Chapter 3

The Avaran Kingdom was a small kingdom founded by a knight who wanted to have a haven for his citizens, it slowly grew and became a large kingdom that was recognized as one of the most prosperous kingdoms in the country of Livat.

112- Red Mech Academy is located at the center of Avaran Kingdom, as one of the most prestigious academies on the whole earth, it became one of the most sought-after schools by the people aspiring to be a Mech Creator and Mech Pilot.

Machina arrived in front of its gates riding Grandpa Jack's Neon bike, "Thanks grandpa" Machina thanked Grandpa Jack with a smile, Grandpa Jack then left, even though Grandpa Jack was old, he was as strong as a bull, ever since the Earth transmigrated many things have changed.

Humans' lifespan has greatly increased, it was not strange anymore for someone live up to 200-300 years old, there are also some sages who lived up to 500 years, Grandpa Jack and Granny May were still in their 80's, which is considered fairly young.

Machina then turned around and entered the gates of the Red Mech Academy, just as he was walking, he felt someone coming for him at a very fast speed, he swiftly evaded to the side dodging the incoming person.

"Waaah!" *Bam!

The figure fell to the ground, Machina sighed as he saw the person who jumped towards him, "You don't get tired don't you? Charlotte"

Charlotte has blonde short hair that extended up to her chin with beautiful blue eyes, this is Charlotte Sulivan, a person who came from another country who moved here with her family.

Charlotte's mother made coat and pants mandatory, which made Charlotte often mistaken for a pretty boy, she is also Machina's close friend in school, well, maybe best friends?

"Ouch, ouch, why did you dodge?" Charlotte stood up from the ground while caressing her forehead that hit the ground, Machina sighed and just shrugged, "Anyway, let's go or we will be late for class"

"Stingy...Okay~" Charlotte nodded and walked together with Machina, "How are you today? are you ready for the Battle Class later?" Charlotte suddenly asked.

"I'm doing fine, and yeah, Battle Class huh??" Machina remembered yesterday that their teacher said that there will be a battle class today to see how was the student's battle standard, even though there is peace, students still needed to learn to fight, monsters still existed in this world, and they still continued to pour and roam around the earth.

"What? are you not confident? oh, Mister Top 1?" Charlotte teased, this guy was the top 1 student of the school with almost perfect grades in each subject and also the most favored by the teachers, he was talented and smart, he is also popular in school, well, in another way.

"Naa, I just think many of the guys will try to get revenge on me once again, well, they never really succeeded" Machina shrugged.

Charlotte squinted her eyes as she stared at Machina, but she sighed and didn't say anything, she was also one of the reasons why many people hated Machina, as one of the flowers of the Red Mech Academy, Charlotte was very popular, she was beautiful and she is also smart, she always ranked 3rd or 4th just below Machina in rankings.

She has many admirers but since she was close with Machina, these jealous people tried to make trouble with him as much as they could but what Machina said was true, no one ever succeeded.

It didn't take long for them to arrive in their classroom, Machina and Charlotte sat on the back together waiting for the teacher to arrive, "Hey how was your mech by the way?" Charlotte suddenly remembered something important and ask Machina, their final exams were just around the corner.

1st-year students are required to show their progression with their Mech to the teachers and the teacher will grade it based on the quality and how much progress they have.

"Haven't started yet because something happened yesterday, it was nothing much though, I easily resolved it" Machina replied remembered the events from yesterday.

Charlotte stared at him but seeing him not saying anymore she just sighed and decided to keep quiet but she muttered under her breath "Idiot, why did I fall for a guy like this?"

"Did you say something?" Machina turned his head to Charlotte.

"Nothing, the teacher is here" Charlotte turned her head as the teacher finally came, Machina scratched the back of his head not knowing why Charlotte's mood suddenly turned bad? did he do something again? girls are really complicated creatures.

The first class started and the teacher taught Quantum Physics to the students which are required for creating parts of the mecha, especially for the system of Mecha, the teacher made a deep subject about the importance, how can it be used, tons of calculations and kinds of stuff, the whole class lasted for 2 hours and the students who were listening were drained after the class ended.

Machina sighed and looked at the 12 meters long blackboard in front of them full of writings and calculations, if not for his enhanced brain when he first arrived in this world then his head probably exploded by the first half of the class by now.

Machina then turned his head and looked at Charlotte who had her head laid on the table while staring at him, smoke could be seen coming out from her head, "Oh sh*t you are overheating!" Machina exclaimed and immediately fanned her with anything he had on hand.

After the class, it was lunchtime, Machina and Charlotte who have an ice pack on her head made their way to the cafeteria, "What's with the teacher today, he actually revisited all of our past discussions ugh" Charlotte groaned, Machina didn't say anything and just chuckled.

They then ate their lunch and after that made their way towards their next class in the open fields, it was time for the Battle Class!

