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Demon Revelation: The Day of Fear Seeking Peace
Breandan hissed, high and low, baring his teeth. Instead of fearing him in such a dangerous mood, I lunged forward, the urge to grab his head and reclaim that proud mouth with mine, the most compelling thing I've ever known.Breandan froze under my touch and looked surprised when I pressed my mouth against his, but he didn't flinch. Instead she returned my cruelty with his, his lips daring mine to take more. I started kissing but he finished and he pulled away from my mouth to kiss my forehead. Out of breath and red, I said, "You can't hurt him."“This,” she said weakly, “might be difficult. He sure he will try to hurt me."I glanced at Alec who was now pacing in cat form. His smooth face was focused on the area. He grunted, the hair on his back standing up in stiff tufts and his paws scratching at tufts of dirt.“Say it,” I agreed. "Then don't kill him."I pulled her head down and brushed my lips against hers as the blush deepened. I looked into his silver eyes and lost my train of t
Demon Revelation: The Day of Fear Unveiling Shadows
The worst day of my life was when I discovered I was a demon. I can't deny it. I spent most of that day consumed by fear, dreading the thought of death or losing a limb.As I woke up that morning, the first thing that came to my mind was demons. A distant shriek, followed by another higher-pitched scream, echoed in the background, indicating a territorial dispute between packs, most likely. There was a Pride not far from the Temple. Through the floorboards, I could hear muffled shrieks that coincided with each scream. It annoyed me, but I knew that new Disciples often panicked, mistaking the presence of a passing demon for the end of the world. It took them a while to understand that the klaxon only sounded if the Wall was breached, serving as a warning to us.I rolled out of bed, clumsily tripping over the clutter of fabric and crushed cans strewn across my room. I accidentally headbutted the wardrobe door, which swung open due to the clothes overflowing from the top and bottom. I wa
Demon Revelation: The Day of Fear Fairy Sister Reveal
I anticipated fear and panic, waiting for the terrifying scream to escape my throat, but it never happened. I expected him to attack, murder me, and dismember me, hiding the pieces beneath the small patch of wildflowers nearby. However, he remained silent and motionless. The smart thing to do would have been to flee and start running again. But I didn't want to. I was intrigued by who he was and what he wanted. I desired to understand why he stood before me and what his motives were.He scrutinized me repeatedly, searching for something."If you didn't feel safe, you would have asked me to leave," he said. "And if you wanted me to go, I would have already done so."It bothered me that his words made sense. "Stop trying to be clever, demon-boy," I retorted."I'm trying to help you, demon-girl," he responded.His words struck me like a blow to the head. I flinched as if he had pinched me all over and stumbled backward.At that moment, I sensed something ominous approaching. I had to acc
Demon Revelation: The Day of Fear Demons and Friendship
The storm began at dawn. I joined the crowd of Disciples making their way to the Sanctuary block as the first raindrops fell. Rushing up the entrance stairs, I manoeuvred through the crowd to reach the Hall before the bell rang. As I came to a halt, I took in the cracked black marble floors and scuffed ivory walls of Sanctuary Hall. With limited electricity, the radiators remained off until winter, resulting in a cool temperature that I actually enjoyed.The Disciples of the Sect, draped across the furniture in various clusters, wore black and green attire. The boys often left their chests bare under their green blazers, while the girls sported shorter sleeves or tied their blazers around their waists, showcasing their tattoos. Almost everyone had tattoos nowadays, protective sigils obtained from defeated wiccans. Personally, I chose to avoid them. The idea of someone so intimately close to me made me uncomfortable, regardless of how aesthetically pleasing the ink may be.I contemplat
Demon Revelation: The Day of Fear The Evil Unknown
I straightened and ordered my feet to freeze mid step back. My heart pounded double time as every instinct I had screeched at me to run and hide. They really were looking for me, and knew the one they sought was a Disciple. The Lady Clerics gaze slowly passed over every female face in the group as she replied to Cleric Tu. My stomach clenched and sweat beaded my brow. Did her gaze linger on me? Did she hesitate to move on, or was it my imagination?I wanted to scream at her that it was an accident. That I had no idea what all the crazy stuff happening around me meant, nor did I want to. I wanted to rewind a day, back to when things were simple. Where my life made sense and where boys spoke and acted normally. Where Clerics were the good guys who protected us from demons and my teachers were not heartless murderers.The Lady Cleric scanned our faces once more than shook her head once. She left with Tu close behind her, whispering something to him.What did I do? Surely if they had iden
Demon Revelation: The Day of Fear The Devil Away
A streak of silver light flashed past and knocked me off balance. I stumbled, blinked, and Devlin was gone. Standing alone in on the grass where he was I clucked around. Looking up, down, left and right before understanding he was gone. I was seriously considering getting my eyes checked. I freaked out in a big way; I had no doubt in my mind that Devlin was not who he said he was, And that he was up to something, a no good something. I didnt know what to do. Oh gods, what was I doing? I needed a sign I was going to be okay, and that I was making the right choices. Tomas would have risen by now and would be waiting for me. And here I was looking for a Disciple, who was not really a Disciple, who knew about said vampire in wardrobe, and knew I knew a fairy.There you are, Rae.Gah!I jumped and landed at such an odd angle my right foot jack-knifed out painfully, and I fell. How many times was I going to land on my ass today? It was a damn good thing I didnt bruise easy.A hand appeared
