The Dream II
Metals clanking as the chosen demons who wore war armor and with their respective weapons, swords, axes, spears, and the like, with their shields were now heaving the center of the clearing. They were mentally energizing not only themselves but also the crowd, making the festivities more entertaining.

Dreygo saw them as warriors, or the courageous ones. But he knew, hidden in them was fear for they were facing the most favored Harbinger of Lith. Fighting these aspiring demon warriors was just like a walk in the park.

He remembered this day. It was his first Muerto Festival. He seemed to know what to do and the proceedings of the festival. He saw all the menacing eyes looking at him from the sea of crowd, waiting for him to come down from the rock where he stood or a pedestal of some sort.

The feeling was real, the heat was real, and everything in it was real. He was still battling if this episode was a dream. Even the discomfort provided by the Hell environment and the happenings
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