Looking at the vast training grounds in front, Machina could not help but take a deep breath, this place had a lot of trees so the air was very fresh, unlike in the Junk City where it was very contaminated, "Maybe I should start planting there"

"Hmm? What are you thinking about Machina?" Charlotte who was sitting beside Machina could not help but ask as she saw Machina seemed thinking of something, "Nothing, I just want to give Granny and Grandpa a god air to breathe at the Junk City"

Machina truthfully replied, "Why don't you just move into the Avaran Kingdom?" Charlotte asked confusedly, isn't it better to move into the Avaran Kingdom instead of staying at a place like Junk City? they had been together for 2 years but Charlotte still doesn't know why Machina and his Grandparents won't move in.

With Machina's talent, even getting a noble title in the Avaran Kingdom is nothing, Machina thought about her question for a while then shook his head, he took out a coin from his pocket and flipped it into the air, "I live in the other side of the coin Charlotte,  you may not understand it right now so you have to figure it out yourself"  Machina then caught the falling coin and stood up.

"Huh? Where are you going?"

"It's about to start, I'm in the first place so we are required to do the first, I have to spar with Aqua" Machina waved his hand and went towards the Mech Room.

"Aqua!? Then you must beat her up and pound her to the ground you hear me Machina!? You better do it!" Charlotte yelled as Machina left, then she clicked her tongue, "Tsk, That b*tch Aqua, she will snake towards Machina again, Grrrrr, just thinking about it makes me so pissed!"

The people around her shuddered and then distanced themselves away from Charlotte, the boys who wanted to take this chance to get close to Charlotte all turned their heads away as if they never had any plans from the start.

Charlotte was restless then putting her mind into it, she decided to follow Machina, it was no problem because she is in the 3rd place, just below the two, she had the power to, she must stop that vixen from getting close to Machina.


Machina arrived at the Mech Room, the place where training Mechs were stored, there were already many people here some doing maintenance to the training mechs, Machina made his way towards his own training Mech.

An unpainted Training Mech that was about 3 meters tall with a humanoid shape, a little smaller than normal mech, its materials were resistant to attacks, especially the pod to keep the students safe, then on its back were dual blades.

Machina nodded seeing it still on its top form, he then went to the side and pressed a button.

*Honk! *Bzzzz!

The wall behind the Training Mech opened revealing a 1-meter energy training gun that was styled after the revolver, beside it was also a 1.5-meter energy training gun that was styled after the Kar98k sniper rifle "It's been a while... PeaceKeeper, Crusader" Machina greeted the guns with a smile.

Yes, Machina loved playing with guns, just as Machina looked at the guns with satisfaction, a hand covered both of his eyes, "Guess who is it?" a sweet female voice resounded behind Machina, and also a very familiar soft bouncy juicy thing was pressing behind Machina.

"Aqua" Machina immediately knew who it was.

"Yehey, you got it right" Aqua lifted her hand that was covering Machina's eyes and jumped towards him for a hug, A girl with long black hair, a developed body with sexy curves, she has ash-colored eyes and a very beautiful face, this is Aqua Starling, a 1st-year student of the Red Mech Academy and Machina's junior also placed in the 2nd of the School rankings.

"Hey, stop hugging me, I will get many death letters again later" Machina sighed as he looked around, boys staring at him with hate glare, if he had a meter it will be immediately maxed out.

"No!" Aqua tightened her hug, she really has no intention of letting Machina go, just as Machina was about to give up and let her do whatever she wants, a hand grabbed Aqua's head like an eagle claw and easily separated her from Machina.

Aqua had a cat expression on her face she looked at Charlotte who pulled her away, "N-nice to see you here Senior Charlotte, I was just H-helping Senior Machina with the bug behind him" Aqua lied.

"Oh really? I think I already picked the bug away though, what do you think?" Charlotte said with a smile, a very scary smile.

"Machina' I'm going to take her away to see her maintenance with her Training Mech, see you later" Charlotte then dragged Aqua away, "See you later Senior Machina!" Aqua waved goodbye to Machina.

Machina sighed and decided to continue his maintenance with his guns and Mech.


Machina entered the Pod of the Training Mech where the pilot seat was located and sat there, controlling a Mech was fairly easy as it was if he was playing a game, Mech is piloted by Virtual Reality Technology making it easy for the pilots to maneuver the Mech and also adding more flexibility into it.

Machina then wore the Virtual Helmet and relaxed his whole body, now Machina only needs to control the Mech with his mind, "Link Start"

[Idenitity Confirmed]


The sound of the Traning Mech starting resounded in Machina's ears, his eyesight was then shared with the Mech, Machina stood up and stretched his robot body after seeing there is no problem, it may be a little stiff than his little body since its a Mech but there were no other problems about it, Machina then picked up his guns.

Machina then stepped forward towards the training grounds, the Mech was not that heavy, Machina got out of the Mech Room and saw the vast field training ground, not too far away from him, an azure-colored humanoid Mech was standing in front of him with unique cat ears as its special features.

It was Aqua's Mech, "The Battle Training will start in 5 minutes!" the teacher in charged announced.

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