Demon Revelation: The Day of Fear Devil's Romance
When I first met Breandan, he touched me and it feltstrange. Then he said something about us no longer having a choice. That is was sealed. And a while ago Conall said he sensed something odd. I think he was feeling thethe after effect of whatever it was.Ana sucked in a breath. Ah, that surprised even me, and boy did I feel it. The disturbance slammed into me like a sledge-hammer. Others sensitive to such things would have sensed it too. The moment it happened the future shifted so dramatically it gave me a killer headache. She turned her head and her eyes echoed her reaction to whatever future she saw moving over me. They looked haunted. But it does explain why you and Breandan coming together is so important. The connection itself, well, its happened once before and it didnt end well. I threaded my fingers through the grass at my side and waited. Ana focused hard on my face then looked away. You must avoid speaking of it, Rae. Dont tell anyone, she said in a rush. There are those w
Demon Revelation: The Day of Fear A Great Surprise
They moved loosely in a circle around us before gradually getting closer to us. I turned my head to look behind Breandans and wished I had a weapon. A large stick would work just fine. Lack of sunlight made the final autumnal leaves stand out. As they twirled down, they twisted in the air into grotesque and lovely forms. I then became afraid. Breandan would die defending me here, and I would be stuck with these psychopaths for the rest of my life, I feared as I suffocated on my own air and knelt on my knees. perpetually trapped.I kept my hands tight around his waist, wondering what to do. I was looking in every direction at once, which hurt my neck.The fairies of the Tribe slowly drew nearer, with their leader leading the way. Devlin appeared insane with the hope of winning so vivid in his mind.Before saying, "Run," Breandan looked at my face inquisitively.No. Only slightly, my voice trembled. No matter how terrified I was, I would not abandon him here.Rae, please pay attention t
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Seeking Peace
Breandan hissed, high and low, baring his teeth. Instead of fearing him in such a dangerous mood, I lunged forward, the urge to grab his head and reclaim that proud mouth with mine, the most compelling thing I've ever known.Breandan froze under my touch and looked surprised when I pressed my mouth against his, but he didn't flinch. Instead she returned my cruelty with his, his lips daring mine to take more. I started kissing but he finished and he pulled away from my mouth to kiss my forehead. Out of breath and red, I said, "You can't hurt him."“This,” she said weakly, “might be difficult. He sure he will try to hurt me."I glanced at Alec who was now pacing in cat form. His smooth face was focused on the area. He grunted, the hair on his back standing up in stiff tufts and his paws scratching at tufts of dirt.“Say it,” I agreed. "Then don't kill him."I pulled her head down and brushed my lips against hers as the blush deepened. I looked into his silver eyes and lost my train of t
The Path Forward
I looked hesitantly at Breandan to make sure I wasn't interrupting him. He had an expressionless face that read like a block of stone.The Alpha made the decision to ignore me, gazing right past me as though I did not even exist. Alpha, get here now. You treat our female with disrespect and act sulky.I am aware that I cannot permit it. You're making a small bargain difficult; can't we move past this? ”.Suddenly, Byron appeared senile and worn out. I have no sons and my daughters have been abducted, so why should I be easy, you say. My turn has come to an end, and I must maintain my resolve for my pride. Your disputes among the fairies have harmed my people. Goblins have no compassion whatsoever, and vampires are just plain crazy. We struggle to stop the witches' bad intentions, but they are still able to curse us from a distance. Other shifter packs are hostile to us, and the humans hunt us like rabid beasts. Tell me, why should I not be grumpy and difficult?" His voice suddenly too
Destiny's Call
No one spoke for long, and I knew my words upset Fairchild. The cat people just stared at me like I was the most exciting thing they had ever seen. Conor and Briandan are well respected - and even though I know they think my idea is crazy, I still think it's the best. Let's be honest, whoever we are in the fairy world, the wolves we visit don't react too well. They may have had trouble with us at first, but things can get complicated when their kind of dead are thrown in. I will not convince them that we are not enemies.Just thinking about fighting a powerful demon gives me a headache.I have a sore throat so yelling is not an option for me. My body felt beaten and I frowned.The whole healing process would be more helpful if I could turn it on and off. Connor himself does not control the magical realm. He can heal others but not himself. Our group stood still for a moment, and then the bored panther signaled us to leave with a low cat-like meow. He took the lead again. Lossen crept
The Immortals Temptation
