going to attack me or not?”The movement of those ethereal weapons makes Dean a little confused, because they look more like protection instead of an offensive technique.But then, the ethereal weapons orbiting on the outermost side are getting further away from Antonin. Even though they are still circling around Antonin, they are starting to head towards Dean in their orbits.Dean steps away to avoid it, and then some of the ethereal weapons disappear into the thin air. Even so, Antonin still continues to swing his gryphon
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After such a shocking surprise attack, which has destroyed the military ranks complete with their tanks and trucks, the situation suddenly becomes so quiet.Only the sound of moans of pain can be heard, accompanied by the sound of flames shooting out from the burning oil tanks of several trucks.And there is a man in a black long blazer, with most of his head wrapped in a cloth, standing in the middle of the chaos.“Go back to your homes!” he exclaims in a loud voice. “This is the final warning. You will not get anything good even if you win this war. It doesn't mean there will be a chance for you to win it. If you leave now, I’ll guarantee your safety from my wrath.”His voice is so loud, as if he is speaking with a megaphone. It even reaches the ears of a few soldiers in a tank more than 50 meters away.“Who is this guy?”“Who cares? Let’s see if he still can say a word after eating this one!”Soon, the tank open fires, shooting one HEAT (High Explosive Anti-tank) projectile, which
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Valery can clearly feel her strong presence, but he is still in the state of confusion at the moment. After all, the last time he met Zamira was already more than two thousand years ago.He just assumes this strong presence is just one of the high-skilled Defteros taking part in the battle in Hullback Town.Until then, one of his pawns, an ancient specter named Shaheen, comes to him to informs about something.“Master! I just felt the present of Namsqeem in Belestia Hill,” he says.“Namsqeem?” Valery mutters curiously, feeling quite familiar with the name.“It’s Cresta’s lovely pet,” Shaheen informs.“Oh, that little one,” Valery sneers.“I don’t think you can call him that way now,” Shaheen reprimands. “It’s been two thousand years already. And there’s another strong spirit creature with him at moment. I’m not so sure if he is a specter or a mane. But there’s something strange with his form. It’s similar to what Cresta did to Namsqeem in the past.”Valery's facial expressions change.