chapter 84


"Arghh! It hurts, doctor Axel!" cried Daniel in terror, as the tool began to be aimed at his leg. The lawnmower was literally eating away at his leg. The sound of the mower grew louder, as if it were the soundtrack to an endless nightmare. "Arghhh? Arghhh! Arghhh!" biting her lip, it was useless, she wouldn't be able to run this time.

Slowly, the device began to crush her left leg, seemingly tearing every fiber of flesh and sinew that was there.

"You're crazy, doctor Axel! Arghh! My leg! My leg!" screamed Daniel. He shook his head trying to remain calm, as the cutting tool destroyed his leg. He had no idea that the forensic doctor who was known for his kindness was now destroying Daniel's leg. In a tragic way.

Fresh blood mixed with bone fragments, creating a horrifying sight. Daniel felt so much pain that he almost fainted from the pain.

"This is my uncle's revenge!" screamed Axel in a loud voice, full of vengeance and rage.His once handsome face now looked hideous, with an imp
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