Chapter 35: Fearless Part 1

"You elderly fool! I'll kill you! Hang Feng was just incensed at his own pathetic demonstration of martial skill in front of Bing Cao. He promised himself to make use of the chief adviser as a stepping stone on his way to the higher level of Dao in order to murder the man who had sent him flying and to overcome his present constraints. Hang Feng's misty eyes gleamed viciously as he tightened his fists and turned his merciless attention to the work at hand.

[4th move of the Tyrant Saber art: Battle Tyrant Slash]

He knew that his pride had been wounded, and he was prepared to restore his honor by any means necessary. Hang Feng's mind raced with thoughts of revenge as he plotted his next move against Bing Cao. The saber in his grasp glowed with a stunning aurora as the might of this move reached another plane.

“As expected from a Battle Path cultivator...” Yuan Yi observed the battle with mixed thoughts. In her eyes, Hang Feng’s saber art seemed to be growing in ferocity as time went on.
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