Chapter 59

It was a beautiful day to go to Rafyena's house. Suhaimi wanted to ask something about the girl who had been in a relationship with Azmar before. He walked slowly towards her house.

Rafyena also just stepped out of her house. Not long after, Suhaimi saw Rafyena's figure walking out of the house. A smile appeared on his lips immediately.

When he walked there, a black van passed him at high speed. It seemed that the van rushed to Rafyena's residential area. Suhaimi just looked at the black van passing by.

But unexpectedly, the speeding black van immediately stopped in front of Rafyena. Two men in black came out of the van and pulled Rafyena into the van after covering her mouth with a cloth that made her pass out.

Suhaimi who saw the incident immediately ran towards them to save her.


He said he quickly kicked the two men who pulled Rafyena. Suhaimi quickly greeted his body which started to limp. Finally, the two men got back into the van to escape. Rafyena failed to be kid
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