Master Yamoto
Bahukatsu Dojo, Mountain Sheng, Cheena


It was an utter acceptance that the Demon had to cope, that he could not defeat Master Jade in a fair fight. But with his full demonic power, the demon was sure that Jade would stand a tremendous chance of succeeding in a fight against her.

It was the fifth day, he counted as he entered again the training hall. Dreygo would face another seemingly unending embarrassment. But this time, he was permitted to use his death sword. A weapon that could provide him a significant advantage against the scornful thought of the superior skilled master Jade. This was his final test and for the past few days, he was able to relish the learnings conveyed from the beautiful master.

The use of ninja stars, kunais, smoke bombs, kyoketsu shoge – made up of a long chain and a knife at the end of it, and much more were taught and tested in a one-on-one fight with the charming master Jade. Even with difficulty, Dreygo coped with the basic use of weapons especial
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