First Wave
Nethaniel knew about the underground tunnels. They have set traps below them. Traps that could kill an army and collapse the tunnel in between Decadia and Manuheim. Nethaniel coordinated with War generals to increase the scouts at eight-kilometer radial distance from the shields and possible entry points inside the city. They continued monitoring on Mierka Mountains, treacherous hills from Decadia to Manuheim for anticipating the enemy spies.

The dark cloud that swirled above the Demon army increased its size and every minute of it gave horror to the angel warriors. But these warriors do not succumb to their fears. Fear to them was lesser Faith and it had to be eliminated for one should portray loyalty to Heaven and its Supreme.

The greater your Faith, the greater was your loyalty to the Supreme, and eventually the lesser fear. They were trained for hundreds of years, some of them half of a millennium to become better warriors for this coming war. Nethaniel do not fear of a million D
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