Monitor of Fate III

"...Alright. Let's skip this one, and move onto the second deal. What would that be?" The duplicate suggested, it's heart stuck in between its throat.

The situation was unfavorable, and most likely against them. Especially so, if this guy chose to disagree. Like right now;

"No no, my friend, I cannot do that." The Monitor of Fate casually said, disagreeing to the duplicate's condition. "I need the power you will give me, for me to be able to move onto the second deal. And likewise, I'll need your answer of the second deal, before we can move to the final deal." He added.

"A deal that will seal the fates of both of our predestined homes; the Celestial Plane and the Infernal Realms." He continued, his voice containing hints of smiles and flames of ambitions within.


And this had the duplicate silent in shock. Feeling the rising ambition within the Monitor of Fate's tone, it already came to a realization that there was no other way out of this situation.

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