“Do you think we'll ever be able to return to our normal bodies?” when I heard what he said, I couldn't answer him immediately. I just let out a deep breath. I don't even know if we can go back to the way we were or if we can live as a normal human being. “If you had to choose between the two, what would you choose? To go back to your old normal life or to just stay as you are now?” he added, and I slowly looked at him with a trace of astonishment on my face.

I don't quiet understand why he decided to ask me about that matter, but it seems that if I ask him about it, he might pick the last one as I feel that he is gradually liking what he is now. So, I just smile and turned to me.

“I'm not in the right position to answer about that. I don't even know how long I'll live or how far I'll go. No one can dictate what happens to us in the future or what destiny awaits us.” After I told him that, I stood up and then turned away from him. I was about to get in the car, but I immediately stop
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