Meropas Encounter
The tires screeched hard as the car swerved left and right, overtaking traffic along the High way. The accelerator pedal was pressed hard almost kissing the Range Rover’s floor and the Engine hummed hard achieving its full velocity.

Viriel drove the Range Rover together with Dreygo in the passenger seat and Elaine at the back. It was a five-hour drive to Meropas and they prayed that they were not too late for Kragus to destroy the Oil rig.

Dreygo knew that he can’t stop Kragus in the meantime as Viriel had stipulated this new information. They need to learn how to conjure the Five Forbidden spells of the Heavenly Laws' seventh degree for them to stop Kragus.

Secondly, hunt down and eliminate all of Kragus’ six Demon Lords. But Dreygo insisted on still pursuing Kragus for he could not stomach the idea to let Kragus kill innocent people that easily.

Viriel knew that two of the Demon Lords came with Kragus on Earth but he had less information on their whereabouts. Their car turned on
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