Brendan nodded in agreement. I still had the oozing biscuit in my hand and it was starting to look weird. I took a bite and squealed in admiration at the durum wheat cookie and its sweet gooey center. When I finished, Buridan held out the flask. I felt positively spoiled and accepted it with a smile. I took a tentative sip. only water. I took a deep breath and looked at Connor. "track?"He rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands, his ponytail swaying behind him as he nodded. "It's out of my scope. Devlin worked his magic. Here were three different trails, each icy cold and each smelling of him and wasps. Less than an hour ago we had walked for half a day and made progress. It seems we are now a few days behind and losing even more time. It's a trick, magic, and I can't see it. "I took a deep breath, handed him the flag, and wiped my mouth with my hand. After a little sleep, something to eat, something to drink, I feel a little better. sharper. “Then we just followed every lead. O
Nature's Lure
Facing the angry mask, he leaned further. "The show!""If the way I behave disgusts you, why don't you just say so?" I tried to push him away. "I'm not proud of my reaction when I'm with you, but I can't control it."He let go of my wrist and walked away, hands behind his head. I sat up with bent knees and vigorously brushed the leaves and dirt from my hair and clothes. It got into my clothes and the friction made it worse. I was such a mess. Briandan turned around, fists clenched. "Why can't you see how I feel?" His voice Soft as gray, longingly floats towards me."I left home and my family. Everything I did was for you." I looked at him in amazement. My eyes are wide open and my mouth is wide open. He looked at my expression and half smiled. “The moment I reveal myself to you, I feel at peace with what to do and what to let go of. I belong to you. I choose you and I always will, but you have to understand that everything is not what it seems. When I stay away from you, it's because
FORBIDDEN Attraction
Breandan was a powerful man. He took on every obstacle head-on and didn't give up until he had won. Every confrontation he entered was on his terms, and he was confident in his ability to win. I was forced into situations while wailing and screaming like a child. I sobbed like one, according to Lochlann himself.The thought made me flush.It should have been me demanding recompense for Lex's death, not Conall.Why hadn't I been prepared to fight and avenge my friend? In order to feel better, I started following Conall's heels as he pursued Devlin across the area, using the Tribe's need for the grimoire as an excuse to avoid my actual obligations. How deplorable and self-centered. Even worse, I was still unable to feel regret for my thoughts and feelings.Is that the reason you helped him, then?I attempted to pick up the conversation I'd lost by saying, "Say-say?".With curiosity in his eyes, Breandan looked at me.He no longer sounded indignant or repulsed; rather, he sounded confuse
Bound by Blood
With a small sigh of relief, he pulled me into his lap and hugged me tightly. "Give your body a rest," he whispered. "I don't want to. Last time I slept I had a dream," I paused, "I dreamed about Thomas and when I woke up he was there." I wasn't afraid of my vampire, but when he approached. Things that happened to me. He confuses me, twists me, and it would be so much easier if he were somewhere else."Things like this will not happen again. I have you, relax."Brendan pressed a kiss to my temple and held me tightly in his arms, glad now that it was just the two of us openly expressing his love. I have noticed that he doesn't like to surround me with others. I wonder if it's a fairy thing or a Brendan thing.My head rested on his warm, bare shoulder and my eyes fluttered shut. I listened to his steady breathing and felt his heart beating violently under my palm. Fatigue wrapped itself around my limbs and pulled at me. The tentacles of sleep crept into my mind and a wave of exhaustion
Into the Unknown
Sitting back on my heels, I plucked at the short grass beside me. “It doesn’t seem fair that you’re burdening me with all this responsibility,” I complained. “I get that being a Priestess was unavoidable due to my bloodline, but why can’t I pass the title to someone more capable and willing? Abdicate, or something.” “It does not work like that,” Breandan replied softly, staring at his hands as if seeking answers there. “We are chosen and must do the best we can with what we are given.”“But I don’t want this,” I insisted, biting my lip and balling my fists on my knees in frustration. “What I’m asking is for both of you to leave this place with me. We can find a new home somewhere.” I didn’t look at either of them, ashamed yet afraid not to ask. The power I had felt using the amulet was gone. Though I knew my purpose, the responsibility terrified me. How could I do this? I could barely understand my own emotions half the time. I didn’t think past my own nose, constantly inclined to
Connor looked away, his face tense. "They were consumed by each other and out of control. They were born into two of the largest and most powerful families. They broke with tradition, with common sense, and they…” He couldn't continue. Brendan froze next to me, tension radiating into the space between us. I looked at him from under my eyelashes and saw his face, clearly worried. The brother cleared his throat and straightened his shoulders. "They gave each other their last names."My lips twitched, but I remained silent. Is this the terrible thing that these two lovers do? For God's sake, these fairies have turned melodrama into art. I tried to keep the smile from my voice. "and?"Both boys had their heads broken off. Two surprised looks told me there was something wrong with my reaction. I looked at them and shrugged timidly."She doesn't understand," Buridan whispered.Connor put his hands on his knees, opened his mouth, then closed it again. Sometimes there is a language barrier be