Chapter 8

The sky is getting darker. Azmar and Veronica are each wearing bathrobes in the hotel room. They are staying at a five-star hotel. Sitting on a chair facing each other makes them ask each other something.

"You don't mind if your wife..knows about us?"

Veronica said, starting to spoil. Azmar just chuckled.

"She won't know... Because she's busy sitting at home."

Azmar said casually. The smile had another meaning.

"How about you?"

It was Azmar's turn to ask. Veronica smiled blandly.

"He won't know about us either. Even if he's working, he's a bit slow to know about it...I'm sure, he should..not worthy of me."

Veronica said. Their eyes stared at each other for a long time. Seeing each of them wearing bathing suits, their desire was increasing. However, their phones rang at the same time.

"Who called you?"

Veronica asked. Quickly, Azmar showed her the thing on the phone screen. It looks like Azmar put the name Rosalina there. Not a spoiled name for husband and wife.

"How about you?"

"Me too. My husband is on the phone."

She immediately picked up the call. Meanwhile, Azmar deliberately didn't pick up the call. He wanted to see Veronica's reaction to the call.


Veronica answered. The smile was intentionally faded.

"Where are you now? It's late tonight.."

Hazre's voice was heard there.

"I'm..with my friends here at..the restaurant. I feel like I'm going to be late."

Veronica said as her eyes looked at Azmar. A satisfied smile.

"Why are you late?"

"I don't know my friends. Come on, I'm going to put the phone down... When I'm done, I'll be back."

Veronica said she was lying. Without listening to Hazre's words again, she quickly ended the call. Now, it was Azmar's turn to call Rosalina.

He immediately dialled Rosalina's phone number. Veronica just watched him with a smile.

"Hello, honey.."

"Ah, I'm sorry I didn't answer the call earlier. I'm busy."

"Oh yeah...I also want to apologize because your phone was busy. Where are you now?"

"I'm still at the office... I think... I won't be able to come back tonight.."


Rosalina asked on the call.

"I have to go somewhere far tonight. I'm sorry, darling."

"Okay...Be careful, honey, that's work."

The ignorant Rosalina was fooled by Azmar's lies. Azmar smiled happily to hear Rosalina just accept his excuses.

"Alright..darling, I will turn off the call.."


With a gentle final word, they each turned off the call. Their trick succeeded in just spending time together.

"Wow...You look great.."

Veronica said, praising Azmar's act of deceiving Rosalina. They laughed evilly. After that, Veronica quickly got up from her chair and approached Azmar. She hugged Azmar softly and pampered.

"Do you want to spend the night with me?"

Veronica said seductively. Azmar smiled proudly. That night, they spent time together in the hotel room without their husband and wife knowing.


"How do you do this job? Don't you know what? It's okay to work here."

Said a man who was the owner of the restaurant snarling at Rafyena. He quickly washed the dishes.

"Forgive me."

"Don't just say it, act fast! If the customer runs away, I'll stop you, you know?!"

"Okay, boss.."

His hands quickly washed the dishes. There were too many dishes to wash. It was unfortunate for her that she had to work so hard for a living. Even worse, she washed all the dishes there by herself. There was no one to help her there.

After the dishes were washed and wiped dry with a cloth, she rushed to the kitchen to give them to the cook. Understandably, equipment to serve food to customers such as plates, bowls, spoons, forks and so on were not prepared. The restaurant where Rafyena works is not progressing at all, but the owner of the restaurant is greedy for profit.

That's how Rafyena works there every day. Because she has difficulty finding work, only this job can accept her. But the fact is, the treatment towards her is very bad.

His work time had ended. She walked toward his house. On the way home, she had time to hit his tired shoulder a little. You could feel the fatigue. She just walked home with a weak step.

"'s tiring.."

Walking and walking, she saw a bench packed there. She immediately leaned his back slowly. She stretched his neck a little and took a breath of fresh air before returning home. At the same time, she saw a large family walking together toward a place. They looked happy. Seeing the family's happiness, Rafyena wanted a life like that. She also thought of something.

'Maybe.. are my mom and dad still alive?'

She said hissing in his heart.

'Is my family like that..'

Rafyena said again. A soft wind blew over her body. The peace she felt was fading. Now her thoughts were more towards her family's life. That night had become a difficult night for her. The people passing by in front of her were getting less and less. She was deep in thought. What is Rafyena's life story? Why does she feel lonely when she sees other families happy?


Hazre was a bit worried after seeing the clock on the wall of his house at almost midnight. He waited and waited until it was midnight. Veronica still hadn't come home. His anxiety peaked. His restless self quickly reached for the phone and dialled Veronica's phone number. It rang there but was not picked up at all. Until the third time, Veronica still did not pick up the call. Finally, she decided to deliver a message. The message was also not read or answered. She was busy complaining.

At the same time, his salary went downstairs to the kitchen. But she stopped when she saw that Hazre was still not asleep. She approached him.

"Young son, haven't you slept yet?"

She said, asking. Hazre quickly looked at her with a worried face.

"Not yet. Auntie.. why aren't you sleeping yet?"

"Aunty wants a quick drink of water in the kitchen... Why aren't you asleep yet?"

Hazre asked who was busy pacing in the living room. He looked restless.

"Auntie, my wife.. did anyone tell her where she went? I'm very worried... She still hasn't come back yet.."

"No, young son. I'm not even sure where she went.."

Even his salary woman didn't know where Veronica went until late tonight. Hazre started to think for a moment.

"Okay, Aunty... Thank you.."

Hazre said with a bland smile. His salarywoman immediately walked away from there to the kitchen. Hazre once again sat on the sofa waiting for Veronica. Every year, Veronica would return before midnight. But tonight, he felt strange. It was the first time for him that Veronica behaved like this.

After waiting so long, he finally fell asleep. His eyes began to close when he lay down on the sofa. Hazre was willing to wait for Veronica, who would not return home. His patience was tested to such an extent.

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