Chapter Eight

The queen scowls, her blonde ringlets tumbling off her shoulders. She lifts her head as she pinches her nose in disgust.

"What in God's name have you been doing child? You smell like a barnyard!” she barks.

    I take a step towards her and watch in delight as she recoils from me.

    "This might be hard for you to understand, considering you are a queen who is sloven by nature, but I was helping your knights learn how to better their swordsmanship,” I inform her.

    "I do not care how you got the way you are, go and bathe. Lunch will be served soon, and if you are not clean, you will not eat. Your presence is already a nuisance. Do not make it more so,” she commands.

     I roll my eyes scowling at her.

    Placing a hand on her shoulder I shove her aside, watching as she stumbles.

    "Well then, if you will excuse me, I am going to bathe. You might want to consider it yourself, that perfume is putrid,” I remark.

    I briskly walk away, leaving the queen to stand there gawking.

    I pass a couple of maids on my way to my quarters and ask them to send someone to prepare a bath for me.

    Arriving in my room, I find several of them already filling a tub with warm water and scented oils. They certainly work fast. Turning to me, a maid with dark brown hair walks over and attempts to undress me. I swat her hands away, startled.

    "Everyone get out,” I command, causing some of the maids to jump in fright.

    "Your highness, we're only here to help." The maid with brown hair says to me tentatively.

    Looking her up and down I say with a snort, “I do not need your help to bathe, now if you would please, get out."

    At my words, the maids curtsy and leave the room.

    Stripping out of my clothes, I walk over to the large oak tub, placed in the center of the room. There are many rose petals floating in the light pink water.

    Slowly, I step in. I release a sigh of relief, allowing my body to relax into the warmth of the water. Grabbing a sponge that is sitting next to the tub, I begin to clean myself off, scrubbing until my skin turns a bright red. My mind races with a deep sense of irritation. Every time I find myself in the presence of the queen, nothing good comes of it. She is everything I despise about humans. Her judgment only paving the way for more hatred.

    Tossing the sponge aside, I climb out of the tub and dry myself off. I move to stand in front of my mirror, and begin to brush my hair, working to clear my face of emotion. I pull my hair into a high ponytail. Once I am finished, I go over to the tall wooden dresser seated next to my bed, pulling out a pair of brown leather pants and a black cotton drawstring shirt.

   Leaving, I notify the maids that I have finished, and to remove the tub from my room.

    I take my time walking to the dining hall. When I get there, I push the doors open talking a seat in my usual spot next to Geoffrey.

   "I see you have finally decided to join is. If I had to wait another moment, I would have had lunch served without you,” Evalene snaps at me from across the table.

    "If you would like, next time I will ignore your order and show up without bathing,” I respond annoyed.

    At this, the king laughs causing Evalene to scowl, "Gregory dear, you should stop feeding into this child’s misbehavior,” Evalene says frustrated.

    The king, who I now know as Gregory, narrows his eyes at Evalene.

    "I do believe that it is not up to you to choose how I treat the princess," he says in a strong voice.

    "If you continue to dismiss princess Eleonora's blatant disrespect for me, I fear that others may see this as an allowance to disrespect their queen,” Evalene defends.

     "Evalene, I believe you have deeply misunderstood Eleonora's behavior. She is simply expressing how comfortable she is around us. I think you should apologize for always trying to find fault with her," Gregory says to her, flashing me a wink.

    I smile to myself. The old man is covering for me, how unexpected. I am beginning to like him.

    Evalene sits there looking baffled, before giving a stiff smile. Turning to me with that smile plastered on her face, she forces out the words, "Princess Eleonora, I am so very sorry for my rude behavior, please forgive me.”

    "Can we please just continue with our meal?" I reply, dismissing her.

    Without further words, we all begin eating.

    Clearing my throat, I look up at the king, Gregory.

    "While I was looking for your training room today, I took note of all the artwork displayed in the castle. I must say, it is all quite beautiful,” I say.

    Gregory’s face lights up at the mention of the artwork.

    "Yes, I have been a collector for many years. My collection started small but soon it grew,” he explains excitedly.

    "I feel that the works of art make this castle seem more like a home, I enjoyed looking at them,” I say.

    "I am glad to hear it. Evalene has always hated the paintings, she says that in time they will be worth nothing,” he says.

     "I will have to disagree with your wife, I feel that in years to come to your castle, and the artwork it harbors will be revered,” I gush.

    Gregory smiles at me fondly, "I am so happy that someone shares my love for art."

    We go quiet again for a moment or two before Gregory speaks once more. "That reminds me, princess Eleonora-"

     "Please, just call me Nora," I say cutting him off.

     He smiles at me then continues, "Nora, I had forgotten to tell you, I have called my granddaughter Gwen to court. I assigned her to be your lady in waiting. Since there are few young women living in court, I thought you might enjoy the company,” he tells me.

    While I appreciate the old man's sentiment, I really wish he had not done this, I would have preferred to be with as little company as possible.

    "Thank you, Gregory. When is lady Gwen due to arrive?" I ask, trying to sound as grateful as possible. The old man is the only one who has made me feel comfortable while being here, the least I can do is give him my respect.

    "She should be arriving within the day; I have placed her in the bed-chamber next to you. When you are finished with your meal, she should be there waiting for you,” he lets me know.

    I quickly finish my meal, eager to meet my new lady in waiting.

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