Chapter Eighteen

    Before leaving the commander's home we take the time to clean up the house. I wrap his body in his bedsheets and place him in the front room where he can easily be found.

    "Daniel, when we get back to the castle, inform a trusted guard of the commander's death,” I say.

    "Yes, your highness," He replies quietly with a nod. Grabbing the commander's journal, we take our leave and head back into the city.

    We walk in silence, the knowledge of Gwen's guilt weighing heavy on my mind. I am dumbfounded; what could Gwen have against me and my horde? why is she trying to hide the past? What is she after? Her actions leave me feeling perplexed, because there are no known connections between her and my horde.

    I cannot stand to think of this any longer. I will stop her; I must stop her. I do not know if I can handle a repeat of the past, I refuse to lose those closest to me again. What she ha
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