Chapter Forty

  Sixten Poulsen? I have never heard of him before. How is it that he knows of me, but I have never heard of him?

    "It is quite rude to show up on someone else's lands unannounced. I find it hard to believe that you are only here so as to lay eyes on a beautiful woman. All dragons have beauty. Why waste time looking for one you have never seen?" I question.

    I do not find his story believable in the least. There is no way someone would come just to see me.

    "You have caught me," Sixten says with a crooked smirk, "I have been traveling all across the lands in search of my mate. When I heard the chieftain of the Perilous horde had a young and beautiful daughter, I was hoping to try my luck. Though it would seem to me that you, Princess, have no intention of allowing yourself to be courted. Which is quite a travesty, considering you are so beautiful," he says, his voice silvery, tossing in a sly wink at the
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