Sorrow Begins
Mental Chamber, Bahukatsu Dojo, Mountain Sheng


The odds were unfair. Ten against one and his family behind him. He could not escape. He should stand his ground to defend with all his wit. Nothing to defend with, only the walls of their shackle that served as a futile fence. The slightest chance of survival was beyond his comprehension. But even so, he had to try.

Suddenly, he realized that everything was unreal. That he was sitting inside a room called the Mental Chamber back at the Bahukatsu Dojo. But his mind told him otherwise, or his feeling convinced him so. As if a higher power had granted him to relive the moments he most suffered, to cleanse the regrets, to cleanse his soul.

‘Could it be? Could there be a second chance to save my family?’ Dreygo thought.

He spaced out momentarily. The soft sobs of his wife were muffled in his hearing. It was not real but it felt surreal. Doubts had loomed from the faintest corner of his memory but it was not important. What’s important
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